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Making the most of a transfer

Posted on 18 Nov 2015 @ 2:18am by Lieutenant Commander Alanna Wells

569 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M13-C: Shattered Time
Location: Bajor, DS9
Timeline: While Achilles was orbiting DS9


Vedek Tavar and Lieutenant Commander Alanna Wells walked sedately through the gardens, enjoying one last walk together before Alanna had to leave for her new assignment aboard the USS Achilles. "Thank you for the guided tour," she said.

"Nonsense, it was my pleasure. It is not often I have the chance to discuss the history of my people," the Vedek replied. "We have many visitors to B'hala, but few care about the history and civilization of the time."

While it was true, if you counted the millions of visitors to the ancient city, Alanna was sure there were quite a few historians, like herself, who came to learn and study. She'd been granted the rare opportunity of reading some of the existing ancient records and it was the highlight of her trip. "There are few civilizations that rival Bajor and Vulcan for their rich history. I have a great deal of respect for your people."

The Vedek bowed to her. "For that I thank you." The arrived back at the entrance to the garden. "You will always be welcome to return for a longer stay, if you wish. A person could spend a lifetime learning from the ancient Bajoran people."

"True. And a lifetime learning of the ancient Vulcan, and Cyndriel. One lifetime is not enough -- unless you're El-Aurian."

He chuckled softly as he opened the gate for her. "Indeed. I thank you again for your visit, Miss Wells. I hope you will not stay away too long."

Alanna bowed. "Thank you, Vedek Tavar, if my travels bring me back here, I will definitely pay you another visit." With a polite smile, she walked out the gate and headed back to the city. Much as she had enjoyed her time in the past, she had a future to look forward to on a new ship. She couldn't help grinning with anticipation.

She stopped long enough to buy herself some chocolate and fruit because it wasn't quite the same as what she could replicate, and headed for the space station to catch the shuttle to DS9. She checked her chronometer again, just to make sure she still had time. She didn't like to be late, especially when reporting in to her new ship.

Unfortunately, she passed a little boutique with a long-sleeved dress in deep blue in the window. Normally, Alanna didn't pay much attention to fashion or what she wore as she often went for comfort and function over style, but this dress was different. It was modest and beautifully cut, and the color drew her eye. She checked her chronometer again. She had an hour. Taking a deep breath, she walked into the boutique.

Thirty minutes later, she walked out with three dresses and two pairs of shoes -- more clothes than she'd ever purchased in one place, except for work clothes to go in the bush for a few weeks. She doubted she'd ever have time to wear them, not on a starship, but she couldn't quite feel guilty, either.

She was fortunate in that there wasn't a wait to get to her shuttle. Her personal belongings had been transferred to the ship already, so it was just a matter of getting to the station, changing into her uniform, and reporting in.

Smiling again, she settled into her seat and prepared for launch.


Lieutenant Commander Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer
USS Achilles


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