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Over my dead Matrix

Posted on 06 Nov 2009 @ 12:41pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

604 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Back post to before deception part 1

Petty officer Nelson took the ordeers and head off to bring the other invovled department up to speed. Right noe Flaherty and Silonez had the biggest tasks to handle, but he knew that Dr, Hemmingway wasn't going to be at all happy....what doctor would.

Things were still being put back to gether when he entered but for the most part sick bay looked a lot better thatn the rest of the ship. The EMH was finishing up as a Petty Oficer enter the sick bay
"Excuse me, Doc but I have some instructions from the Captain."

The EMH nodded and continued to work, "The CMO is out with one of the medical teams. What are the Captains orders and I will see that they are implimented."

"Well looks like we are going to fake the Freedoms destruction in order to thought the Romulans off our trail. As a part of the plan he wants the bodies of all our dead ready to be beamed out to be included in a debris field we'll be creating."

"The EMH stopped abruptly and turned to the hapless Yeoman. "I can be serious! That is a violation of medical ethics not to mention a violation of the Families rights, racial burial customs...the list could go on and on!"

Nelson just handed the hologram the PADD. "Hey don't shoot the messenger. If you or anyone else has an issue that it up with him."

"OHhhh, I intend to..." Lifting his head slightly. Sickbay to bridge."

Da`nal's head turned slightly. ~Well that didn't take long.~ He knew that there would be abjections from that medical staff, but he had expected the CMO to be doing the barking and not the EMH. "Go ahead Doctor. What can I do for you?"

"The orders...."

"I have anticipated your objections, but the order stands. If all goes well our co-conspiritaors will recover the bodies for us and we can have them back on board once we reach Romulus."

"Captain this is unethical...."

"Doctor!" Da`nal belted out over the comm. "The more convincing our deception the better chance we have of survival and the few bodies you will have to look after. If you feel necessary, file a greivance when we get back to Federation space. Until then you will carry out my instructions! "

The EMH took a stern expression. "Aye Aye. sir."

The EMH downloaded the padd to the memory of his holomatrix and gruffly handed it back to the Petty Officer. Without speaking to anyone in particular he added, "you can count on that greivance being filed...and I'm sure the CMO will have her two cents to add as well. He then began to access the morge records so prepare the bodies for transport.

Cas very slowly stood up and walked over to Dr. EMH and asked “What was going?†she still felt out of sync with the crew.

"Our illustrious Captain has ordered us to jettison the bobies of the crew members that have died. Wait...what are you doing out of bed?"

Quickly accessing her medical files he decided that getting up and around might actually do her some good. "Never mind, I could use som assistance. Have the bodies removed from storage and staged for transport."

She nodded then moved to help the EMH, she then looked at the dead boys being prepared for this part of the Commander’s plan. She quietly paid her respects to each of the fallen as she helped the EMH.


PO Nelson - Da`nal's Yeoman
EMH both NPC'd by Chris

Ltjg Casiday Taylor


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