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VIP bartender.... yes, and XO in trouble ...again

Posted on 19 Jan 2010 @ 3:10pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,486 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M3: Shore Leave
Location: SB 47
Timeline: Current

Donovan had one little issue he needed to bring to his new Captain's attention and thought it best not to make too big a deal of it. In fact he didn't want to draw too much attention to it. They were the only two senior officers on the bridge and had been going through various diagnostics. "Captain, by the way, I had found us a very good barmaid," he said casually as they were going through dianostic results on the bridge.

The sudden change in subject from the conversation concerning the completion of various system repair schedules and the pending results of the diagnostic on the Ops control interface brought a slight smirk to his face. He had known a few 'barmaids' in his time. Without missing a beat he picked up right where Donovan left off. "Really. that's good. I trust you interviewed her extensively?"

Not glancing at D'anal but lowering his eyes in a moment of pause, he smiled. "I had indeed..." he said, leaving the implication open. "The variance is 0.18. It is still too large," he went on, adjusitng the parameters. "Damn," he swore under his breath, followed by a few unsavoury expressions. "Can you add the previous algorythm again? I adjusted it here," he said, as he checked the new readings as they came through. "She has experience," he added.

Jessica quietly rolled her eyes at the discussion and had rentered the algorythm at the XO's request. It would be nice to get things working again she thought. Maybe while they were her at the Station they would finally get a Department head too.

"You would think that the station's repair team would have caught that. I'l have to talk to Lt. Blaire had have her tell her peolpe to pay closer attention to their work before they claim to be finished. I hope the are paying closer attention to the more vital systems. So.." Da`nal stated obviously changing the subject. "Where did you find this 'bar maid' you want me to add to the crew?"

"Shit.... Frack! Damn!" Don suddenly cried as sparks flew frmm the interface he had connected to the side panle of teh console. He grabbed his right hand, holding it and thenm inspecting it grumbling. "Ouch," he said at long last, flexing his fingers.

Da`nal had shielded Logan just as the sparks flew. Afterward he turn to his grumbling XO. "Are you injured."

"I will live...but that cable is fried" he said annoyed. "It was more a shock than a burn," he commented and stepped to the console, giving t a good kick and watching Jessica pull the cable and fix the short. "I bumped into her on the way to the prominade... literaaly. We connected right away," he asnwered Da'nal's question.

"Commander.... I think you should have a look here," said the woman.

Don looked at the readings and his face went dead pan. "I don't believe it. The variance is within the set parameters," he said dryly.

"Well even if it is functioning properly I don't want exposed cabling shocking everyone that works at Ops. Logan see to it that it gets fixed"

"Yes, sir."

Glancing back to his XO. "Well Don if your not too injured why don't you take me to see this 'bar maid'"

He smiled and cocked his head to the side with a nod. "Of course," he grinned. "Computer, locate civilian Rhys," he instructed.

"Civilian Rhys is in The Grand Hotel, Room 247."

"Well then that is where we will go," Don said, supressing a smile at the rather fond memories he had of that very room. He indicated for the CO to lead the way into teh turbo lift to get to the teansporter room. Both men were quite happy to get a break from the intense reparations on the bridge, although both seemed to enjoy getting their hands dirty.

~Well this should be interesting.~ Da`nal thought as he stepped into the lift.

On the way, Don informed Rhys that the Captain and himself were on their way, so that they didn't barge in there unannounced. he had informed her that he would be speaking to Da'nal, but he did have manners.

"Almost done packing, be ready when you get here," Rhys had responded, not particularly caring that she sounded rather presumptuous.

As the channel closed Da`nal looked to his XO. "Packing? Let me guess you already told her she had the job?"

Don pursed his lips in a half smile. "I am not sure, I did that. maybe she is jsut confident about the impression she will make," he replied, wondering if she put him on the spot on purpose, which would not surprise him at all.

On reaching the room, Don pressed the chime, even if he had had the code to the room since they had met.

"Come in!" could be heard by a very distinct female voice.

Don smiled as the door opened and hung back for Da'nal to step in first. As the men entered, Don came from behind the Klingon, his charming smile widening. "Rhys, this is Captain Da'nal, CO of the Freedom, and Captain, Rhys, the lady I had spoken to you about," he said. He left out her surname as he left it to her to tell D'anal.

Da`nal extended a hand to her, "Nice to meet you, Miss Rhys." Glancing at her luggage, he decided to have a little fun and put his XO on the spot. "I see that you are packing. Our arrival isn't going to cause you any unnecessary delay, I hope."

"Oh, it shouldn't," Rhys said with a tight-lipped, knowing, teasing, and flirtatious smile, "And if it does, I will blame Don, not yourself, Captain," she added smoothly.

Don put on his *why not, blame me* face. "And I can always *cause* you to end up sharing quarters with 3 starry eyed cadets. Or worse, with me," he mock threatened.

"I thought that last was a given," Rhys asked with a brow raised, a teasing glint in her eyes.

"Yeah, that would save us space," Don commented dryly. "But there would be times when you would beg for the cadets," he teased back.

"Hmm, no, not the cadets, but my own space, definitely," Rhys responded, completely serious, and then looked at the captain and said sweetly with a polite little smile, "That is, if you don't mind having an Admiral's daughter as your bartender, Captain."

Don simply looked at D'anal. "She is *the* Admiral Claymore's daugter," he said, wondering what his CO's reaction would be at the mention of the infamous and legendary Admiral. And of coure, he was only one of the Joint Chiefs, representing Starfleet to the Federation president.

He grinned at the prospect of a challenge, "I think I can handle the Admiral should there be any objections. However as we don't really have a bar that all a mute point now isn't it." He paused a moment as the two looked at each other Donovan was clearly in the proverbial dog house now....good. He had been contemplating the alteration of his ship. It had diplomatic facilities and holodeck but no place for the crew to collectively unwind. Thing had fallen into place nicely; they ship was under repair so they had the tim and manpower, and the person to help operate the facility had presented herself.

Turning to Donovan, "Commander have the space across form the mess hall converted mirror the layout to the mess hall. The avaliale view ports don't extend the full length but the bar itself can occupy that space. I trust you have no objection to designing your own area Miss Rhys?"

"None whatsoever," Rhys said, her green eyes gleaming.

"Good, report to Mr. Aki. He is our chef and morale officer. Draw up a floor plan and submit it to me with a list of names for your 'establishment and we'll get things up and running. Once I like what I see we can add it to Mr. Flaherty's list, after the primary repairs are complete."

"Will do, Captain," Rhys said with flirtatious and teasing respect in her tone.

"Oh...welcome aboard."

"Thanks," was Rhys' only reply and it was flavored with a twinkle in her eyes and a half-smirk, half-smile. This would definitely be interesting.

"Well Commander, I will leave you to help the young lady pack. And Commander..."

'I knew there was a catch, you letting me take a break from the bridge," Don said dryly. He felt rather pleased that Da'nal was amicable to let Rhys join them.

While he saw the benefit to crew morale, offering position, especially nonexistant positions wasn't a good thing. "Come see me when you get her settled in."

"Will do, Captain," Don smiled. He'd help Rhys pack anytime...


Capt. Da`nal

Lt Cmdr Don Killian

Rhys Claymore
Civilian Bartender


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