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Tightening the net

Posted on 29 Jun 2009 @ 5:29pm by

936 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Operations
Timeline: Current


T'Pal needed to put the next part of her plan in action. At this point neither Nniol or the intruder was aware that she even had an inkling, and later she planned to get the name. But she won't even consider relying on only one way to pull the net closer. She had already instructed her security staff to go through the crew manifest and focus on a particular individual. Slowly but steadily, more and more things were beginning to come to light.

Her next stop was the operations chief. She had often had to rely on people she didn't know and disliked it, but her Klingon gut had started to focus in a certain direction and her logic told her that the statistical chance of a Starfleet officer turning rogue was negligible in this case. Still she had gone through Cranz' file with a tooth comb and no significant red flags were raised.

As she walked into operations she spotted the chief. "Lieutenant Cranz, may I have a moment... in private?"

Saraya turned and noticed a woman that appeared at least part Klingon come in and address her. Noticing her rank, Cranz smiled cautiously, as it was her nature.

"Yes...absolutely, how may I help you, Lieutenant?" she offered.

Personally T'pal wasn't bothered about pleasantries, a face on a crew manifest was enough for her, but she knew that most other races, including humans felt more comfortable if they were introduced properly. "I am Lieutenant T'Pal, Chief of Security," she said to her. "There is an urgent matter I need your assistance in," she said, looking around. "Do you an office?"

Saraya could tell that something was amiss. Not knowing this woman, she was good at picking up on vibs of an individual, a kind of sixth sense that most Trill possessed. "Yes, this way."

Though she spent most of her time on the bridge, she led the woman to a back office that overlooked most of the operations department. The glass doors swooshed open and closed behind them and Saraya turned to T'Pal.

"What's the problem, Lieutenant?" Saraya asked in a more formal tone.

"I have reason to believe that we have an intruder on board, someone who will assist Nniol to escape once we cross the Romulan border. That person will try to communicate with him in the brig or have so already. I am asking you to look for anything coming from his cell that would constitute communication.

Saraya walked over to her desk and turned her monitor towards the two. "I'll be on the bridge shortly..." she said as she punched in commands, "but I've alerted my comm badge to monitor any type of remote transmissions incoming or outgoing to that location of the brig as well as any and all foot traffic to and from his immediate location. If there is any suspicious activity, I'll be alerted via my badge." She said, then Saraya turned towards T'Pal.

"Keep in mind that this will only monitor any suspicious activity, unauthorized communications or personnel within the containment area. Any authorized personnel that may have access to that area will not be an immediate cause for suspicion in and of itself. It is still possible to receive certain encrypted codes during a routine transmission as well, if the computer doesn't detect them...however, it would still be difficult for Nniol to be receive them unless delivered by an individual. In this case, anyone that comes remotely close to his cell, authorized or not will immediately alert me...even you Lieutenant..." Saraya assured.

T'Pal nodded impressed. It was what she needed. "I had changed the protocols on the force field deactivation procedures. Only the Captain and myself can deactivate the force field, remotely or manually. I had also deactivated the manual override. My personnel has been advised. So if anyone even touches that panel, it is unauthorized," she said.


"Can you check to see if there had been communication with him since he had been on board?"

Saraya checked her data base, but saw nothing suspicious, "No, so far the coast looks clear, Lieutenant ...but that doesn't mean something hasn't occurred. It just means we haven't detected it...We know that the Romulans are quite at home and very capable concerning covert activity...almost admiringly so." Saraya warned.

T'Pal suppressed a smirk. There was not much anyone could tell her about covert activities, especially not where the Romulans were concerned. "You are right Lieutenant, you wouldn't find anything with a usual scan, Lieutenant. I would appreciate it if you would look at again... take your time. When you find anything, even something that might look like glitch, let me know immediately, but take no action and keep this to yourself."

"Your secret is safe with me Lt..." Saraya assured.
"I'll narrow my search to any unusual bio signs and possible temporary nano-implants and such, though this could take awhile...Give me a couple of hours. I'll inform you of anything strange that I may find." she said.

"Will their be anything else, Lieutenant?" Cranz asked.

"No, not right now and thank you for your cooperation," T'Pal said. ""I will let you know if there is anything else," she said and with a nod, turned and left for security.

Saraya inputted the search commands and configured her comm badge to alert her on any findings throughout the procedure while on the bridge. She then turned and stood, straightened her tunic and left for the bridge.


Lieutenant Saraya Cranz
Chief of Operations
USS Freedom


Lieutenant T'Pal
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Freedom


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