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Posted on 16 Jun 2009 @ 11:12am by

557 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Holodeck - Starbase 47
Timeline: Current

Lieutenant Commander Andrew Fienneman sat in the auxilliary Command chair of the USS Freedom's holographic representation, leaning on his right arm and staring ahead at the blank viewscreen and empty crew stations before him. This was going to be his new home and before he got aboard, he wanted the chance to get aboard and settled in a bit. Even if it wasn't real.

This was his first real Command position, even though he wasn't the Captain, the Captain would be looking to him to keep the ship running smoothly and efficiently. That meant getting to know this ship a little bit better before the Freedom arrived so that he could make a good impression.

With a sigh, Andrew sat up straighter in the seat and spoke up.

"Computer, begin simulation." he ordered.

With a whoosh of particles the Bridge of the Freedom came to life with activity, complete with the actual faces of the crew currently on their way to Starbase 47. It was important for him to spend the time here, to be familiar with the Bridge and to get used to the faces around him, even if their holographic avatars were nothing like the real thing; just their presence and the visual recognition of each of them would help tremendously in the days and weeks to come.

Holotraining was nothing new to Andrew and was actually a borderline obsession. He spent most of his off-duty hours brushing up on the latest tactical scenarios and upgrades, training his Security and Tactical staff on various scenarios from ship invasion to diplomatic rescue. His staff aboard the Intrepid had been cross-trained with the Marine staff to the point that either could do the others job without hesistation. All of that a benefit of the ship's holosuites.

Andrew sighed deeply, a bit of frustration and a bit of nerves trying to get settled. He was ready for his new job on the Freedom, but part of him wasn't looking forward to having to whip a new crew and staff into the shape he liked. He had things aboard the Intrepid nicely squared away. Of course, being Executive Officer meant that he not only had the Tactical Department to square away, but all the others as well. It was going to be a daunting taks, but he knew he was ready for it deep down. It would be what Commander Da'nal was expecting as well; a ship run efficiently with a crew ready for anything so that when her Captain stepped onto the Bridge, everything went as he would expect.

Commander Da'nal seemed to be every bit of the Klingon warrior one would expect, but still, he knew so very little about him. He was a bit hesistant to take the posting with a newly minted Commanding Officer yet, something about the Klingon's record spoke to his own heart and he found himself accepting the position despite it. He only hoped he had made the right decision.

His thoughts continued to consume him as he stared blankly ahead at the viewscreen, the holo-crew still hard at work around him. He stared for what seemed like hours before finally looking up and exhaling slowly.

"Computer. End program."

Lieutenant Commander Andrew Fienneman
Executive Officer
USS Freedom


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