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Vengeance and Ambition

Posted on 06 May 2016 @ 2:01am by Lieutenant JG Lauren L'Vor

938 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M13-C: Shattered Time
Location: Alternate Universe

ISS Achilles

Captain Stone was furious as he paced his quarters. His orders had been to test the integration of the dimensional drive and to find resources or technology that would aid the Empire. Not only had he fulfilled those orders but he had almost returned with a prize that would have guaranteed his an admiralty...and he hadn't even known it!

Looking at the report again his knuckles cracked and whitened. 'Approximately 100 years in the future....No sign of significant forces or powers within range of astrometric sensors...Tachyon weapons...Directed sub-space torpedoes...' He threw the padd across his quarters. The very thing he had been sent to find and the proof has slipped right through his fingers. The technology on that ship alone could gain him an admiralty and the resources of this reality and he would be able to name his price, perhaps even a place at the Emperor's side.

The door to his quarters opened and glancing back he took in the silhouette of L'Vor. Ripping the top a bottle, "I'm not in the mood for your games right now."

Her lip curled, she could always adjust his mood but this was big and she knew she needed to tread carefully. Ambition such as his, combined with his temper could not be overcome by feminine wilds, at least not everytime. "I heard you had the entire engineering crew that did the initial survey of the ship executed."

Swallowing the harsh liquor as it burned its way down his throat adding its heat to his already fired state. "And that chief engineer. The only reason I didn't know about that ships capabilities is that he had planned to betray me and take it for himself...."

"...And now the entire ship knows the consequences of betrayal", she interrupted. Moving up behind him she pressed herself against him. "Every being on this ship fears and respects you. Know one would dare move against you now. Once the ship is repaired we should go after them. Find the Berlin and your prize and..."

Spinning rapidly he gripped her face in his hands. "Remember your Place! Do not think to give me orders!"

Her hand moved to his and he eased his grip. "Never my love...but think. I did the scan of the are myself; there is nothing here to oppose you. With the weapons that ship has, integrated it this warship and yours to command you could take the region for yourself; you could even start an Empire of your own. We alone know the that the dimensional drive works you could build a fleet of ships and take whatever you want. We could even return to our reality and take it as well. Think of and yours could be the ruling line over multiple parallel galaxies."

Lowering his hand the rest of the way he realized what she was saying. ~Why stop at an Admiralty when he could have it all...multiple times over.~ He took her chin again, "And I suppose you will want to be at my side?"

She had laid the seed but she knew better than to pick the fruit until it had ripened. "If I have the honor to serve you that is enough for me."

He walked past her laughing. "Do I look to a fool to you!! I know you better than that. Your attributes...while very appealing are to fragile a foundation for your...or my ambitions. Your idea is VERY intriguing...for treason."

Lauren swallowed

Such a plan could work. If this reality was as unorganized as she claimed it would be a simple matter to conquer and consolidate a small region and build from there. The Achilles had the resources of a star base and could be used to as a base to convert raw material to the means to construct other vessels...even convert existing facilities into what they needed. "If we were to send back wreckage to our reality the High Command would most likely think the drive failed. That would buy us time to secure what will be needed before moving against the Empire. What is the status of the repairs?"

Lauren relaxed slightly within but kept herself on guard. "That ships weapons hit us hard but all major systems are functional. However the deflector dish took major damage, reconstruction is still ongoing..."

Slapping the comm panel on the desk Stone hailed bridge. "Stone to Bridge!"

Everyone already knew what had happened to the engineering crew that had tried to keep something for themselves; their executions had been public and prolonged. As such the bridge duty office responded almost before the Captain finished speaking. ==Bridge here Sir!==

"Status of the repair of the deflector dish."

==Sir, Commander Means is overseeing efforts personally but his last estimate was still over 24 hours==

They needed the deflector dish for the damned dimensional system but they every moment they were delayed was "He has 8! He can put every member of the crew on it if needed! ...and have all damaged hull sections and ALL other damaged components down to the scorched carpet recycling."

==As you command sir!==

Closing the channel Stone looked Lauren up and down, but that would have to wait. "I need you to get back to astormetrics and find us the resources we need."

A smirk spread and she bowed her headed out. Once in astrometrics, and after clearing out everyone else, she pulled a device from her waist. "Perfect..."

She tucked it away and began her scans. It had recorded everything, of course she only needed one part.


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