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Lab Report

Posted on 29 Jun 2009 @ 3:36am by

213 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations


Initial examination of the evidence suggested that samples gathered at the time the subject was apprehended were tampered with, the anomaly having been discovered while attempting to find a match for an unexpected DNA trace found on the weapon.

The trace appeared to be a remnant most of which was Most of this was erased when the weapon, a Klingon blade known as a mevak was used being obscured by blood both from the Klingon female and the Romulan male assassin.

Having attempted to reconstruct the sequence in which they were deposited the first appears to have been applied some considerable time before the weapon was used – my conclusion given the options available is that the trace sample comes from dried spit.

I would suggest that the evidence and analysis is provided to an appropriate cultural expert who might be able to determine the symbolic significance of this action, if any, with the object to further determining the motive for this attack.

A fresh sample obtained from the Romulan prisoner clearly matches with the third individual (see sample B724 – identifying points are highlighted in the diagram) providing a clear link between the assassination attempt on Deep Space Five and the prisoner.


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