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Posted on 06 Aug 2015 @ 1:02am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Ensign Jessica Logan (PNPC) & Master Chief Petty Officer Lance Nelson & Gunnery Sergeant Jason Frey & Commander Travis Stone & Lieutenant Kordah Himars & Federation Ambassador Ayren Kelan

1,280 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M13-B: The Big Goodbye
Location: Ready Room
Timeline: While at DS9

Travis was standing at the entrance to the main holodeck, where the 'fleet's Klingon contingent was finishing their Day of Honor Rituals. As the groups started to file out, Travis looked specifically for Da'nal amongst the masses. Finally spotting him, there was a brief call out of "Commodore!" in his usual, firm tone.

Time was always a factor, for, an man, who was taught as an warrior and for the most part, did security duty his whole career in Starfleet. However, over the course of time, serving with those of the Achilles, and taking up the tasks and duties of the Operation Chief, Himars has learned a great deal to being an mechanic of sorts on an starship, let alone understanding the in and outs of all type of ship operations. Yet, time and the space that flow endless, has brought the Bajorian warrior to this point. An day of all days, an Day of Honor.

It was wonderful and heart filled with honor to be apart of this day with fellow warriors and not being judged as an man without an house. No, it felt to good, to right, to even have himself to think about such things. he was enjoying this day, with fellow warriors and the Commodore. Warriors of various ages filtered out of the holodeck, the warrior of two worlds heard someone calling out for the Admiral.

Pausing, he looked to the voice, who called for Da'nal and saw it was Commander Stone. his brow arched a little as the warrior wonder what was taking place and if the head of Operation should be in on this. But, he would wait and see if they are in need of him.

Da`nal, and several other Klingons from his House emerged from the holodeck following the traditional festivities surrounding the Day of Honor. Even as he heard his name called his eyes lingered on Himars as he thought about what had transpired on the holodeck. He would have to consider things further, and he looked to the Commander. "Yes Commander?"

"Commodore, if you could join me for a moment in your office, we need to go over something that came up and it can not wait." Travis told him, a serious and concerned look on his face.

Assuming it was a matter that could not be discussed in front of others he nodded to his companions and moved off with his Number one.

Charg watched as his friend moved off and grinned, Aryen having filled him in on the little surprise.

Opening a channel to the others. "He's on his way." After he had closed the channel he looked to Kordah. They didn't have time to change but that wasn't important. "We will need to beam to the bridge to get there first."

Kordah, nodded his head, to his Commander. Raising his right arm up, tapped at it, open an channel to the transporter chief on duty. Ordered him to to transporter them to the bridge. An moment or two later, the lot of them, arrived on the bridge.

------Ready Room----------

Preferring to stay out of the limelight, Eirias was once again going over the interface and booth to ensure they remained working at top form. Anyone close enough would be able to see an occasional twitch as the tell-tale from having used the device a couple of times, and still adjusting to the aftermath. All he was waiting for, was the arrival of the rest of the party.

Lance and Jason had a barrel of the Bloodwine, provided by the Commodore's family, ready to go and had it hid behind a holo-projection.

Ayren stood close to the booth, grinning widely, she really couldn't wait for her mate's reaction. Fortunately he was not an empath, as she never would have been able to hide this from him.

Charg and Kordah had materialized on the bridge and moved quickly into the ready room. When they entered the room was lined with people of all ranks and position and it pleasing to him to see his friends crew coming together to honor Da`nal. Seeing Ayren. Charg moved to her side. "Who's idea was this?"

Eirias heard that comment, and decided to speak up for once. The wine and food were hidden behind not only the holo-projection, but also a newer, more silent forcefield to keep the scents from spoiling the surprise. It had taken him a while, and Jessica's help, to get everything set up. "The idea for the celebration was Ms. Kelan's. The idea for the booth itself was mine with assistance and approval from Staff Sergeant Fray, and Master Chief Nelson. Ensign Logan and Lieutenant Himars also assisted with the fabrication and installation.

Nodding as he inspected the booth. It was old...very old but as he looked closer he could see new components and his sharp hearing picked up the hum of power through the unit and he looked back at the small group of conspirators. "It's functional?"

Jessica had been filled in by Jason shortly after she had come aboard. She wished she had had a chance to help getting things set up but regardless she was excited to be able to Da`nal's reaction at least. She grinned at the Commodore's friends inquiry, "Well our first attempt was...don't know about this one. Eirias?"

"Fully functional and tested. I'll be twitching for hours." Eirias commented with a grin as he once again double checked the settings.

The man from two warrior cultures remain silent and steadfast as he observed the others. he wasn't overly sure what he was seeing, then again, he was just as surprise as the captain. however, now that he recalled and saw what was in the ready room, he recalled the events from a few days back.

'I really, need to get this memory issues looked into' he though as he smiled to the others.

Lance smirked as he continued to monitor their bosses progress. He shut the terminal down and announce Da`nal's pending arrival. "Everyone quiet...the lift if 20 seconds from the bridge!"

Eirias took that as a cue to put the holo-image concealing the booth up, and actually had to check it since the new emitters in this ship had cleared out a lot of the older tech's glitches. After that, it was time for silence as they awaited the two senior officers.

No sooner had he stepped on to the bridge and he was inundated by one person after another with questions or padds needing his review. Finally making it to the doors to his ready room the doors part and he stepped into a dark room. His senses told him something was off but before he could speak a word....

Travis grimaced at the darkness, and hoped no one would be stupid enough to physically touch the Commodore, or they'd need a medic here too. He could just make out of the forms of the people lying in wait, since he knew what to expect.

A single light came on above his sculpture Kahless and Morath. Slowly it slid aside and as it did the wall behind it opened and a booth slid forward. He stepped forward to examine the booth. His grandfather had told him tales of the agonizers and of the agony booth that would be used to punish or interrogate.

As he stared at the booth a grin formed at the gesture. As he pressed the old school 'button' the booth powered up, to his utter surprise. While he admired the work that had gone into the restoration, the hologram shielding everyone was dropped as a shout of "SURPRISE!!!" rang out.


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