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New Beginnings

Posted on 03 May 2024 @ 1:30pm by Ensign Samantha (Sam) Emerson

647 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M-18 The Past is Future
Location: Deck 4 - Quarters
Timeline: After DS3 Departure

Ensign Samantha Emerson had just made it aboard the Phoenix before it departed from DS3. Unfortunately the USS Endeavor had some engine problems causing it to run late for her transfer but she had made it at the eleventh hour.

Sitting on the couch in her new quarters with a water in hand Sam, which she preferred to go by, could finally relax a little and catch her breath. She still had to get her new home settled but that could wait until tomorrow considering the lateness of the day.

Sam was very happy to finally be off the Endeavor. The CMO there, a Lieutenant Commander Burke, had to be hands down one of the biggest asses she had ever had the misfortune to work for. All he seemed to care about was his precious career and didn’t seem to care who he stepped on to maintain his good standing with their captain. Sam had been put on report a few times for firing back at this guy when he treated her like a third class citizen.

Now, all that was behind her as Sam looked forward to the days ahead; especially considering this ship didn’t have a CMO and medical was run by an EMH and the head nurse. This was her kind of department.

Sam woke the next morning after a very good nights sleep; the trip here had been quite exhausting not to mention the stress from not knowing if she would make her transfer in time. After her shower Sam walked over to the replicator “Computer coffee, hot, one cream, and two sugars” came the request. Moments later she grabbed her morning brew sipping carefully “Say that’s pretty good coffee considering it’s come from a replicator” she thought to herself.

Walking over to the couch she took another sip of coffee before setting it on the table “I guess I’d better get at it” she commented as she opened up the crate with the rest of her personal effects. Since she had put the items away in her duffel last night she decided to start with her uniforms and what civilian attire she owned. Grabbing them she made a few trips to her closet in the bedroom area and put things neatly away. Lastly Sam grabbed to two duffels located at the bottom of the crate. One had all her climbing gear which she put on the floor in her closet and the second had a few momentous she had collected. Among them were her medical books, which she put on her bookcase as well as a holo-photo of her parents and younger brother. The last two items were her prize possessions; a twentieth century stethoscope and a blood pressure measuring device which her father had so graciously given to her upon graduation from the Academy. These antiques meant a lot to her since they were very old and the fact that her father had given them to her.

When everything was all set Sam enjoyed a light breakfast before dressing for the day in a crisp clean uniform. Standing in front of the mirror Sam brushed out her semi long blonde hair and put it up, as was her custom, and added a tiny bit of perfume. Lastly she checked her uniform top to make sure all the insignias were in their proper locations; first impressions were important especially on your first day.

Satisfied with her appearance, Sam walked to her desk, grabbed her padd and placed it in her left thigh pocket for both guidance around the ship and also all her medical/administrative files were included.

Walking out the door Sam headed for the nearest lift “Deck seven, primary sick bay” came the request as she headed for her new beginnings aboard the USS Phoenix.


Ensign Samantha Emerson (NPC by Rhineholt)
Nurse/Medical Yeoman


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