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Oceans DS9 - Part 2

Posted on 03 Jul 2015 @ 8:26pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Civilian Reva Madhava & Civilian Capim Jothy
Edited on on 03 Jul 2015 @ 8:27pm

1,748 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: M13-B: The Big Goodbye
Location: DS9

Da`nal had watched the exchange and accepted various acknowledges and congratulations on his pending mission. The representatives of his house had guards stationed for his protection were at the ready, their hand resting on their weapons. Though it all he kept an eye on Barbo and Capim.

Capim had included two clauses that didn't translate to modern Bajoran the way they should. One was the term for one racer beating another, a qualifier that stated both parties in this phrase were not the champion winner, but placeholders. Barbo didnt need to pick the winner, he needed to beat Capim's racer for one wager, and win the race to earn the grand prize. However, with the clause as is, The contract payed out only if Barbo won the whole race. The other one which stated the supplies would be at twenty percent off didn't specify which supplies, the word he used suggested a future supply order, and Barbo had signed it. All that was left was to make sure Barbo didn't win the race, and Capim would get to select fresh new produce, at a premium discount. He would lose the grand prize money he had supplied, but a thousand bars was a drop in the bucket for Capim, not to mention the savings, and his percentage from Quark would make up for that. It was up to Reva to make sure someone worthy to win was at the front when the race ended.

Rising from his chair he made his way to Capim's table. "Evening gentlemen. Mr. Barbo it's been a long time. It's a shame that a good part of my winnings from our last encounter got to make a wager to replace my losses?"

Barbo flinched a little under the voice, Da'nal had a presence, especially to those with criminals mindsets it was a similar reaction to a shrew reacting at the shadow of a hawk. Capim smiled widely, Da'nal was making for a very interesting Commander. He well could have spoiled things but was choosing to play the game, this was the highest regard Capim could imagine from a Klingon such as him.

"Yes... it has been too long Captain..." Barbo was shaking like a leaf, terrified of Da'nal. Their previous encounter had been enough to put that fear before any incentive for profit. "What would you have to wager, Starfleet does not pay its officers I thought?"

Smirking at the Ferengi's attempt at controlling his fear. He had shone more of a spine at his club on SB47, even after he had taken out his Naussican thugs, than he did now. Perhaps it was the addition of the Klingon guards. "It's Commodore now...and you are right they don't pay but I am now the Head of my House. Plus my House's holding have been substantially increased. Same stakes as before? You supply me with what I need if I will and should you win I make sure you have special transport privileges within the Romulan and Klingon Empires."

Capim would have given his right arm to know what special provisions Da'Nal could arrange in both empires, the lilt on when he said "special" transport privileges made the hackles on his neck stand. He knew Barbo had to be feeling something similar, he saw a momentary glaze over the Ferengi's eyes imagining the prospects. however, the moment passed and Capim could see the higher dimensions of profit and loss warring in the Ferengi.

"Given the nature of our last encounter you'll understand if I'm hesitant. It will depend greatly on what I would need to supply you, and what kind of privilege you can extend while in the Gamma Quadrant." Barbo found his spine in the heat of a negotiation he was thrust into, he didn't believe for a second this wager was legitimate, but the chance to have a Klingon Lord in his debt and providing carte blanche in his routes was too good to pass up.

"Hesitate? You were much more bold the last time we met, but while I am away my House will overseen by son-by-rite and he will do as I bid. You may not be aware but since our last encounter my House's holdings has increased significantly and is now link to multiple Great Houses of the Empire. As your potential benefit will increase my supply list will increase as well. Last time was just beverages..." Da`nal pulled at his beard as he thought. "I'm sure I still have the list somewhere, but given the increase in your potential gain...let's increase the quantity to five cases of each. You can provide that volume with such a short notice?"

Barbo was spinning the wheels, calculating profits and losses, he would almost suspect the Klingon of attempting to pull a scam. What the Klingon wasn't aware of was Barbo's ability to change to deal and get away shooting. He would be pursued, but the chance for profits were now too great to ignore. As only a Ferengi could do, he held the deals running with Capim, Reva, Quark, now adding Da'nal and completing a complicated scheme in his mind where he could provide the goods be paid, and steal them away. The Federation could delay launch if it wanted, this concerned Barbo not one whit.

"I'll use My cousins privileged access to the Promenade Merchants society. At great cost, we can have the order arranged, but we are dealing in vast sums, I hope you do no boast idly of your holdings. I've invested well in my racer and ship, so here are my terms."

Barbo entered the estimates, nearly a hundred thousand bars of Latinum currently on consignment with Capim, now a cool quarter million adding in Da'nal and Reva to his estimates. His lobs tingled, profit was in the air, and he most certainly knew this Capim Jothy was going to use Bajoran law to seize the cargo. He had men for when that moment happened, fool me once...

Da`nal nodded. "Agreed.....If you win. If you loose you will have until we enter Cardassian space to deliver." He stepped forward towering over the Ferengi. "Fail, and you will never be able to get so much as a stem bolt into either Klingon or Romulan space.....ever." With that he and the entourage from his House departed.

Capim tried very hard not to show how delighted he was. Barbo was now forced to pull last second venue change lest he be in the grips of the Achilles lounge. Da'nal was a dangerous addition, but this was one Klingon who earned "Dastardly." Their 4th wall acknowledgment of the real game was still unspoken, the pieces would combined to spell out a total loss for Barbo across the board. All Capim had to do was make sure at the right moment, Barbo pulled the trigger.

[USS Achilles - Deck 12]

Reva had made her way to the CAG office. Her journey there was accompanied by the expected glares from those who considered her a disgraced officer...only here by grace of a forgiving CO. Tapping the chime to the door she waited.

"Come in." Zachary answered as he sat at his computer console reviewing the latest flight performances of the pilots he would be commanding, when he leading. He turned off the display, swiveled towards the door, and leaned back in his chair, rubbing the dark circles under his eyes. Then he sat up and leaned his elbows on his desk.

Reva walked in an sat. "Long day? You know I could arrange for a real massage from one of the hostesses that I hired."

"Do I look like I need one?" he asked, his bearded face curling into a smile. "Never-mind, don't answer that. What can I do for you today?"

She didn't sit in a chair but sat on the corner of his desk. "I need a pilot for a little race we are putting together. Someone that is a little reckless, a little crazy...and someone that doesn't lose."

"Hmmm..."Zach rubbed his fingers over his beard. "Well, you're in luck. You've just described any given fighter pilot in Starfleet." He leaned forward and formed a steeple with his fingers. "But I figure you're looking for the wildest, most hot-shot dogfighter we've got. Haven't had a chance to review all the flight stats of my pilots, but there are a couple of ensigns full of piss and vinegar that might do." He furrowed his brows as a thought came to him. "Isn't gambling banned by Starfleet, though? I would hate for the other senior officers to think I or any personnel under my command were complicit in any...unkosher activities."

She shrugged and smiled playfully. "Well while the MAY be betting through some commercial enterprises, the Commodore has ok'd our little race as a moral booster prior to departing known space."

She changed tact and addressed to pilot selection. "I don't think a wet behind the ears Ensign is the right choice for our little en-devour. We have to win. While a hotshot is definitely a plus, we need someone that knows how to get 120% out of their craft...not just burn out manifolds."

"That's the real trick, isn't it?" Zach grinned as he thought back on his own career. Most of his time in the cockpit had been spent flying SEAD missions: destroying anti-air and starfighter weapon sites. Part of this involved deliberately getting targeted and fired upon so that other pilots could pinpoint concealed sites. "Crazy" and "reckless" were practically entry-level qualifications as far as SEAD qualifications went. Losing wasn't an option: one didn't last long in that line of work if they couldn't out run, out maneuver, or out think enemy anti-air artillery. ~And here I thought my Wild Weasel days were over...~

"Well, if you want a crazy, reckless winner with some experience..." the corner of his mouth curled into a smirk, "...I'll fly for you."

She raised and eyebrow at him as the corner of her mouth curled into a smile, they had their she had to 'ensure' they won. "Perfect! We can cover the details later...Now if you still want that massage just let the girls know that I sent you."


Capim Jothy
Promenade Merchants Society Chair Pro Tempore

Lt. Commander Zachary Hind
Wing Commander - CAG

Reva Madhava
Club Manager (under cover intel)

Commodore Da`nal


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