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Different worlds, not too different people

Posted on 15 Apr 2009 @ 8:27pm by

1,053 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M1: Prepare for Battle
Location: Tactical station, main bridge
Timeline: Before staff briefing

Silonez walked over to the tactical station a PADD with all the info on the two major Romulan ships, For a Klingon T'pal had a very Vulcan name. He clued in when he got closer to her, she had some vulcan features including the trademarked ears. He stopped and spoke "Lieutenant, I need your imput on this." as he passed her the PADD.

T'Pal glanced at the intel officer and took the padd from him. Her attention went to the padd and she read through what he had. "The Vrelnec and the Ayller.. good work," she said abcent- mindedly. "They are moving around too much to get a lock using the comm trial. Looks like the Ayller will attack first," she said. "They would probably go for the communications array very quickly."

"That was my first guess, secondary systems are never a target on the intial attack, they could also try to take out any of the fixed emplacements, the warbird will most likely lead the attack, without significant help from the inside they normally wouldn't have a chance." Silonez said, he paused and looked at the mysterious woman, ~never seen someone so exotic, and intreguing~.

"I have information from the station that a Romulan informant had warned their CDO that the Guardian platforms were sabotaged." She was quiet for a moment thinking about similar sabotage missions she had been part of. "If I wanted to take a station like this out or over, I would have either sent more ships or I would have sabotaged more than one defence system. I would have gone for the shields too, " she said and hoped she was wrong.

Tthat was my thinking too, but I would've done something more destructive than cause destractions, maybe even resort to full on terrorist tactics." Silonez added, "Disabling the defences would only be an option if I was going to board the station for a reason."

T'Pal nodded, liking his thinking. "Do they want the station, or do they want something on the station?" she asked a rhetorical question.. "We should inform the station to double check their shields," she said

"I'm not one hundred percent sure what this is about, a diplomatic contact I have said it was about some stolen artifacts, but who knows how accurate that is, my guess is its some kind of military posturing. we should inform the captain that their is potential for sabutage. My guess is that they'll focus their efforts on the shields, but i wouldn't rule out weapons or even something extreme like life support." Silonez suddenly got a chill down his spine, "Ever read about the Kitohmer Massacare?"

T'Pal snorted and and nodded, having a good idea where he was going with this.

"I've got a real bad feeling this could be a repeat perfomance. We need to keep an eye on transporter activity and take advantage of thier shields being down to launch a boarding action."

That caught her attention. "Risky and daring, but I doubt that they would expect that. They know that we will try to stay out of their disruptors.. They will not neccesarilty expect up to moce into transporter range. If they plan to board the station... there should be less resistance on the ship." Her mind went through a few options and then her face lit up slightly. "We can't launch torpedo's, but we can transport them, " she thought suddenly. "get them from the inside out....."

Silonez pondered the idea for a second. "One Tri-Cobalt device would reduce a warbird to a fire ball in seconds, but that requires some serious planning, and don't think that the Captain would want to do that. even a proximity detonation might have enough of an effect to disable them."

"True, and we don't have time to do that. another possibility is to deploy or transport the torpodo's as mines in the flight path of the ship if we can predict it accurately enough, " she asuggested.

"I read a report somewhere, about a starship transporting a time delayed torpedo, if we can set it for lets' say 15 seconds that would be enough too transport it inside a ship." Silonez said struggling to remember the reports details.

"I don't think the captain will like the transport idea, although, it will be the easiest to execute. THe shields will have to be down to transport...We can deploy the torpedo's manually, for that we need fast and acutrate flying..." she said thoiughtfully, not knowing teh crew yet, she was uncertain if the pilot could handle that in battle

"This class has no fighters so using the torpedoes as bombs is out of the question. although a shuttle might do, but we don't have the time to make a conversion. I wish we had more time to finnish the torpedo room, firing the torpedoes manually is going to be a challenge." Silonez said with some sense of disappointment.

"I will do some adjustment to them and deploy them directly. Instead of firing them, I will open the launch bays and simply release them," she said. "That will entail some accurate flying by our helmsman, but it can be done," she explained

Silonez had a thought based on an old idea "i was reading about earths' second world war, I remember reading about something called....a .....depth charge, what if we use the aft torpedo launcher to drop the torpedoes out the back of the ship like some kind of combination bomber and depth charge."

"That is what I was thinking. I only have to make minor adjustments to the torpedo's." T'Pal tapped her padd and fed data into the console. "We will present this strategy at the meeting," she said, indicating staff making their way to the briefing room. T'Pal was pleasantly surprised to work so well with the intelligence chief. It was not something she had expected. Surely he must at least suspect that she used to be an agent herself and usually she would be seen as a threat, but Silonez seemed undisturbed.

"Ok, I wanna run a quick simulation to make sure this idea works, so theres' no room for error." Silonez added, he was going to have to go over her file again, ~she knows her stuff~ he mentally noted.


Lt. Silonez Ericson

Lt. T'Pal


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