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Just talking

Posted on 20 Jan 2010 @ 2:01pm by

1,415 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Sick bay and mess hall
Timeline: Back post

Cas was sitting in her office and was catching upon some paperwork. When a young officer came in.

Jonathan sauntered into the sickbay, looking around it as if he had seen it for the first time. To the annoyance of a nurse who didn';t recognize him as the XO, he piched up some instrument and played with it. When it looked as if she was going to call out, he placed it back. Of course he didn'e have a uniform on, but a jean and T-shirt, she couldn't have known. When he spotted the CMO's office he walked over there and leaned against the door frame, waiting a bot before he knocked. A small mirk was plastered on his face. "Hi Doc, I need a check up," he said when she noticed him.

"Hello and you are?" She said with a smirk

"Does it matter?" he quipped immediately.

"Yes it does... i like to know who I'm treating." She laughed.

He smiled and strectched his hand out to greet her. "Your new boss.. Donovan Killian," he said the smirk returning.

"Pleased to meet you sir. take a seat on the bio-bed please?" She said grabbing tri-corder thinking he was cute.

"'Pleased to meet you too Doc," he responded , flashing her a grin. He got up and hopped onto the biobed nearby. "Do your thing," he said, knowing he was in perfect health, except for bruise on his side, a left over from a fight he had. The rib was cracked, and after treatment it was only sensitive.

She smiled as she took a complete scan noticing a bruise on his side. "Now care to explain the bruising on your side?"

"Someone hit me, I hit them back, his friend came, slammed me into a table and I ended up in the brig," he explained casually.

"Jonathan, it could have been far worse." Cas said with a sigh.

"If your rib had broken it could've punched your lung." she said bluntly.

"Right..." he mused. 'Been there, done that..."

"I see... Jonathan is something else bothering you?"

"Nope," he said shaking his head. 'I am fine..." he added. "Why do you ask?"

"I was wondering,. you seem like you have weight of the world on your shoulders. I'm here to listen." She smiled at him

The one corner of his mouth lifted. "XO....that says it all doesn;t it," he said with some irony.

"Not what I mean..." she stated.

"So what *Do* you mean," he asked curiously. He saw himself as rather shallow and straight forward, so he wondered what the Doc was getting at..

"I sense something deeper, but if you don't wanna talk I'm here for you anyway."

Jon frowned and pulled his mouth in thought. "Doc. there is nothing down there ... deep... you know," he said. "Really...."

"But just want you to know I'm here if you want to talk,". she said as she used the dermal regenerator on the bruise and smiled "How about a tour of the ship?"

"Sure," he said getting up. "That is sweet of you," he said.. "I guess you need to get out of sickbay every once in a while," he commented.

With that she put down her medical equipment down "How's you side feeling? she asked with a smile.

He stretched a bit and grinned. "As good as new," he said. "So where are we going first?"

"Mess hall, after you," she said with a giggle.

Jon laughed. "You are supposed give *me* the tour, not the other way around, Doctor," he said a stepped back, letting her take the lead.

"I have not eaten, yet so you hungry?"

"Starving." he answered as they stepped into the turbo lift. "Mess hall," he said and felt the lift zoom to the appropriate deck. "It seems we are here. Which way?" he asked when they got out,.

She burst out laughing as they walked in. "So tell me about yourself," she asked.

"There isn't much to tell," he chuckled. "I am a regular guy, I like to eat and play deangerous games," he explained.

"Wow, the kind of guy I like, rough and ready."

Don chuckled at her statement. "Why? Do you also like extreme sport?" he asked looking around the people in the mess hall.

"Yeah, I haven't done any since I came aboard". she said smiling.

"What do you like?" he asked interested.

"Rock climbing, without the ropes but like I said its been a while."

Don nodded and smiled as they sat down. "Have you heard of the S'hardak Heights?" he asked.

"No," she answered. "Where are they?"

"On Vulcan. Enthusiasts come form all over the quadrant to climb them. They are quite famous for the challenges they provide and of course the view from the top is awesome," he told her. "I had the priviledge of going there on a few shore leaves," he said

"Wow," she said. She looked at Don, feeling warmth come from him.

Don was indeed very enthusiastic about rock climbing and had been to Adar, the m'Tugh on Qo'noS, and several other prime climbing spots, that was if he wasn't competing in dressage. "So tell me about yourself?" he asked.

Casiday looked at him and held his gaze. He was ruggishly handsome.

Donovan stared right back, waiting for her response to his question, a small smile in his lips.

"Well I'm part betazoid, a Starfleet brat and like mountain biking and rock climbing," she responded.

"Are you more empathic then, or do you have some telepathic abilities too?" He asked curiously, knowing that part Betazoids were mostly more empathic.

"Well bieng part El-Alruain makes more more empathic." she said with a half smile.

"Ok, so you can sense that I am an emotional blank," he chuckled. He saw himself as shallow and never thought too long and too hard about things, unless it was work related. Don was far more the doer than the thinker ... or feeler for that matter.

"I can tell that you burry you emotions deep. You are all work and no play." she sighed

"I don't think I *have* any of those deep emotions, Doctor," Don replied sincerly. "I just live and believe me, I do play," he said thinking of some *play* he had recently.

Cas blushed red and did hide her feelings.

Her scarlet face gave her away though. "I am sorry, Doctor, I didn't mean to embarrass you. I am such a pig," he said ruefully.

"No you are not."

"Believe me I am," he said. "But I did make you uncomfortable," he added.

"Your caught me off Gaurd thats all."

'I see, I tend to do that," he smiled. "I promise I will try to behave in future," he said

"Its okay... I am sorry just been dealing with some issues."

Don gave her a crooked smile. "It is okay, we all deal with stuff," he said warmly. "Anything you want to talk about?"

"Nothing much." she sighed. "My mother was murdered."

Don lifted his eyebrows in surprise. "I am sorry to hear that. When did that happen?" he asked.

"No I dont know myself." She stared out of the window.

"What? You don't know? Was there not a case opened?" he asked in disbelief.

"Yes but the are still investigating. My sister Mac told me."

"So it happened recently?' he asked

"Four days ago," she said as tears filled her eyes

"Sorry," he said placing his hand on her arm. "I am so insensitive, I was just a bit shocked. Don't you need shore leave to go and be with your family?" he asked.

"Nope, I'd rather be busy... To be honest I dont get on with my dad have spoken to him since i joined Star fleet."

"What about your sister? Don't you want to be with her?" he asked slightly confused.

"She is on assignment. but I need to go and tell Tigger my other sister."

"Well then why are you atill here?" he asked, thinking about how relaxed she seemed earlier.

"She is near the neutral zone with the USS Endeavor," she sighed "Excuse me, Sir. "With that she stood and slowly made her way out of the mess hall.

Don stared after her, now even more confused and shook his head slowly. He justs hoped she would get hold of Tigger quickly. And that they owuld find whoever committed the murder.


Lt Cmdr Don Killian

Lt JG Casiday Taylor
Medical Officer


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