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Two captains - Part 2

Posted on 27 Jul 2015 @ 2:53am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Commander Alorha Grange
Edited on on 27 Jul 2015 @ 2:54am

1,505 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M13-B: The Big Goodbye
Location: USS Achilles


Ayren was used to bouts of anger her husband felt, he was Klingon after all. She would be alarmed if she didn't feel them; however, the intensity this time let her zone in on what she sensed. She and Dan'als mother were in lounge where Ayren exposed her to good Mexican chili based sauces. Half way to her mouth the tortilla chip stopped. "Oh no no no...." she said at loud, feeling heat rise like volcano and it had nothing to do with the intensity of the chilies. She stood up suddenly. "That is not going to happen!"

"I think you'd better come with me," Ayren said, as she already started walking towards their quarter's. "You would want to be there!" She was so angry that she didn't realize that she hadn't explained her sudden reaction.

Puzzled at first she rose quickly to follow his son's mate. Whatever had her upset was apparently no small thing. Thinking to herself...~To bad Ayren wasn't Klingon~

While they walked, Ayren shook her head. "It is about the children... I can't hear exactly there is too much going on, but it is something about us going and leaving them behind" she said as they reached the door. She entered without hesitation with a fury all her own.


The door opened and Ayren stormed in. "What the hell is this about leaving the children!" she demanded from Dan'al and glared at Charg too. "And you support that!? Who's idea was that.. !?"

Da`nal and Charg both turned and the sound of her entrance and Da`nal stopped Charg as he began to speak. "It is in their best interest and is best for the House. It does not matter who's suggested it, the matter is decided. Garath is the future leader of the House of Varal. He cannot return to the Empire 70 years from now and expect to have warriors follow him...if he returns at all. He must stay here, under Charghwl'IH's guidance, he must earn their trust, there loyalty. When he comes of age he will lead my House in the event of my death or until my return."

Despite that she knew that what Da'nal said seemed right, at his words her throat closed, blood draining from her face. Involuntarily her head shook from side to side.

"Ariella....she too must learn the ways of the Empire and this region of space if she is to find her path to honor and glory. They cannot learn the things they need to learn on the other side of the galaxy. The future of the House cannot return 70 years later and expect to know who is friend or who is foe. A lot can change in 70 years...and they need to be her to change with it."

Just the thought of being without them was too much for her to bear. "No.... no... there has to be another way," she said her voice hoarse with anger and anguish, uninvited tears streaming down her cheeks. "

Da`nal took a step forward towards Ayren but was stopped.

Stopping her son's move with a gesture she took Ayren by the shoulders and turned her to face her. Even though they were not married she still considered Ayren a part of their House. " have stood by my son's side for many years; in battle and in peace. You took charge of children that were not your own and became their mother. You have helped raise the for over 6 years and I could not be more proud, but he is right.

"There is no greater Honor for a Klingon father than to watch his children grow; to protect them, to witness their accomplishments, to share in their glories. Look at your mate..."

Unable to assimilate what was happening, Ayren shook her head involuntarily. Though small in stature, she was like a desperate lioness inside trying to protect her cubs against the inevitable. Frustrated by the wall of the resolve she sensed, she could either back down or fight with every fiber in her. Never would she forgive herself if she did not. "You are tearing me apart... ripping my children away from me...!" she retaliated against the decision that was already made. ""And the irony is... they are not even my children!" she added with a ironic laugh through her tears. She stared in disbelief at Da'nal. "You are letting this happen... how?" she said, not caring that she was crying and tears were streaming down her cheeks.

" can sense his feelings. You can tell better than anyone that this is not an easy decision for him; and despite any outward displays of strength, no matter how he may try to cover it up, he will need you by his more than ever."

Charg had remained silent throughout and looked to Da`nal and then to Ayren . As the saying went...'the ball was in her court.'

"Yes... of course!" she said with angry sarcasm. Her senses kept her aware of Da'nal's emotions, but at that point she had enough for both of them. "And thank you for ignoring me in this decision," she said to both Da'nal and Charg. "Oh no... I forgot.. I don't have a say... they are NOT my children!" she said, the turmoil in her renewed. "I can't even say that I CHOOSE to stay with them, that would be pointless... right?... I am not Klingon... and have no relation to them whatsoever." The relative calm and composed demeanor of the other three only added fuel to her fury. For a moment she locked eyes at Da'nal, and instinctively felt compassion for him and what he was going through, which showed up in her eyes, but that also increased her own pain and she abruptly tuned to leave, sobbing her heart out.

Da`nal was close enough to be able to catch her and wrap his arms around her and he let her weep even as she halfheartedly struggled against his embrace. With a glance his mother moved away and took his friend with her to the far side of the room. His mother's acceptance of the Ayren as a member of the House was apparent and that would allow for another of his plans but now was not the time. He took a half step back and lifted Ayren's tear damped face to meet his gaze. "You may not be Klingon, and though you may not have no official relation to are the only mother Garath and Ariella have ever known. You have every right to be upset and you should have been included, but I had just been confronted with the issue myself. However the future of my...our house is at stake. With the stakes as high as they are, sacrifices need to be made."

Emotionally spent, Dan'al's voice and strength calmed her as always. She nestled in his arms for a moment as her mind reach into his where things became clearer. "I will need some time to work through this,' she said quietly. Though she understood the reasons, it was still a shock.

"I would never purposefully ask you to endure such a wound unless absolutely necessary and unless there was a way to heal those wounds."

"I know....not that I can imagine right now that this pain can heal," she said quietly and buried her face in his chest.

Glancing to his mother and then back to Ayren lifting her chin and looking into her eyes. "If we were to wed..."

The words didn't penetrate her vexed mind immediately and she stared at him blankly. Her senses picked up on the change but it took a few moments for her to absorb it. "You mean us getting married...?" she asked in disbelief.

There was no way for Charg not to hear and at that he returned to the conversation. "IT's ABOUT TIME!

Everyone present gathered around them as they all celebrated the moment and made plans for the ceremony. After everything has settled down...(figure the comms with Kre will be closed by this time)

Even though he knew Aryen was still devastated and would be for sometime he turned to matters of his House and crew. "Charg, in a few days is the Day of Honor; Do you have plans?"

"We had hoped to be home..."

Cutting him him off with a gesture. I will open the ship and all it's holodecks to the Ralnath's crew for the various rituals and then we will feast as a House in the Ralnath's hanger bay!"

The Regent for the House of Varal nodded as he thought. ~First he had pissed off his own wife, now he would be on Ayren's shit list for who knows how long.

Commodore Da`nal

Aryen Kelan
Federation Ambassador & Fiance

Admiral Kretorg
IKV VaQbach

Charghil'IH Son of Soval
Regent for the House of Varal

K'Vash of the House of Varal
Mother to Da`nal


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