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First impressions

Posted on 23 Mar 2009 @ 9:19pm by

266 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: M1: Prepare for Battle
Location: Turbolift
Timeline: 3 minutes later

Janis couldn't hold back the anger she was feeling "Boss, What the hell was that about?"

Silonez looked up and pondered the question "I had to speak my mind, The lieutenant was in over her head and someone had to throw her a life line, too bad I got hung with it after."

Janis just stood there, she'd worked with Silonez since their time on the USS Seattle, the strange thing is she hardly knew anything about him. From what she did know he'd been in Starfleet for six years, but things with this nordic gentleman never did add up, and intelligence guy who could use a sniper rifle more efficiantly than any marine she'd seen, someone who can walk into engineering and run it with the expertise of a seasoned officer, no the puzzle that is Silonez Ericson had no answers, just more questions.

as the turbolift stopped Silonez looked at his assistant and spoke, "Did the black bag arrive?"

Janis was caught off guard, but knew what he was asking about, "Yes its in the safe, and the Captains is in his ready room, do you really think its gonna come to that?"

Silonez knew fully that all hell breaks loose to easily in the Alpha quadrant lately and that a sudden and brutal truth was that the contents of the black bag was the fleets deturant too it. " I hope that we never use those damn things, I hate the fact there on board, but there here. Make sure security assigns a detail to guard them."


Lt Silonez Ericson
WO3 Janis Cortice


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