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New Crew and Achilles Alum mixer - Part 4

Posted on 20 Mar 2014 @ 12:20am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Elas Vonti

1,599 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M12: For Duty or Honor
Location: Poisoned Arrow Lounge

Da`nal entered the lounge with Aryen on his arm, in his uniform despite her best efforts. The party was in full swing and the place was filled with both old and new faces. He nodded approvingly at the festive chaos. Those not on duty packed the lounge and even went as far as to relieve those on duty so they could attend. He scanned the crowd looking for their new counselor.

Ayren let his arm go so he could do the rounds and she hers.

Finding the counselor doing what his species does best...recovering memories; he waited until the show was over before interrupting. Speaking to the crowd observing the demonstration.

The word had gotten out about Elas and his magical touch. With a spare moment he could change your whole perspective, relieve you of nagging doubts or uncertainty. He was performing the feat for a pleased crowd of onlookers, helping a handsome young engineer remember his recessed childhood. The young crewman had never forgiven his father for the abuses he had endured, but the Counselor had spoken to him a for a few minutes about it, and then taken his hand. Moments later they both opened their eyes and Elas sat back in the booth while the crewman contemplated his whole life. When Elas saw Da'nal, or rather felt the intent from him to "Find Vonti" he looked and heard the Klingon insert himself close by.

Elas near panicked at the thoughts of what might soon happen, and when he heard "Pardon me...I need to borrow the doctor for a moment." his heart rate shot into the danger zone. He stood, none of his internal panic showing.


"Counselor...are you alright?"

Elas knew it was the psychic connection to Ayren he was picking up on, but the panic response threatened to overwhelm him. He clamped his mental shields down tight, and it helped. "Yes Admiral, I am a little shaky after a session, but it passes quickly. What can I do for you?"

Da`nal rolled his shoulders a bit. "I wanted to thank you for your report. From what I was told you and your 'assignment' were a part of a larger scheme. It would seem that things are taking place and strings are being pulled by someone in the shadows by someone without the honor to face me directly. From now on if you get orders from outside the ships chain of command you are to inform me immediately."

Elas blinked for a moment, unsure of what to do next. He hadn't expected this. "Aye sir. The whole initiative has been shut down on my advice pending further investigation. I apologize for allowing myself to be used. You don't need to fear that I am a weak point so setting the record straight was the least I can do. This is a fine crew Admiral, and you are a good leader... I feel there is much that can be done though. It would be nice to have your support."

Da`nal nodded, the counselor had come through for him when need. "Done. Enjoy the party"

Telemachus Entered the lounge feeling a bit out of place being new aboard ship he mad for the replicator and ordered an ale he began looking around the lounge

Having made the trip to the lounge without much pause - she did have a brief conversation with a nurse in a corridor about scheduling some of the crew for health assessments - Atri stepped inside the already populated room.

A man that Atri recognized as the Security Chief was standing by a replicator, idly observing the movement of those gathered.

"Lieutenant... Rahde, right?" She said, stepping over to him, offering her hand. "Atri Bi'trell, I'm the new CMO."

Telemachus smiled and grasped her hand
"A pleasure to meet you please call me Telemachus I’m the new CS/TO", he said with a smile, "how are you finding the ship and crew?

"Then I'll be Atri, Telemachus," Atri said with a smile, shaking his hand. "The ship is certainly modern," she added. "Frankly, it's a bit of a technology shock, after the time-capsule that is Starfleet Medical."

She glanced around the room. "As for the crew, I've pretty much met everyone through their medical records, already." Grinning she leaned in closer to Telemachus, and said, "Not exactly great for conversation starters."

Da'nal was making the rounds through the crowded lounge and saw one of his offices standing off by himself. Before heading over he watched him for a moment and grinned as he saw him watching an Orion intel officer.

As he reached him Da`nal spoke. "Careful Lieutenant, she might hurt you. You don't want to end up in sickbay over another woman do you?"

Startled by the Admiral's approach and warning all he could do was reply with a flustered, "Sir?"

"You don't Charg told me all about you when I let him know we intercepted the USS Weatherbey?"

Oz flushed a bright red at the possible stories his old friend could have told the Admiral. "You spoke with Charg?"

"Yes, when we discovered what had happened to the crew of the Weatherbey and the situation on the planet I needed first hand information on what we were dealing with. Given what had happened on the Aldeberan he was a natural choice."

"True. If I can ask...what all did he tell you?"

Da`nal laughed at the hesitant inquiry. "Not to worry, only things that were public knowledge. But I didn't seek you out to discuss your past."

Now Oz was curious or more curious about why the Admiral had come to him. "Sooooo wwwhy did you 'seek me out' sir?"

Da`nal motioned to the seats being vacated by several retuning to duty. "I have orders for you Mr. Goodshire. You are being transferred to the USS Atlantic, currently on it's shakedown cruise in the Briar Patch. You are to report to Spacedock tomorrow by 1300, there is a Delta Flyer Class shuttle, the Swordfish, that is being assigned to the Atlantic. It will be taking you and a few other crew additions to the Atlantic."

Oz's head was swimming, and not just from the alcohol. He had liked serving on the Achilles, not only was it a high ranked, high profile ship but it was a Prometheus and could split into 3 sections...which was just cool. He let out his breath slowly. "Who's going to keep an eye on your gagh worms?"

"I think you have more to worry about than that...the XO of the Atlantic is an acquaintance of yours."

Now Oz began to panic and he thought to himself, ~Please don't be Chrissa....Please not Chrissa...please not Chrissa...~ "Well it's not like I won't know soon enough but who is it."

Da`nal was beginning to enjoy this. Charg was right when he said that Oz's had absolutely no poker face. "You remember Lieutenant Junior Grade...well now Lt. Commander Montoya don't you?"

Oz felt the blood drain from his face. "Oh shit...."

All Da`nal could do was roar with laughter

[Some time later]

Da`nal had made his way from one side on the lounge to the other speaking with one group of crew members to another. but no was time to make his presentation. He made his way to the center of the bar, looking out on the crowd to make sure his target was still here. Downing the last of his bloodwine he began to bang his tankard on the bar.

As conversations stopped and people turned he began his address. "Crew of the Achilles. A lot as changed in the years since we first left Star Base 47. Some of you have been here since that time and have most of you have not. Some of you have shed blood to defend this ship, but all of you have honored this ship and me with your service and your dedication.

"Tonight we celebrate those who have served, are serving, and welcome those who are new to our family. Now if you haven't noticed...I'm a Klingon and as a Klingon has his House, WE have this ship" His eyes scanned the crowd, and he motioned to the deck beneath his feet; "This is our House. We are not just shipmate...we are all Brothers and Sister and like any family we all rise and fall together. When one of us dishonored so are we all! When one of us succeeds...we all succeed!

Glancing over to Ayren he grinned before wrapping up his speech. "Now, it has been suggested that it would do you all good to see me relax and..."let my hair down". So..." he removed his jacket, reached behind his head and released the leather thong holding his hair in its ponytail. Shaking his hair loose he stepped up to the nearest member of his crew, " for the rest of the night all ranks are dropped. My last order of the night is this. Eat and drink your fill for tomorrow we will head towards Romulan who's up for a B'aht Qul challenge?"

"Right here admiral" Telemachus said stepping forward from his position near the replicator.

Suteyo was thoroughly drunk, and had no idea what the challenge was. Liqour brought the Capellan out in him and he stood. "Count me in too!" He swayed slightly as he spoke but otherwise stood firm.

Da`nal took a seat as a crowd began to group around them. "Wa'... Cha'... Wej"


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