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A First Meeting

Posted on 23 Mar 2009 @ 10:09pm by Colonel Stadi Andrus

829 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M1: Prepare for Battle
Location: Sickbay

Elek had finished his briefing with DS5's diplomatic chief, and needed to stretch his legs. He often found that he could think through issues and problems that were on his mind best by taking a walk, so he found himself wandering aimlessly throughout the ship, watching the chaos gradually resolve itself as the ship got closer to departure.

Soon, he found himself stood outside Sickbay. He remembered that the CMO had recently arrived aboard, and so he decided to form an unofficial welcoming committee.
Stepping inside, he looked around. There were various crew members working at various tasks, but he quicking identified the doctor. She was artfully co-ordinating everything from the centre of the main bay.
He walked over to her. "Good morning, Doctor," he said with a smile. "I'm Termin Elek, the ship's chief diplomatic officer ... and doubling as ship's counselor. How are you settling in?"

When Melanie had reached sickbay she came in and found staff sitting around not sure where to go. "Alright ladies and gents play time is over! Let's get to work!" She gave everyone a PADD and gave them each a task to complete. She watched momentarily while they each got to work. ~Great I am now the Chief Babysitter.~

Melanie turned when she heard a man speak to her. "I would be better if I had a full crew in my sickbay and if we were heading for shake down and not battle!" She took a deep breath in to reign in her anger.

For his part, Elek didn't bat an eyelid. "I agree. Do you have any tea?"

"Excuse me?...Are you blind? This is a medical facility not the lounge!" She said and turned back to her work.

Elek blinked in surprise at the CMO's abruptness, and then recovered himself. He could feel irritation, frustration and annoyance emanating from the doctor, and knew that squaring up to her wouldn't work - she would see it as a challenge. Instead, he needed to find another way in.

"I wonder," he said, "if you could spare me a few moments, Doctor. I'm been experiencing some headaches and nausea, and I was hoping I could get checked out."

It wasn't *exactly* a lie - he had had a headache for the last few hours - but if it gave her a moment to pause and talk to him, it was worth it.

Melanie stopped what she was doing, ~What is with this guy?~ She sighed and started repeating over and over ~hypocratic oath, hypocratic oath.~ Why she was a doctor when she had these anger issues was beyond her. People frustrated her.

"Sit on the biobed there and I will be with you momentarily." She pointed towards the bed but didn't look at him. She instead grabbed a tray of medical tricorders and placed them back in the drawer but left one out so she could scan the man. Melanie waited until he was on the bed before she went to him.

Melanie started scanning him not making eye contact.

"So, how's it going?" Elek asked casually, picking up that this would not be an easy conversation. "If it's anything like the bridge, you must be wondering where to start."

"Apparently I will also have to check your hearing Lieutenant because you didn't hear me before when I said that this place isn't fully staffed and I would rather be going on a shake down than straight into battle." She grabbed the hypospray and placed it to his neck. "There you go...that should get you through the day. If your headaches return please come back and see me..."

"Oh and lieutenant keep your ears clean because physically there is nothing wrong with your hearing."

Elek watched in open-mouthed astonishment at the CMO. He was reeling from her attitude, but he knew he wouldn't be beaten.

He got down off the bed and squared up to her. "You're quite right, Doctor, there's nothing wrong with my hearing. I'd come here to welcome you aboard and perhaps even make you feel like you've made a friend, that's all."

Melanie sighed, ~Back your bags are heading for a guilt trip!~ She thought. "I'm sorry Lieutenant, I am not one for pleasantries when we are preparing for battle. Perhaps later." She smiled slightly at the man.

Elek drew in a breath, slightly embarressed at his drop in composure. "I apologise, Doctor, I shouldn't have snapped like that. Everyone's feeling the pressure, I think. Perhaps, when this has all settled down, we can start this conversation again?"

"Perhaps...Excuse me please Lieutenant...I have a lot of work to do." Melanie turned to the emergency medical kits were in order.

Elek sighed. He knew when to give up the argument. He watched the doctor for a moment further, then regretfully walked out of Sickbay, with a trail of thoughts behind him.

Lt. JG Termin Elek
USS Freedom

Lt. Melanie Hemmingway
USS Freedom


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