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Posted on 10 Jun 2009 @ 4:05pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

483 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: USS Freedom / DS5
Timeline: Day 3 - 1430


Vincent walked into main communications more calmly this time. Unlike his previous visit, he actually had a legitimate reason for coming here. Smiling at one of the operators he introduced himself. "Hi, I'm Vincent Tan, the new Chief of Strategic Operations. Could you open a private channel to the USS Freedom so I can have a chat with my predecessor, Commander Da'nal?"

The blond looked at him with some skepticism but he flashed her that smile of his and she relented. "You can use that room over there if you want more privacy. I'll patch you through."

"Thank you," Vincent said, leaving the slightly confused yet happy blond. He entered the room and waited for his call to be answered.

Da`nal had left the observation room and was crossing the bridge to the ready room when the cll came in. "Sir there is a hail coming in from the station addressed to you."

"Very well, I'll take it in my Ready Room."

"Aye sir."

After entering the Ready Room and moving around to take a seat he activated the terminal and opened the channel. "Yes Lieutenant, what can I do for you?"

"Qapla' batlh je to you Commander Da'nal!" Vincent said by way of greeting. "May your enemies run from the USS Freedom in fear.

"I'm afraid that's all the Klingon I know, commander. My name is Vincent Tan. I am the new Assistant Chief Strategic Operations officer," he explained. "I would just like to have a quick word with you regarding the job and the status of the department. You could call it a handover of sorts..."

Da`nal grinned a bit at the greeting. "Well your klingon isn't that bad. As far as the Stategic Ops Department...I didn't have the post very long, but any questions you have I will be glad to answer."

"Commander, I would like to know more about the department - the workings, the equipment and most importantly the staff."

"Lt. Bennett would be the person to contact. She was there before I arrived and would be able to help you."

"I have already talked to her," Vincent replied. "She seems a competent and trustworthy officer. But what about the rest of the department and Deep Space 5? I understand you've served there for a few months?"

Laughing heartedly, "....Months? oh no Lieutenant. I arrived a few days before I was to report, by that afternoon I was leading what ships we could muster against the Romulans. Hell I never even had a chance to get to sickbay for my physical. You should direct you questions to Lt. Bennet, as it stand she knows more about the station than I do." At that moment the chime to the Ready Room sounded. "If you'll excuse me Lieutenant...duty call."


Commander Da`nal
Commanding Officer
USS Freedom

Lieutenant JG Vincent Tann
Chief Operations Officer
Deep Space 5


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