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A Cry in the dark

Posted on 13 Dec 2019 @ 4:31am by Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya

996 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M-17: Blood Moon Rising
Location: Outside Teralis space

[Tarelis system]

An aid entered the chambers and placed the report before the council member and stepped back, expecting the usual chastisement.

“What are you bothering me with now?!”

“Councilor, a distress call was received by a transport near our borders. The transport was due to arrive here 4 days ago.”

“With goods?” Her greed showing.

“No ma’am, prisoners for processing before transfer the prison.”

Wiping the report off of her desk with an angry swipe of her arm; “What do I care about one transport of prisoners that won’t make any significant impact anyway!”

“Councilor; they are a major client, have never been late in payment, and they did requested that we look into the matter.”

Turning from her entertainment with a huff, “Do not bother me with trifles! If they can’t check up on their own people see if our new benefactors will look into it. Those Federation people seem to like sticking their noses into the affairs of others…let them waste their time.”

[6 days Earlier]

The prison transport Nhialic

The command crew sat on the bridge looking out the main view post at the remains of a ship. “What do you make of it?”

“No signs of weapons, I’d say it got caught in that plasma storm that we let pass and broke up.”

“Poor bastards…any life signs?”

“Not a one sir, but…”

The Captain looked over to his mate, “But what?”

Pointing to a section of the display. “This larger section appears to house their engineering section and still has atmosphere. Scans show enough resources aboard to keep us supplied for three maybe 4 runs.”

“And that would not only put back in the black but put a nice bonus in everyone’s pocket.” Looking at his crew he went from face to face and could see their desires. Opportunities like this were rare and not likely to come again and he nodded.

“This will put us behind getting home. The only way to make up that time is to skip the usual recreation on Tarelis 3.”

There was a chorus of acknowledgements of understanding several comments of how that would save them even more money, but there were no objections. “Alright then…pick it clean.”

The initial search of the ship they had found was gruesome, with blood or part of bodies everywhere. They had brought some of the remains back to try and figure out what had happened, but before they could even consider returning for the ships resources their people began to transform in to horrifically deformed creatures that began rampaging through the ship hunting down anyone it could find.

[18 hours later]

Terrified and in an act of desperation Fortran, normally braggart, tossed several grenades at several creatures. While it blew them apart it only slowed them down and made matters worse. The explosions began a cascade of overloads and malfunctions across the ship. Fortran wounded by his own stupidity, tried to crawl away as the chased after him eventually swarming him. His face distorted in agony as they wrapped him up and tore into his body

[And then there were two…]

Enzih helped Hosen as the pair scrambled down the corridor. Power was failing throughout the ship and the light flickered on and off and they tried to reach the launch bay.

Hosen tripped sending both of them to the floor. Enzil brushed her hair from her face and rushed to her feet, they could hear the guttural growl screams of the things that were looking for them. Reaching for Hosen he was grabbing his leg, the muscles in his jaw clinched and him mouth distorted from trying to keep from crying out. He could feel that something was terribly wrong and tried to push Enzih away.

Grabbing him under the shoulders she somehow found the strength to haul him to his feet and he put an arm across her shoulder and they began to move once again. They hadn’t taken but a handful of steps when a shrieking screen echoed through the corridors that stopped them cold. That scream was followed by an ungodly roar and the screaming ended sharply.

Looking back down the corridor a shape could be seen in the dimming and flickers lights. “COME ON”, she shouted as they rushed headlong towards the bay. Making it into the bay she leaned Hosen against a crate and rushed to seal the bay door, closing them just in time.

It began beating itself against the bulkhead doors and while Enzih had jumped at first, its failure let her relax for the first time since this nightmare began. While it continued to growl, roar, beat on the other side o f the doors Enzih looked towards the small shuttle pod.

Enzih letting out a breath of relief was the last thing Hosen saw as he shouted in pain, falling to his knees. He began gasping for breath he began choking spitting up blood.

Enzih began shaking her head weeping as tears began streaming down her cheeks. Slow backing away whimpering, Noo nooo.”

Thrashing about Hosen reared back on his knees clawing at his chest as black blood sprayed from his mouth as he thrashed about. She continued to back away, crying even harder, as what had been Hosen crawled it’s way towards her. Kicking a piece of debris she picked it up as it roared at her again. Swinging the conduit she hit it in the head. Crying “NOoo” with each swing she hit it over and over again until its head was hanging and the body stopped moving.

Dropping the conduit it’s rattling echoed in the bay as she collapsed in tears, her face in her hands. A few moments later the sounds of flesh moving caused her to drop her hands slowly from her wide tears stained eyes. The lighting failed and her scream was cut short, swallowed by the darkness and the creature that had enveloped her face.


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