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Ground Rules

Posted on 15 Jun 2016 @ 1:37am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Commander Samuel Killpatrick

1,736 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: M13-C: Shattered Time
Location: Ready Room

Da`nal left the observation lounge and head to his ready room. Entering the bridge he turned to allow the AI to enter first he looked and she was nowhere in sight. Growling under his breath he moved quickly to the entrance to his office. Upon entering the office he saw their guest waiting for him.

"You said your name was Karina, yes?"

Smiling as she nodded, he hands clasped in front of her. "That's right..."

Cutting her off from whatever else she intended to say. "Well Karina. You may have had the run of your vessel, but here..."

"I don't. I understand..." And seeing his expression, " apologies. I won't interrupt or complete your sentences for you either."

Moving to his desk and out of habit he motioned for her to sit. "Thank you. Now while there are several questions for you Those will wait until Commander Killpatrick arrives. I don't want to wait time by having you repeat yourself needlessly."

"I appreciate that. I also would like to apologize again for infiltrating your ship like I did but I had to know who you were."

Da`nal nodded. "You understand a Captain's pride and your actions are understandable given the situation. However from now on I need you to stay out of our computer systems and to purge any data from our computers from your systems."

"Commodore, as I mentioned your technology is considerably behind mine."

Raising a hand to stop her Da`nal made his position clear. "For that I have only your word. Duty will not allow you or anyone unauthorized access or to retain that data in the case of a breach. As you have already breached our systems I need to ensure that that data is recovered. By any means necessary."

She could tell he was serious even without the data from his bio-signs. "I may have no first hand experience with your version of your species but I will honor your request as I want no ill will between us."

"Thank you." Her earlier statement peaked his curiosity, "What did you mean by our version of my species?"

"Things as different in my reality than yours. You have major political alliances covering vast territory, we do not. There is no Federations, no Interstellar Empires. In my reality everything revolves around commerce even among Klingons. Kahless was still key to their unification but his codes of honor revolved around trade and wealth instead of battle and glory."

It seemed hard to believe that his race would be more interested in greed, like a Ferengi. The idea was offensive but their fate was their own and he had his own honor, not to mention a mission to see too. It was then that the door chimed. "Enter."

Sam took a moment to prepare his thoughts after the meeting and compare notes with a few of the other heads of department before heading to the Commodore's ready room.

Seeing that Mr. Killpatrick had arrived he waved him in. "Come in Come in, we were just discussing the the differences in our reality and the one our guest if from...and the one the Terran's managed to infiltrate."

Sam entered and nodded to the captain before looking at Karina attempting to gauge as much as he could about her. It was always harder to read a construct such as an AI, their micro actions were always calculated and they often ran with little subconscious behavior, instead they were usually fully aware of what protocols and subroutines were active at any given time. That wasn't to say they didn't give information away they would prefer to keep silent, just that they were better at hiding mistakes than most biological life forms, they were often also better at manipulating a situation for their own ends. "Well, don't let me interrupt, that is one of the subjects I'm interested in covering." Sam said, as he nodded a greeting at the construct.

Motioning to an empty place on his couch next to the AI. "Well it seems in her realm none of the regional powers we take for granted don't exist and everyone, including Klingons, are focused on commerce. We also discussed the limits of her access while aboard." Turning back to her; "Your matrix is still based aboard your vessel yes?"

Nodding, "It is."

"For the time being, perhaps you should transfer yourself to this vessel. If only to prevent any interference and to keep you safe should battle erupt. Would you need any specialized equipment?"

"Keep me safe?"

"You and your database are a valuable commodity, even more so than your ship itself. Wouldn't you agree Commander?"

Sam immediately recognized that the best way to treat this situation was as a business deal, Karina would probably feel more comfortable if it was treated in a manner she regarded as normal. "Oh absolutely," Sam was relieved to learn that the other AI was not of this direct timeline, therefore, under Temporal Directives, the information in that database was free and open to explore without concern of breaching expected time progression parameters. "From an intelligence standpoint alone, there is a great deal that can be gained from information held in the data store. When you take into account the array of sensor records and system schematics, well, you've got a rather unique resource there, and it would be remiss of us to neglect to properly secure it." As far as Sam was concerned that resource belonged directly to the AI, no matter what expediency might be gained from seizing it. However, he wasn't going to say that aloud, he didn't know the Commodore's thoughts on the matter and didn't want to impose his own morale's on his commanding officer. "You yourself are something of a unique opportunity as well, there are considerable morale and ethical quandaries around creating artificial life in this universe, as such AI's are relatively rare, and making any we come across a focus for intense curiosity of the scientific community. I hope you do not take offense to that; it is merely a matter of inquisitive minds trying to understand something which they have little contact with. Personally I view you, as does the law, as a true sentient with all of the rights associated with that. There are some however, who do not, and I wish to extend my regrets that they will most likely treat you poorly." Sam took a breath.

Karina would have been suspicious of any person or group so willing to help, protect, and accommodate, but having gone through their historical database she already knew it to be true...for the most part. With a wide smile, "Thank you Commander."

Da`nal had a bit of a grin himself but his was from the length of his officer's speech and his wondering if he was going to get it all out before turning blue and passing out. "Like the Commander said, you have rights in our society. While he is correct in that you present a unique resource for us it would be dishonorable us of to assume your data is ours to use. Security will be paramount while you are aboard. There are representatives of other government on board and possibly those less reputable to deal with. The diplomatic issues of your presence are of course my concern and not yours but I may need to call on you. If for nothing more but to help appease them."

The surprises kept coming and she bowed her head in Da`nal's direction. "I am at your disposal. There is room in your computer memory for my program however your systems wouldn't be able to process the data adequately. No offense. My computer core could be transported over and would also aid in your security efforts. My systems, being more advanced, would help in your security efforts."

Da`nal considered the idea and agreed. "Very well. There is an engineering crew on your ship making repairs. I will authorize the transfer, if you can instruct them on the removal and linking your core to our power systems."

Rising to carry out the Commodore's request, "Happily."

Before the AI transferred herself back to her ship he rose. "You need to know that while our primary goal is to get you home and close the rift if need be I will destroy ship if need be. I cannot allow your technology to fall into Terran hands...if they appear, nor can I allow it to alter the natural progression of our timeline. And..."

Her smile faded but only slightly. "I understand, and I will keep my promise and will not access your computers unless permitted to."

"Excellent." With that she faded as she transferred her matrix back to her home.

Running a hand over his beard; turning towards Killpatrick. "See that the power system used to power her core is isolated from the ships systems and that we have a means to remove her if needed. The last thing we need is an AI commandeering the Achilles."

Sam nodded; he didn't need to tell the Commodore that safeguards had already been put in place to regain control of the ship in such an event. "I'm pretty sure we've dodged a bullet on this one." he said simply. "If the ship and Karina were from our universe things would be far more complicated, but the fact that Karina is from an alternate timeline to ours means that access to the technology she brings doesn't affect our temporal stability. If the recent literature is to be believed, it may even stabilize our timeline, as does the incursion of our mirror timeline." he explained.

Da`nal's previous encounters with the Federation’s temporal authorities were less than cordial. Fortunately, distance was in their favor; for even they could order their recall. "Regardless of who was crossed into whose reality; to assume we can just use the technology on that ship or in Karina's database would be dishonorable and make us no better than those of the Terran Empire. We are not thieves. Scan and examine, but make no attempt to download any of her data...after all we are not thieves. We may need her assistance and if the Terran's are attempting to infiltrate additional realities; we need allies not enemies. However, I still want every bit of data off that Terran ships computer."


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