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The Southern Isles

Posted on 16 Jul 2015 @ 3:47am by Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya & Ensign Jessica Logan (PNPC) & Lieutenant Xanth & Lieutenant JG Lauren L'Vor

1,999 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: M13-B: The Big Goodbye
Location: DS9 / Bajor

Rico had delayed his departure to Bajor to give him time to help Heather get things going with their new CO and the Berlin's department heads. She still had thing to wrap up and told him that she would join him later so he ended up running to catch the transport from the station to the planet. Just making it in before they secured the hatch Rico found an empty seat and waited.

Once they arrived at the Bajoran spaceport he checked on the next shuttle to the Islands and made his way to the lounge to wait. When he arrive he saw two familiar faces. "Well hello ladies, heading to the Isles I see."

Jess looked to Lauren smirking. "Great minds think a like sir. So where is your shadow?"

Looking down at her puzzled. "...My shadow?"

"The redhead that wouldn't leave your side last night."

Shaking his head. "Ahhh...."

He was cut off by the area's public address system. "Transport to the Southern Isles is now boarding."

At the sound of the call to board, a long-limbed figure lifted himself up from his comfortable seat where he'd been studying a small Bajoran sculpture. Xanth had an eager expression on his face, and for good reason. This might be the last time for a decent amount of time - to his people at least - that he would get the opportunity to soak up some sun, culture, and waves all at the same time. He flashed a bright smile at the others as he started to head for the small queue forming up now.

Lauren nudged Jess and nodding towards the guy moving their way as the line began to grow. "Wasn't he at Quark's the last night?"

Whispering back at her companion, "You know I think he was. Well you saw him first so you get first crack at him."

"You are too kind," Lauren said playfully.

Looking in his direction as he joined the crowd filing into the boarding area she returned his smile with one of her own.

In the queue, Xanth turned his head over his shoulder to smile again down at the two women who'd approached from behind. He did a lot of that, smiling, as they'd come to find out. "Last vacation before setting off into the deep unknown?" he asked, voice soft but just loud enough that no one would need to strain to hear him over the susurrus of the crowd.

'Lauren' grinned, "Well at least, probably the last chance for real sun, sand, and surf for some time...but you never know what we will find out there." Extending a hand, "I'm Lauren."

The tall man didn't hesitate, and took her hand in his own to shake gently for a moment, "A pleasure, Lauren. My name is Xanth. And I have just the same thing in mind." He dropped his hand and took a few steps forward as the line moved surely but slowly on. It didn't take a Listener to put two and two together, and by her words Xanth was sure that she was one of the crewmen of the three ships that would be departing soon, "Are you stationed on the Achilles?" For all intents and purposes, Xanth looked just like any other human being, but should Lauren not keep her native telepathy isolated there was a chance he might pick up on it.

Shuffling forward with the crowd she brushed her hair back over her ear, revealing the peak atop her ear that showed her 'Vulcan' heritage. "Yes I am. I'll be in the astrometrics department when the Achilles arrives. How about yourself?"

"Ah, what fortune!" he said, obviously enthused. "I bet you're going to be first to see some of the most impressive things that wait for us out there." He moved forward a few paces again, then seemed to think for a moment. "Oh, right. We'll be serving together then, as I've been assigned to the Achilles as well. Chief CONN Officer, at your service." The man, looking barely old enough to be out of school, let alone to be flying a ship as large as the Achilles, grinned happily. "Who is your friend, by the way? I thought I saw you talking with someone a little while ago..."

Waving towards her compatriot playfully. "Oh her, that's just Jess. She's in operations so I'm sure she be driving you nuts on the bridge from time to time."

Jessica was a little further in the line and was chatting with a hunk of her own when she looked back. "I heard that..."

Lauren laughed a bit and then there line began to move quickly and they soon found themselves taking their seats. Having made sure she had stayed with her new acquaintance she turned in her seat towards him putting her hand on his arm. "So have you ever been to Bajor before?"

Having settled down at last on the transport, the pilot glanced down at the hand that was suddenly on his arm, but didn't seem displeased by it. "Oooh, no, I've visited Bajor a number of times before," he replied, grinning again as he looked at Lauren, but not giving away much about his times on the planet. Xanth was much more curious about hearing what other people had to say than to talk about his own experiences. "And yourself? Is this your first visit?" He settled back in his seat, getting comfortable.

Brushing a few stray strands of hair back; "Actually it is. I just wish we had more time before we leave to see some of the cultural and historical sites. Prior to the Cardassian occupation I understand they had had an advanced and rich society."

That brought a slightly wider smile to the pilot's lips, "They've accomplished quite a lot since then that I think you'll be able to appreciate." Bajor was a stunningly beautiful world, in his mind, despite whatever lingering scars it might have. So many people seemed to focus on that horrific past, but to Xanth it was what they'd done since the Cardassian Occupation ended that showed the true Bajoran spirit. The transport got underway after the final passengers had boarded, and he shifted his gaze out through a viewport to watch the station recede in the distance.

Lauren reached bent over and dug through her bag sitting back up and began to pull her hair back into pony tail. As she did she commented. "They are a resilient race that is for sure, and with the traffic through the wormhole they are a important asset to the Federation." She wave a hand, "Here we are supposed to having fun and I'm getting all political. Let me make it up to you. You have to join me and Jess...unless you are meeting someone?"

Xanth hadn't made many definite plans, "Besides taking the time to visit one of the monasteries, I would be happy to join you two." He hoped to have an orb experience if he could convince the vedeks to allow him access. Besides, it could only help to start making a good impression amongst his crewmates. Though he still hesitated to make real friends amongst these short-lived races, they would be spending so much time together - for many of them, their entire lives - that it would make his life a whole lot easier. There was no flirtation on his part, just a warm willingness to spend their time together starting now.

A relationship with the head of Flight Control would be beneficial both as a source of information and to help deepen her cover. Without hesitation she smiled. "What do you say we blow off the beach after a little while and check out something more interesting?"

Now that sounded downright mischievous. Xanth chuckled softly, "What did you have planned? Keep in mind, I don't hope to get into too much trouble. How sad would it be if the Achilles pilot wasn't able to take her out on this mission because he was confined to quarters?"

She looked at his with a devilish grin. "Well I don't know what have in mind that would get to confined, but I was thinking about those cultural sites you had mentioned. There won't be much time for site seeing once the Achilles arrives."

Matching her grin, Xanth agreed, "I bet we're going to see some amazing things on the Achilles and along the way." That was the basic reason why he had volunteered for this mission, the chance to explore and see things no one else had before. "But this sounds good to me. In fact, I think we might be in time to catch the end of the Jara'than Festival in the Southern Isles..."

Luaren smile widened. "Perfect. A little sun and sand with some culture to boot.

Rico sat two rows back while the transport made its way to the islands. Glancing out the window he watched as the deep blue/green waters became broken by small atolls, reefs, and increasingly larger islands. Sending a message to Heather he urged her on to complete her duties as fast as possible and that he would have a beach towel ready for her.

No sooner had he sent his message and his communicator sounded with Heather's voice. =^=Commander Montoya. You are needed immediately aboard the Berlin.=^=

The communiqué caused several heads to turn. No doubt belonging to members of the Berlin's crew or other associated with the Achilles mission. Lauren looked across the way to Jess who shrugged questioningly. Turning back to her companion she spoke softly, "Hope it's nothing serious."

Xanth too had taken a moment to peer out the window, a contented expression on his face. He'd spent a number of years travelling across the Federation, hopping from merchant ship to transport, scow to shuttle, and out of all the planets he had visited Bajor remained one of his favorites. Despite past tragedies, both the world and it's people were beautiful. Xanth overheard the communicator go off, but didn't pay it much mind until Lauren spoke to him again.

"Hmm? Oh, it’s a bit above my pay grade I think," Xanth said with a rueful look. "I just make things go where they tell me. 'Turn left, Lieutenant. Turn right, Lieutenant.' Much like you with the astrometric sensors?" The last bit was an obviously joking barb by the mischief evident in the pilot's expression. He really hoped that this Commander Montoya wasn't about to order the whole shuttle turned around; he'd been really looking forward to this last holiday.

Lauren smirked. 'Well thankfully I get to be a little more involved than that...", she was interrupted by an announcement over the ships PA system.

"Attention passengers, we are approaching the Southern Isles and will be descending to the secondary transport hub on the central isle. For those heading to the beaches you are in luck as the central isle has the best and greatest amount of sand on Bajor. For those here for the final day of the Jara'than festival there are surface ferries ready to take you to the main island. Be sure you have all your personal items and enjoy your stay."

The transport descended and everyone was soon cleared to depart. Commander Montoya didn't wait, but stood and had had himself beamed up to his ship . It wasn't long and the group, which had grown larger thanks to Jess and her flirtations, were stepping out onto a pristine beach was the green waves of Bajor's southern ocean broke on white sands.

Jessica was already seeing to the establishment of "their" area, Lauren removed her robe and stuffed it in her bag taking Xanth's arm. "Shall we..."

Lieutenant Xanth
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Achilles

Lieutenant Lauren L'Vor

Ensign Jessica Logan

Commander Ricardo "Rico" Montoya
USS Berlin


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