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Stir crazy

Posted on 13 Nov 2019 @ 8:27pm by Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya & Lieutenant Heather Fischer-Montoya

606 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M-16 Rebirth
Location: Deep Space 5

Rico had just returned from the gym and placed his staff in the corner before heading in the bedroom to take a shower. Not seeing Heather he figured she was probably out shopping or just girls daying it with who knows who. Commander Soran had been grateful, for the dilithium that was now flowing through DS5 and out to the rest of the Federation. The current supplies coming in was raw and unrefined, but that would change as soon as the new mining facilities were up and running. Apparently she had been able to us the new supplies to undermine certain players on the station so he and his senior staff had been assigned VIP guest quarters on the station and the rest of the crew rotated through similar accommodations as their turn for leave came around.

His shower complete he padded across the room and dressed in slacks and a black polo. Once dress he ordered a water from the replicator before taking a seat at the desk to check on the status us the ships repairs. To his great satisfaction the repairs were complete and the Phoenix was being moved from the yard to a regular docking berth. It was a good thing too...he was getting edgy and Heather had had to call him on his moodiness more than once.

"Computer, open a channel to Captain Harrison on the USS Marathon."

"Stand by." After a short pause the monitor came to life with a familiar face of his old Academy classmate.

"Well well. I hope you are calling with some good news."

"What's the matter James, doing some real work instead of all those milk runs getting to you?"

"You know me Rico, I like my comfort. Beside living out here on the edge of civilization is for you adventurous types. So what's the word?"

"Repairs are done, though I wanna give some of my junior officer and newer crew some training time as well to put the repairs to the test."

His friend shook his head with a smile. "Anything to stretch out your shore leave...I see how you are."

"Now would I do that?"

"Yea you would...don't you remember Aspen?"

Rico laughed at the memory. "Hey, now I was only following doctors orders, I did have the Academy Marathon coming up."

"Ohhhhh I keep forgetting, she needed to keep you there for therapy."

"Tell you what I will see if I can find a bottle of that scotch you like. That make it all better?"

"Make it two I got a box of cigars you can add to your collection."

Rico cast a glance to his humidor cabinet. "Two it is. See ya as soon as we get out there."

After closing the channel he sat back formulated his instructions. "Computer, prepare a message to be sent to Lieutenant Commanders Th'raran and Kreval.

"Commanders, Sorry to interrupt your leave but we need to get the ship and crew ready for departure. The repairs to the Phoenix have been completed and before we resume our duties I want to run some training for the newest and junior members of the crew. You are to take the ship out and put the repairs to the test and the new and junior officers and crewmembers through thier paces."

He scanned the message and not seeing any need for any additions he had the message transmitted.

Turning from the monitor he moved to rise only to see Heather leaning against the door frame.

"Sooo...just what happened in Aspen?"

Captain Ricardo Montoya

Lieutenant Heather Fischer-Montoya
NPC - Operations Officer


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