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Surprising Twists

Posted on 01 Apr 2014 @ 4:56pm by Major Richard Sharpe & Lieutenant JG Kassi Denterius

1,367 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M12: For Duty or Honor

Kassi had done well to keep busy since the mixer, something that she'd been glad for as it gave her something to focus on other than the annoying emotions that kept trying to sneak up on her. She'd been close to many on her previous ship and now seemed to struggle to get close to those on this one. Although a couple that she worked with had at least gotten her to joke around some. She'd turned down the chance to go grab a drink with some of them after their shift, opting to go back to her quarters and snuggle with a good book. That all, though, would have to wait, first things first she was needed down in the Marine area to check out some issue there.

Having ducked within the Jeffery tubes to check out some of the computer relays, it wasn't long before she was inching her way back out after taking care of the issue. Opening the entrance panel, she reached back to grab her bag as she linked her way out of that tube to start down the corridor.

Marine country was never really 'deserted', and more often as not, people were around. You didn't see many non-green shirts however. They did appear every so often, but for the most part, they avoided the marines.

Sharpe was walking down the corridor, having left his office, and was heading to the firing range for his daily marksmanship practice. He did it first thing in the morning, and last thing before turning in - to keep his eye in. He was rated an expert marksman, and one didn't attain that level of proficiency without practice and dedication, and one didn't keep it without the same level of practice and equal determination to be the best. Voltare` had said it in the 19th Century; "God was not with the big battalions, but with the best shots." This was something that every professional military body had accepted as gospel for several centuries now - and whilst not a trained sniper, Sharpe was a crack shot with both a pistol and a rifle.

He too had been avoiding social interactions, restricting what he needed to do to professional contact and necessary working relationships. Beyond that, he was keeping detached. He couldn't risk being 'involved' again, and he knew it. He'd felt the pain of loss, he'd mourned at their funerals, he couldn't do it again. He wasn't really paying all that much attention to his surrounding, but he suddenly noticed the jeffries tube hatch ahead of him open, and he instinctively went on the defense, and grabbed his side-arm.

It was then he noticed the blonde hair and familiar gait of that Bajoran woman he'd met at the transport hub, and then again at the mixer. This was becoming a habit with her.

"Hello there." He said, somewhat nonchalantly.

Having pulled out a PaDD while she was walking her focus had been on it and avoiding the passing Marines, after all most of them gave her a glance over though left her alone, likely because it seemed as though that's what she wanted. Though hearing the somewhat growing familiar voice speak, she glanced towards him somewhat surprised.

"Ahh... decided to speak to me instead of just passing by I see, I suppose that's progress. At least you're not brooding like you where the last time I saw you. Although do you really have to shoot me?" She asked with a slight motion to the side-arm that he had. Yes, she may have been slightly distracted, it didn't take her long to notice things.

"Depends." He replied, calmly. "You might be a threat to me." He wasn't sure why, but she was challenging his pre-conceptions of Bajorans. Admittedly, he'd had some experiences with a Bajoran in the past, and that hadn't gone so well. Maybe he was tainted by that? Either way, she seemed to be affecting him, and he wasn't sure if that was good or bad yet.

"Me? A threat to you, a strong, hard core, Marine?" She said with a smile. "What's the worst I could do to you? Fix your replicator so that it only gives you sweet tea to drink?" Her eyes sparkled with mirth as she teased the man before her. For some reason, of all people he seemed to be the one she found easiest to do that too. Then again, she never did have issues with talking to guys.

Sharpe frowned. "Are you flirting with me, Lieutenant?" He asked.

Well dang if a deep blush touched her cheeks with that question. Was she flirting with him? No no no... Of course not, she wouldn't do that... Would she? Hmm... Maybe she was? "Of course not, if I was going to do that I would wait till after we were off duty and having dinner together first." Of course, as soon as she said that her cheeks seemed to turn yet another shade of red.

This caused Richard to smirk a bit. "A bit presumptuous, don't you think?" He asked, trying very hard to come to terms with what was going on here. He disliked Bajorans, for good reasons, but for some reason - he couldn't bring himself to dislike *this* Bajoran. It felt like a betrayal to like her, but damnit, if he didn't find himself smiling at the thought of dinner with this really pretty woman.

"Perhaps, but considering this is likely the only time I would have the guts to do it, Would you want to go to dinner?" Did she really just ask him to dinner? Great... Perhaps she really had needed to get out and around people a little more. Then again... She wasn't quite sure what it was that drew her to this man. He'd made it clear at the get together, he wasn't a people person. And she'd seen the way he'd reacted towards the other Bajoran and had the feeling that there was something more there. Meh, he'd say no and they would both be on their merry way.

He had no idea what to say. A part of him wanted to say yes, because she was hot, she was attractive, and she clearly had a thing for him. What man would want to turn that down? But another part of him screamed "She's Bajoran you fool! She can't be trusted!" There was a saga going on in his brain at that moment, and he had no idea what his face must look like, but after what felt like an eternity - he finally answered. "Yes." He said. "In the lounge?"

Yep, he was going to say no she could see by his face, though she also picked up on something else... What, she wasn't sure, but didn't figure it would be wise asking him. About to tell him not to worry about it, she gave a little shrug. "D.... " Wait.. Hu? He said yes? But he was.... Ugh, men... Sometimes one just couldn't figure them out. "Yes, the lounge works for me. Um.. When?" Crud... Had he really said yes? She chewed on her lower lip some nervously now.

"Tonight?" He replied, hoping to keep the momentum going. There was something about this girl...

"About 1900 hours?" Trying to get this figured out before she lost that last bit of nerve. Of course now she was trying to figure out what the hell she was going to wear. It had been a good while she's she'd gone out on a date. No... This wasn't a date, it was just two people going out for dinner. Yes, that's what she was going to tell herself.

"Sounds good." He said, wondering what he was doing. But then again, she'd been very friendly towards him, and maybe it didn't hurt to repay the kindness. After all, nothing wrong with being kind.

"Alright then, I'll.... meet you there." Her cheeks flushed a little more with that thought. "I should go, work you know. I'll talk to you later." With that, she hurried off, leaving them both probably wondering what they had just gotten into.

= End Log =

1Lt Richard Sharpe

LtJG Kassi Denterius
Asst. Chief Ops


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