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From the Ashes - Part 3

Posted on 20 Sep 2014 @ 9:40pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Robert Williams & Gunnery Sergeant Jason Frey & Commander Karen Myles & Lieutenant Caleb Gray

1,436 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M12: For Duty or Honor
Location: Sickbay


A Klingon Admiral... Looks like I'm right where I'm supposed to be... even if I am a bit early, Caleb thought as the determined party passed him in the corridor. There was no doubt about what ship he was on now. The Achilles. All in all, this was a stroke of luck. It saved him the trouble of waiting for his regular transfer. Then again, it did raise a few questions that he wasn't really sure he wanted to answer. Such as just what he was doing at the refugee camp? However, given the determined step of the Admiral and his followers, Caleb figured he would have time to work out a proper strategy to implement when the time came to confront the man in charge of the ship. One that didn't end with him on the wrong end of a Bat'leth.

"Well, if you can't assign me some quarters, I bet you know someone who can," Caleb said with a rather friendly smile, "And let's not count the brig as quarters okay?" The man winked after his final remark to add an exclamation point onto the fact that he was kidding. Mostly...

[Inside Sickbay]

Da`nal and party walked right past the handful of personnel in the corridor and entered sickbay even as more filed out. What was before him was essentially organized chaos and as they stepped further into the room a Reman that was being treated leapt off the biobed, drawing a blade. "KLINGON!!!"

SSgt Frey dove into the Admiral, shoving him forward.

Ana to sprang into action and placed herself between the Admiral and the Reman...taking the attackers blade in the back severing her spinal cord. Her death was instant and the Reman tossed her aside still intent on avenging his lost brethren.

Frey had spun and was raising his weapon as the XO's body was thrown into him. At the same time he saw a flash of movement to his left and tossed his weapon to his left as he caught the XO's body.

The commotion had finally managed to rouse Travis from near coma his injuries had reduced him to. The sight of a Federation sickbay was disorienting, as the last he knew it was a group of Remans who had been beating on him pretty well before hand. He was sure there would be plenty of healing time coming up for the injuries, but seeing one attacking a Klingon in a Fleet uniform caused him to stand up and wince a bit.

Moving to the commotion, he barely caught the sight of the Reman stabbing the woman in a fleet uniform, then tossing her aside like a rag doll. Reflexively, he caught the rifle the Marine had tossed, and while that Marine was occupied with the body, an unholy smile lit Travis' face as he dialed it up to max setting, aimed carefully at the attacker, and fired. Even as battered as he was, years of training and practice had kept his aim sharp.

Moving forward Karen knelt down next to the motionless body, the attacker now also dead she clenched her jaw and stood up. Yanking the rifle out of Travis's hands she glared. "Get your ass back in that bed." turning she shoved the weapon back at Frey.

Now looking at Da'nal her hand covered in blood she motioned to the door. "I really need all these people to leave right now, and they won't go anywhere without you." She stepped forward. "So with respect, very quickly get the hell out of my sickbay."

Now that was a look Travis had no intention of crossing, though he was surprised when she took the weapon and almost assaulted the Marine with it. Fortunately, the Doctor turned her attention on the Klingon, so he made a strategic advance to the bed and carefully laid back down.

Kordah, reaction to what just took place, was to stand there. He knew, cooler heads would come to pass and seeing Klingons and Remens and an mix of other beings in one location would was going to be an handful for anyone. However, the Klingon Bajoran officer, only gesture was to merely place his hands behind his back and clasped them together to let the interaction unfold. He shook his head as he observed the action before him for he knew when to ad was needed to the Admiral and the staff, when things got out of hand for the Marine Non Comm. He of course, kept his quiet as well, not to add fuel to an dying fire. For he already figured that tensions were on high after the assault on the camp. Plus add in the fact that not all Klingons had love for houses that once were under the Duras banner and an former warrior with no house, which would have add to an fire if he stated anything.

However Kordah did offer words to what he saw but, it was merely in the fashion of 'Hmm'. once things had died down and his theory of cooler heads took hold, when the others returned to an non anger mode. he stood there continue to observe until the Medic and or whomever is in charge gave the word to head out. Which the Doctor, so kindly asked the admiral and those he was apart with to beat feet out of sickbay.

Da`nal knelt by the body of his XO. She has taken what had been intended for him. She had died with honor and he would honor her but now was not the time. He stood glancing to the man that had vaporized the attacker. Why the Reman had attacked was unknown, most likely he had been delusional from the Klingon raid he had survived and in see a Klingon attacked out of reflex...but now they would never know.

Nodding to Frey and tilting his head towards the door. "Doctor, do what you must but I what that man..." pointing to the man that had returned to his place on a biobed, " front of me in 15 minutes."

Without pausing he looking to the rest of the 'walking wounded', "The rest of you follow me."

As he stepped out into the corridor he motion for those there to follow as they entered the medical briefing room. Taking a position at the far end of the room he turned and waited as everyone filed in.

The whole time Wallace had been in the corridor with some of the others survivors but the commotion had drawn him back to the doorway. Now that the commotion was over he returned to his previous patient. Her biosigns showed marked improvement and she would probably regain consciousness soon. While he waited he readied a nutrient suspension.

The Bajoran Klingon simply nodded his head stated "Aye Sire" and followed the Admiral to where he gestured too.

Travis on the other hand, laid right there on the bed until the Doctor could come by and patch him up, hopefully totally, but at least enough to get him through the meeting the Admiral had just demanded.

Caleb narrowed his eyes as he saw people file out of sickbay. From the looks on the faces of those coming out, something went amiss in there. What that something was Caleb didn't really know. Not that it was important at this point. He was sure he would learn more later. Assuming he was able to earn enough trust to find out. Truth to tell, it wasn't like he was in uniform and considering any kind of confirmation of his identity was destroyed on the surface with the ship he had arrived in, he had little choice but to hope that the people on this ship were open minded enough to listen to him. A tall task given the overwhelming feeling of high emotions he could see hanging about. Regardless, just the fact that he was included in the special summons was a sign that he would be getting his chance to face Da'nal sooner rather than later. Granted, the agent would have preferred to be a little more presentable, but beggars couldn't be choosers. Besides, this would get a him a better look at the others that came up with him to see just what he had gotten himself into. And more importantly how best to get out of it if need be.

Rear-Admiral Da`nal

Commander Karen Myles, MD

Travis Stone
Displaced Ex-Prisoner

Caleb Gray
Starfleet Intelligence

Lt. Kordah Himars

Lt. Robert Wallace

SSGt Jason Frey
Marine - NPC


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