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Posted on 20 Jun 2009 @ 1:46pm by

547 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Science Labs
Timeline: Current

Mari entered the science lab, her eyes wandering over things curiously. She'd honestly had minimal training in this area but she found herself wondering if it might not end up being a good fit after all. Either that or it would be horrid and she would feel stifled. Perhaps she would need to talk to Termin about this move...find out his thoughts on how she should do in this arena...

Mindlessly, she wandered through the lab, nodding to several technicians and gliding her hands lightly over some of the equipment.

Finally, she came to an officer who caught her attention and she looked at the woman with a nod and a smile, saying, "Lieutenant, buen dia. I am Mariposa Hernandez, the new chief. How do you do?" she asked rather formally in a somewhat stiff manner.

"Its good to meet you ma'am. I am good. My name is Chrisandra Davidson," Chrisandra noticed that Mariposa seemed stiff, but she didn't worry about that. She held out a hand, "Welcome to the Freedom." Chrisandra smiled at her new superior. Goodness knows Chrisandra could get used to being commanded.

Mari took the hand and chuckled a bit, nodding, "Pues, I was going to say the same to you. I have been here since her beginning...just...not as her chief of science." Mari was not going to tell this woman that she had been the XO if she did not already know that. It might bode better for their working relationship. Instead, she asked curiously, "What are you working on?"

Chrisandra shrugged, "Just checking to see if the equipment works right. You never know, something might actually be broken and needs to be repaired or replaced. You can never be too careful around equipment like this."

Nodding, Mari looked over her shoulder and realized she actually knew how the equipment should work, which was a relief. "Bueno," she said with a look of approval, "Do you have any questions or concerns to let me know about?"

Chrisandra shook her head, "Not at the moment ma'am." Chrisandra smiled and sensed an air of authority around Mariposa, "Ma'am did you ever have slight command of a ship? I seem to sense command about you."

This almost startled Mari but then she relaxed and laughed with a nod, "Si, but not truly. I was the first officer here before she was assigned a captain and, as we all know, a captain decides his first officer..."

Chrisandra looked surprised and then said jokingly, "Then we'll be butting heads for awhile. I too was a first officer, but the captain and I both agreed that my skills were required elsewhere." Chrisandra gave a small chuckle.

Mari laughed with her and grinned, "Then perhaps we are destined to work together and be un dolor in the rear of our capitan here," she paused a moment before asking, "What did you say your name was, Lieutenant?"

"Chrisandra. Chrisandra Davidson." The young woman smiled at Mariposa and went on, "I am glad we met. Maybe we were meant to be friends or maybe we were meant to be enemies. I hope we become friends."

"Si, Friends would be better," Mari agreed.

Lt Mariposa Hernandez Rodriguez
Chief Science Officer
USS Freedom

Lt Chrisandra Davidson
Science Officer
USS Freedom


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