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A Storm on the Horizon

Posted on 09 Nov 2014 @ 12:14am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Commander Travis Stone & Commander Karen Myles & Ensign Karrak

3,019 words; about a 15 minute read

Mission: M12: For Duty or Honor
Timeline: MD 6 - 0902

[Admiral's Quarters]

Da`nal stood staring out the window. His ship was no longer in danger and the Klingon Fleet hadn't crossed the border, nor had it turned back. The latter had him more puzzled than anything else, but he had other things to consider. Through regular contact with the Marines he learned that a storm of dissent was brewing among the crew.

As the day past he saw more and more starships arrive having answered his call for reinforcements. The word of his removal had no doubt been sent to Starfleet and intercepted by the parties involved. He could only imagine the celebrations taking place with Toran's inner circle. The fact that his fleet was still in the area was probably just to spite him.

[Cloaked Vessel]

Reynolds sat in the command chair of the Defiant class vessel that had been appropriated by their organization. Officially the ship had been destroyed but now it was a didn't exist...and neither did they for that matter. She sat there with a smirk on her face, with all the problems he had caused them this was just a wrinkle and something that he'd easily survive.

"So what do we do about this?"

Looking up at her aid. "This...nothing. Any word from your stooge?"

He shook his head. "Not a peep."

"Any chance she got wise to the whole thing?"

"I don't see how but anything is possible. Want me to drop her another line and see what the deal is?"

"No, we'll stay in the area and see what happens. If I know Da`nal this isn't over."

[Admiral's Quarter's]

Ssgt. Frey stepped up between the two sentry's who nodded and stepped to the side at his approach. Frey opened the door and stepped in, "Pardon me Admiral, I need to take you to sickbay. Also thought you might want to stretch your legs sir."

Da`nal looked at the man the had once been merely a member of his crew, then his personal guard, and was now his eyes and ears; "Very well."

[Observation lounge]

Captain Franklin stood with several other Captains while they waited on the XO and an explanation of what the hell was going on. Regulation 619 was valid but almost never implemented, and how would an officer that had never served with nor knew the intentions of his commanding officer know if he was right. Right now the group was split on the situation but it was not their decision, but Starfleet's. In another corner stood several Romulans as well, no doubt equally as curious.

Travis stepped into the room, having taken time to fully clean himself up, shave, and change uniforms to one more appropriate for the occasion. In his hands were a set of PADD's with the full audio and video from the bridge confrontation. Only activity he knew would draw this many Commanding Officers all at once. "If you all would take your seats, we'll get this started right away. There are several things to discuss today, and I think the first thing we need to go over is the elephant in the room." For someone who had just relieved the Commanding Officer of his ship, his tone was firm, calm, and confident.

Franklin took hold of the back of her chair but didn't take her seat. "Before we get started Commander..." glancing to the other Captains, "...I think I speak for all of us when I say that it is pretty presumptuous of a Command to remove a flag officer of command. The transmission you sent to Command stated you enacted regulation 619. For your own sake, you better be able to substantiate your actions."

It was indeed unusual. The only movers in the Empire who would ever had tried a move like this were Political Officers and ninety percent of those who did encountered a malfunctioning airlock within half an hour of their action. "I'm sure there is a reason," Riov tr'Vainlli, the leader of the Romulan delegation said smoothly, "One that I expect will be shared imminently," although his tone suggested that he believed the exact opposite.

"I figured you all would go right for that, the PADDs being passed around contain all the information you will require. Believe me Captains, the decision was not an easy one, but as you will see, I could not sit there and allow the Admiral to endanger the ship more than he already had." Travis waited for the stack to be passed out, then activated the main viewer in the lounge.

"Computer, activate sequence one, time index 1080." Travis closed his eyes while the sequence played, showing the scene on the bridge leading up to the Admiral calling for the ship to move into battle. Opening his eyes, he moved forward to address the group. "As you can see, the insults Lord Toran used were ineffective on the Admiral's state of mind, but the murder of his father caused him to become visibly enraged and order the ship into battle against an overwhelming force, with no friendly resources or assets." He paused then to let everything sink in and get any questions asked.

"Finally. Computer, continue playback." This time Travis let play until the attempt by Da'nal to draw the dagger on him, which was interrupted by Frey. "As you all can see, the Admiral responded with an inappropriate amount of force and if not the for the interference of Staff Sergeant Frey, he would have attacked me with that same blade. If the previous two examples were not sufficient, I do believe that attempted murder does qualify as emotionally compromised."

Now the pause was for effect, to make sure everyone present understood what had happened. He also needed this evidence for the senior staff, which would be meeting after this should he not be reprimanded and removed.

Franklin, as the senior officer, had become the spokesperson for the Federation officers assembled and had sat quietly listening as the Commander defended his actions. She glanced to her fellow officers and to the Romulans across the room then spoke. "Commander, while the letter of the law seems to be on your side you need to consider several points yourself. One, Klingons are a passionate species and react emotionally to most events...especially an attack on their House; two, assets were on the way or we would not be here; and three, an officer that has achieved the rank that Admiral Da`nal quickly as he has needs to be taken into account. He is Klingon and would know how to engage them better than any of us. He is also a decorated combat veteran of multiple campaigns. There are officers that go their entire careers with having to face a single combat action let alone the number your commanding officer has faced. For a newly appointed Exec to do what you did is unheard of. As to the Admiral drawing a weapon...what would you do if your crew mutinied against you, she ask rhetorically."

She pause slightly before continuing. "As I said the regulations may in fact support your actions but I personally disagree with you position. However we are not here to counter your orders, Starfleet Command will make it's decision. We are here to secure this area from Klingon attack and protect the innocent lives in the area. We will divide into two-ship 'teams' and patrol the area as well see to the refugee needs in the area..." glancing to the Romulan representatives, "...if there is no objections?"

"hru'hfirh?" tr'Vainlli asked, he had no authority to speak on this matter, but SHE did.

How nice it was to be anonymous, Isha reflected as she stepped forward and shrugged off that rarely worn cloak. Though her dark tunic bore no insignia of rank her bearing projected it. "I have many times attempted to provoke the Admiral," Isha said, "and both he and I know I am quite capable of defending myself and thus he would have been fully justified in responding to that provocation. I can only conclude that you are not capable of defending yourself and should therefore be wary of who you choose to provoke." Isha directed her scathing observation to Travis.

After questioning his decisions it was now time time to defend him. "With all do respect Ambassador, the Commander was there and we were not. Whether we agree or disagree with what was done is not what we should be concerning ourselves with at this time. Starfleet Command will decide what will happens to him, Admiral Da`nal, if anything. What we need to focus on is protecting your people; Toran's fleet is still out there and he could decide to try again in another location.

"Please do not presume to tell me what my focus ought to be. Starfleet's decisions are none of my business, and *my* people are well protected. I cannot say the same for those who follow the very vocal pretenders to the throne of the Stelam Shiar. My business, and those of my people hear is done." It was only an obligation of honour that she expected neither these Lloann'su nor other Klingons to understand that had allowed Isha to be anything but strictly neutral - Cariel was well protected, beyond the original borders of Romulan space and above all, a well established and self-sufficient colony with orbital defenses. "We will take our leave of you now."

Franklin watch the Romulans leave and mentally rolled her eyes and when they they had gone she turned to the rest. "Well if they don't like the manner in which we assist them too bad. We have our orders and and that is to secure the border. Commander Stone the Achilles will accompany my ship. Lets get to it."

"Understood, are you assuming command of the fleet here then Captain?" He had to ask for the record, but the Achilles would follow the orders...Now he had to deal with the dissent on board, hopefully with the senior staff first.

Franklin look to the Commander, "Until either releived by a senior officer or by other orders....yes."


Da`nal entered and moved to Ayren's bedside. He knew he had heard her call to him on the bridge and that more than anything had caused him to pause. Looking down at her still form he glanced to the nurse tending to her. "Has there been any change in her condition?"

"Yes sir, there was a spike I neural activity and a corresponding increase in he ??? level earlier this morning."

"What time this morning?"

"It was at...0627 sir. Is that significant?"

Da`nal grinned surprisingly after what had happened. It was as a weight had been lifted as he no longer had to worry about his mate...she was in there and knew what was going on around her. "Very; but that is a separate issue. What am I here for?"

Karen looked to the Admiral and motioned to her office. "This is best discussed in my office, if you would please."

Da'nal leaned down to Ayren brushing her cheek as he whispered; "I know you are there...And I know if you were awake you would be at my side in what is to come."

She walked into her office first and then turned. "I know exactly what happened on the bridge Admiral, I also know that only minutes after I baited you for a reaction." She shrugged slightly. "You hardly blinked."

She waved her hand. "I was an Executive Officer long enough to recognize what is going on here and what is about to go down." She shrugged. "I can restore your command codes, but you will need to move quickly once I do it won't take long for the acting CO to shut them down again, along with mine." She walked behind her desk and pulled out a hypospray and tricorder, walking closer to Da'nal she scanned him for a few moments and then pressed they hypospray into his arm.

"Vitamin shot, should anybody you can't trust ask why you were here." She shrugged. "You were given a physical and vaccine for the Polavian pox along with a healthy dose insulting lecture." She stepped back and tilted her head. "We are done here Admiral."

Her support of his position was unexpected and could change his plans. He leaned back and glanced to Frey before he replied to her. "You honor me, and are right to assume that something is in the works, but it is best you remain ignorant of those plans. When this is all over and the dust settles, it is possible that you will be needed. If so I will need you with your honor and position intact.

"That said what do you plan to report on my mental state following the...incident?"

She took a slight breath as she shrugged slightly. "My report will indicate you experienced a momentary lapse in judgement after you witnessed your fathers murder." She paused for a moment. "In my opinion the Executive Officer should have spoken to you in private in your ready room as you regained control only moments later, relieving you of command was overly drastic however it does fall within the bounds of the regulations." She paused again. "What I don't agree with professionally or personally is the fact he hasn't relinquished command when clearly you are in control of yourself."

She went to sit behind a desk. "He also failed to consult me after the fact, and that just pisses me off."

Oddly enough he found himself defending his mutinous XO"In an ideal situation 'consultation' would have been possible. However in the combat situation situation we were in that was not an option. Why he did not speak with you after I left the bridge I do not know. As to why he has not restored my authority...I have my theories, but he has probably been advised to hold off on further action. Before your time aboard the were several moves against me. These people have not revealed themselves and like any coward have chosen to strike only from the shadows and are no doubt planning to use this to their advantage.

"Yes well, the combat situation was very short lived." She took a deep breath. "After that he should have informed his chief health care professional that the Commanding Officer had been relieved using a Medical protocol." She leaned back and rubbed her forehead. "I am one of the few people in the fleet who has held all three positions with the power to relieve a commanding officer I know the regulations and protocols extremely well."


Once things were completed in sick bay Da`nal and his escort took the 'scenic route' in returning to his quarters to in order to coordinate certain arrangements. As the made there round a data chip was passed to off for delivery to Isha's aid. MCPO Nelson caught up with the Romulans as they left the observation lounge and joined them in the turbo lift. "Ambassador t'Khellian, it's been a long time. Things have certainly changed since we last met on the Freedom."

They have changed too much for my liking," she said. "I took my leave of the Stelam Shiar when they'd had their fill of me and took my followers to the haven I'd built for those who share my views. Cariel remains a haven, only now my former detractos wish for my help. I would have kept out of this conflict and been overlooked had Da'nal not come knocking on my door."

Lance nodded as she spoke. Since their last meeting her home world had been destroyed and a fiercely proud people now depended on the charity of a former enemy. "My condolences on your loses...both your's personally and for the rest of the Romulan people. I know it is probably not something you want but you have them all the same. But this is not the time for debate." He glanced about him and lowered his voice as he handed her the data chip. "From the Admiral."

[Transporter Room 3]

A newcomer shimmered into existence on the pad. A newcomer with different transporter protocols, as he materialized with his back to the operator. He turned around and observed his surroundings, the first Gorn on any Starfleet vessel. "Permission to come aboard." he hissed. "Granted." said the operator. Karrak picked up his duffel bag and left the transporter room, only to come out in sight of a Klingon Admiral.

He snapped to attention. "Admiral! Enssign Karrak, newly assigned ssecurity officer, reporting for duty."

It was rare that he had to actually look up at anyone, but now he was doing just that. ~A Gorn in Starfleet...just the thing to distract Stone from other things.~ "At ease Ensign and welcome to the Achilles. Unfortunately, I am unable to meet with you right now but you can report to Commander Stone, the XO, and Lieutenant Lindert, the ship's security chief."

"Undersstood, ssir. I will go find them." said Karrak

Da`nal looked back as the Gorn moved off on his quest, he could have used such a warrior in the fight to come.

Karrak left, puzzled at what the Klingon Admiral had said. He as of yet was uninformed of what happened on the bridge and subsequent actions. He would find Commander Stone and Lieutenant Lindert in the meantime. First was to go to his new quarters and unpack. He was guided by the computer and found his way to his quarters. He unpacked, and put up weapons, the Klingon Bat'leth and a similar Gorn weapon. Then came up a holoposter of the great Terran Warrior, J'onn Wayne. The Colt .45 pistols were hung up over the poster, and also his cowboy hat on the table beneath it. Suitably unpacked, he left his quarters to find his superiors.


Rear-Admiral Da`nal
Deposed CO

Commander Travis Stone

Ensign Karrak
Security Officer

Ambassador Isha t'Khellian

Commander Karen Myles, MD, PhD
Chief Medical Officer


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