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Cammy/ Alorha

Posted on 05 Aug 2015 @ 11:34pm by Lieutenant Commander Alorha Grange
Edited on on 05 Aug 2015 @ 11:34pm

755 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M13-B: The Big Goodbye
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: While at DS9


Cammy padded through the corridors leading to sickbay barefoot, having decided she had nothing to lose in taking Lisa’s advice. She had to admit, since going without shoes, she had been a lot more careful in how she walked. It wasn’t an ideal solution, but anything was better tripping. She met up with Lisa just as she approached the door to sickbay.

“Hey Cammy!” she brightened up at seeing the infiltration specialist. “Glad to see you came. I noticed you tried out my suggestion.”
Cammy shrugged.

“Is it helping?” Lisa said, her face forming a look of smug satisfaction. She prodded Cammy’s belly.

Cammy twisted her lip. “Maybe. But people keep looking at me…”

“Who cares?” Lisa said. “I told you: it’s only weird if it doesn’t work. Now then, let’s see about getting you some professional help.”

The two entered sickbay and headed towards the Chief Medical’s office. Cammy sounded the door chime and waited.

"Come," Alorha said, glad to be interrupted. Going through personnel medical took all her concentration and though she enjoyed the task, she needed some break. The door opened and Alorha got up from behind her desk. She saw the two women standing, in the door. "Hello... " she said warmly, but her eyes dropped immediately to the bare feet of the ensign. "I am Alorha Grange... how can I help?" she asked.

Cammy's cheeks flushed, but she maintained a straight face. "Uh..well, I recently got ocular implants and was told you were going to teach me how to see with them." She answered, focusing her gaze on what she thought was Alorha, but her aim was off a little and she unwittingly started just past the CMO's left ear. Lisa gently pushed her chin until Cammy was actually looking at Alorha. Cammy's cheeks grew even redder. "So, am I at the right place?"

Alorha smiled. "Yes you are and not to worry, we will sort you out in two ticks. Come," she said and took Cammy gently by her elbow and lead her to a biobed. She tapped on the top when they were next to it. "Sit down here, while I get my equipment. And you are welcome to stay," she said to Lisa as she walked over to get her medical tricorder and the optical kit she would need.

Cammy took a seat on the bed and waited quietly for the CMO to return. She never liked sickbay, which seemed normal enough. Nobody went there because they were having a wonderful day and were invited to a banquet in their honor. Over the course of her life of gymnastics, parkour, and covert operations, she had spent plenty of time being poked and prodded by medical staff. Her latest trip hadn't done much to improve her outlook on visits to medical facilities, though walking out with artificial eyes that tortured her brain and a scar was probably better than the alternative. Though she may acknowledge the invalue service sickbay offered, that didn't mean she had to enjoy it. Then again, she may have to learn to like it: her physical therapy was going to take time and guaranteed many return trips.

"Relax." Lisa rubbed her back. "These people know what they're doing."

Cammy twisted her lip. "I suppose."

Alorha came back, having overheard the last bit of the conversation. She smiled inwardly, changing setting to her scanner. "I have no idea what I am doing... will just go by trail and error...." she said with a completely straight face. "Look into this thingie," she said holding a optical scanner in front of Cammy's eyes, "while I figure out what the console says..." Alorha continued.

Cammy swallowed as she focused on what she assumed was the scanner. "Sounds fun."

"Think of it this way: thats how most people get superpowers," Lisa said with a smirk. "If the doctor screws up, you may get heat vision." She turned towards Alorha. "What are the odds of that?"

Alorha giggled as she made a few more adjustments. "That... well... a little less likely... but I might give you nice double vision..." she asked as if that could be an option. "Mmm... it looks like the interface with your optical nerve is at fault here...". The small frown between Alorha's brows showed that she had not quite expected the problem to be there but got busy fixing it. " superpowers but that should do the trick..."


LtCmdr Alohra Grange

Ensign Cammy Valentine


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