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Posted on 13 Dec 2019 @ 4:18am by Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya & Civilian Robert William, MD

872 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M-17: Blood Moon Rising
Location: Deep Space 5
Timeline: MD 1 - 1200 (concurant with Training Day)

Having left the promenade and his new Security Chief Rico grabbed the nearest lift and headed to the Deep Space Five's main medical facility. The trip up the 90 or so decks was a quicker trip than going to and from his guest quarters and the promenade but he had gotten used to it.

Stepping in to massive facility he never failed to be impress. Even with the Phoenix's being state of the art it couldn't hold a candle to the wide array of resources at the stations disposal, but there was only so much you could cram into a starship.

His thoughts were interrupted by a nurse that had just wrapped up with a young boys broken arm and turned her attentions to him. "Can I help you Captain?"

Turning his head slightly he smiled, the boy's departure drawing his attention for a moment and he tipped his head in the boy's direction. "Let me guess parrises squares?"

She chuckled and nodded, "Isn't it always. What can I do for you sir."

"I am just looking for Dr. Williams. I'm..."

Realization flashed across her face. "So you're the one? Stealing his away from us again Captain?"

"Seems he has been telling stories. Nothing too damning I hope."

She laughed. "Not to worry, his bark is exceedingly worse than his bite. He was in surgery, but should be out by now. Right this way.

He followed her deeper into the medical facility, passing several surgical bays before the area and opened up into a central monitoring area. Seated at a terminal was Dr. Williams working on updating his patients medical records. She said nothing, but gestured towards the doctor as Rico moved closer.

She left the pair but looked back and gave the Captain a glance up and down.

Williams had looked up in time to see Nurse Deming's glance back and shook his head. "Nurses..."

Leaning back in the chair, still dressed in his surgical cover alls he looked up at the familiar officer. "Didn't think I'd be seeing you again Captain."

"That makes two of us. However, my..."

Cutting of officers was a habit he had, espectially when they came hat in hand. "Let me guess you need a Chief Medical Officer? "

Letting the Doctor having his fun while on his turf he ignored being cut off and replied. "Yes. I won't bother you with the details but the officer that had been assigned had an emergency arise and can't report. That said, I can't ship out without one and have no intention of relying on the CMH until we return to port."

Sitting on the edge of the desk he crossed his arms. "I'm here to officiall offer you the position. Not temporary or acting postion like last time but a perminate assignment."

"And why would I want to leave here," spreading his arms wide, "I have the full resourses of this station at my disposal."

Rico wasn't going to play his game and raised a brow. "Well you if you wanna stay here with the routine, everyday tasks of station medicine. Where you have every resource, where you don't have to think, and where don't can't call the shots...fine. Oh how is Commander Telamon by the way? Must be hard having to work beneath someone younger and with less experience than yourself. Perhaps if you weren't such an ass you might be running this place...or at least thats the rumor."

Robert shot from his seat and fired right back. "Listen here; Captain. The ONLY reason I'm not 'calling the shots' is because I'm not wearing that uniform and because I don't kiss ass. I'm not politically correct and I don't tolerate those that are. I call things as I see them and when pushed...I push back. I..."

Cutting off the mans rant the corner of Rico's mouth curled. "Good. I don't want a chief medical officer that doesn't tell it like it is, so long as you have facts to back you up. As for your lack of uniform; I would think being offered a CMO's posting would resolve that problem. So are you going to accept my offer or not?"

Robert, still fuming, took a deep breath as he crossed his arms. "You purposely pushed my buttons just to get a rise out of me?"

"Yes I did. I reviewed your record. The one thing missing from an otherwise excellent career was a command posting. You neve seemed to get higher than assistant chief of...whatever. So you either don't want the job and sabotage things to ensure that or those above you are getting rubbed the wrong way.

"Personally, I don't care which it is. I need a Chief Medical Officer. For whatever reason Starfleet had been unable to send me one, and I have my suspicions as to why. The question remain. Do you want the job?"

Robert stood there looking the Captain in the eye as he took a couple of breathes. Then reaching out he took the Captain's hand shaking it firmly. "I'll take it. Just promise me we won't get stuck doing a bunch of milk runs."

Captain Ricardo Montoya

Robert William, MD


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