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Just gotta push it huh????

Posted on 05 Mar 2015 @ 4:35am by Lieutenant Robert Williams & Lieutenant Commander Alorha Grange & Lieutenant JG Alana Tambor & Federation Ambassador Ayren Kelan

1,289 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M13-A: From the Old to the New
Location: Sickbay

"Hey," Alorha chided Ayren. "I told you to take it easy.." Ayren had insisted walking from her room to the transporter room at Starfleet medical, insisted on being transported to transporter room 1 and walk all the way from there to sickbay. Understandably, she felt a bit weak at the knees and gripped Alorha's arm when she nearly stumbled.

But that was not the reason she nearly stumbled. Her head was buzzing being in relative close proximity to the disturbing presence of Elas. She pursed her lips and allowed her barriers to bounce his presence back like similar poles of a magnet would. At this point, her own barriers kept their connection at bay. She tilted her head and focussed on Alorha. "I will be better off in our quarters," Ayren said stubbornly as the two of them walked into sickbay.

"You are in my territory now, Ayren, and I will decide when you can be released. For now you will stay right, here," Alorha said a little more firmly, as she also knew, Ayren would take the smallest gap to do what she wanted to do. Alorha understood Ayren's desire for the familiarity of their quarters, but she was not going to take chances until she was certain that even with Elas in relative close proximity, Ayren's psionine levels would remain within normal parameters and for that reason she wanted to keep her under observation for one more day.

Alana was only beginning her shift, one more day of standard training duties and she would be released to the Achilles. Thankfully, there had been no more call for her abilities, the healing practices of the Federation allowed for remarkable treatments on their own. There was one patient that Alana needed to see personally however, her healing had opened up an empathy with Ayren that made Alana feel as though she had a sister.

The ward showed her location at a mental prompt and retinal twitch, the voiceless interaction systems finally installed in her cranial UT. It directed her to Ayren's new location, and with a smile Alana walked that way. As she got closer she felt the friendly presence, Betazoids exuded so much of their personality, Alana felt like it was a warm blanket of a tender and loving personality. She spoke softly as she entered, her voder wasnt the most pleasant sound.

"Good day to you both, I was coming by to see how you are feeling?"

Alorha smiled a greeting at the new comer and stepped slightly away, indicating that she would give the two woman space while she continued with the scans she was running.

Ayren welcomed the soothing familiar presence of the woman that helped her. "It is so good to see you," she greeted her warmly. "And your "voice" doesn't bother me," she added, having sensed Alana's caution. There was no reason to try to pretend with Alana and Ayren also knew that Alana would know exactly what she was talking about. "I want to get out of here, have some sense of myself again, but" she answered glancing towards Alorha "my mind gets tired still. I have to be on "guard" on the same level as I would in a trade conference......all the time...And I am scared..." she admitted how vulnerable she really felt.

~Thank you, it is rare to speak telepathically with someone so certain and resilient. I am sorry I couldnt help you more.~

Alana could feel nothing but Ayren's worry and desire to escape, her empathy accepted Ayren's emotions and returned them as sweet vibes to calm and soothe. She reached out with her mind, delicately sensing the fields of her brain burned from electrical activity. This was permanent damage... But Alana had no such notion.

~Ayren~ she spoke mentally then realized Alorha was also involved in this conversation..." Doctor... May I try to heal Ayren once more. Her injuries are less pronounced, and I feel recovered."

Not that she understood how it worked, but if anything could help Ayren, she was happy to allow it. If it hadn't been for Alana, Ayren might never have been able to recover. "It is up to Ayren, but as far as I am concerned, you can go ahead..." she responded.

"Please.. I would like that...." Ayren said softly, already taking full advantage of the soothing presence Alana projected.

Williams pulled his tricorder and was scanning Alana, not only as a precaution but to observe the process itself.

For Alana, this was a different matter than before. Ayren had simply been resting in the moments before just now this made for smooth waters. Alana worked her methods though an unknown mediums, the energies she exerted returned to her, and with them the cellular imprints and exchange of telomeric DNA. By casting her life essence (AKA Synaptic electrical patterns exchanged via touch) into the patient, she received the echoing return of pain and injury. It was like shoutin gin an echo chamber after a time only for each echo to be hurting less. It cost her severely with each mental effort to probe deeper but this time it was easy. This was a gentle healing, and it delighted her to have the freedom to do this under her own desires.

Ayren was injured, a mighty personality almost trapped in her own mind. there were still CS lesions, diminished psionine levels from overstimulated nerual pathways, there was even ACS activity in her heart indicating future heart problems. All of it was there, and Alana gently reached out for it.

It was the mental trauma, it was Elas still in her mind. Despite the distance it was a form of the Imzadi connection. It was a mirror to what she felt with Da'Nal. Exactly the same in every way but reversed. Her problems with Elas could be fixed as well, and the trauma would fade with understanding. Taking the fear and terror into herself with a breath Alana let it out with a simple breath. In only a few minutes, it was done. Alana opened her eyes in quiet relief that there was so little pain. Ayren was in great shape, and had weathered her ordeal with minimal scars.

Williams watched the reading on his tricorder fluctuate as the healing took place. The process was fascinating...the damage within Ayren Kelan diminished and manifesting momentarily in Alana before vanishing. Alana's physical condition after the healing was similar to a hard workout with a rise in respiration, heart rate, blood pressure, and an overall diminishing of physical reserves and mental resources.

~How does that feel?~ she asked Ayren now awakening as well.

Ayren paused a moment before she answered, using her mental processes to reach out to the different portions of her own mind. ~Whole... ~. "Whole I feel whole' she said verbally and smiled. ~Thank you... I don't have words~ Ayren projected, but she knew that Alana would also feel the full array of emotions of relief and gratefulness that Ayren felt.

In her silent way Alana smiled and said thank you for the kind thoughts. It felt like a warm drunk happiness washing over her awareness. Mentally she sent a packet of emotional data, incomprehensible to anyone that wasn't empathic.
~I can only aid your healing physically. We must both confront what happened to cause this, Elas is still in your thoughts.~

Outwardly she smiled to Dr. Williams, her voder clicked on a moment late as she spoke. "-at will be all Doctor, I must pack my things, the Achilles leaves in a day. Take care Nurse Grange, and I'll see you on board Ayren."

Lt Commander Alohra Grange

Lt Robert William

Ayren Kelan

Lt. j.g. Alana Tambor


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