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Posted on 17 Feb 2014 @ 11:06pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,075 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M12: For Duty or Honor
Location: Klingon Empire

A hot wind blew over the hills and through the structures of the compound. Toran stood there, his hair and robes blowing as the winds that gusted over the balcony of his ancestral home. It had been years since his tour as an Ambassador to the Federation had ended and even longer since he felt like the warrior he had once been.

He was an old warrior and longed for the day of glory he had known in his youth but knew those days were behind him. The Empire was no longer the same Empire he had known and he had no patience for the posturing and squabbling of the High Council.

In his eyes The Empire was stagnating and he was even beginning to see this in his own House. The House of Morqrat, while a Great House of the Empire, was becoming soft…like the Empire itself. It was time that someone rose to lead the Empire back to greatness!

Spinning sharply, his robes flowing he re-entered his chambers and passing through the vaulted study he stood the entrance and looked down the corridor of the ancient dwelling before bellowed for his aid and daughter. “VASHARA!!”

Hearing her father roar, she left her work and came into to his study. The doors parted at her approach and she saw that he had activated the wall monitor normally concealed in the wall. She moved to his side as he stared up at the monitor displaying the area of space surrounding the holding of their House. “You summoned me father.”

His gaze never left the monitor. “Summon my Generals.”

Vahara was taken back at the request…well order. “It will take some time father as most are away on patrols or other duty.”

“I do not want excuses daughter! Summon them…also summon the Heads of the Houses allied to our House.” He turned his head to his daughter to see only a questioning gaze. “Now!”

She had never seen the look in her father’s eyes that peered into her and she became very worried. Despite her concern she bowed her head. “Yes My Lord.”

[3 Days Later - Great Hall – House of Morqrat]

Vashara had tried her best to calm her father’s wrath as he became more and more impatient while he had been forced to wait for everyone to arrive; two servants had already died as result of his rage.

The Heads of the Houses sworn to the House of Morqrat were here along with their aids and combat leadership. Key among these Houses was the House of Varal. Ralnath, Head of the House of Varal sat as several general tried to out boast each other.

Ralnath listened to the warriors and recalled the day when he too had boasted with his fellow officers and grinned at the memories as he rose. So far there had been no sign of their host but as they were still waiting on another of Toran’s generals to arrive his was sure they would not be seeing Toran intil everyone was assembled Plunging his tankard into the open barrel of blood wine he move to retake his seat.

[Elsewhere in the compound]

“WHERE IS THAT PETAQ!” Toran raged.

The unlucky target of Toran’s rage replied as he awaited his possible death, their lord had been remarkably short tempered the last few days. Bowing his head; “My Lord, General B’nar is entering the system right now. He reports that his ship experienced a malfunction and was not able to get here as quickly…”

Spittle flew as Toran spoke, “That QI'yaH cannot even keep his ship functioning properly! I will deal with him when he arrives!” Without another word he headed to the great hall and the future glory of his House and the Empire.

The doors to the great hall had not been updated to automatics but had remained the massive wooden doors and the guards posted at the entrance opened them at their Lords approach.

As he entered the hall everyone fell silent and those not already seated took seats. Toran moved between the two long tables on either side of the room and he took his place on the dais at the head of the room. He looked out at those assembled silently for a moment letting his anger subside for a moment.

“Millennia ago Kahless rose in our people’s time of need and guided us to honor. As we spread amongst the stars our people brought glory and honor to our people. All of us can recall the stories of how Kang, Koloth, and Kor brought Honor and Glory to themselves and the Empire!

“Now we a plagued with deceit and treachery. The conspiring of General Chang, the generations of treachery of the Duras! And in each incident the stench of Romulan involvement! The Empire has become weak and stagnant…”

His speech was interrupted as the massive doors opened by the late entrance of General B’nar, who moved to the center of the room. “My apologies Lord Toran…AAAGGGHHHHHH!” The general never got chance to complete his excuse and his cries of agony echoed though the hall as he glowed and vanished into nothingness.

Toran had left his seat and had on foot on a lower step. All watched silently as he holstered his disruptor. “WEAKNESS!! Weakness and stagnation my brothers is rampant throughout our once mighty Empire. We now embrace alien cultures when we used to Conquer them! Our noble bloodlines polluted by lesser races!”


The hall echoed with the roars of anxious warriors. They knew not what his plans were yet but the prospect of greater future for their people was…intoxicating.

Toran clapped his hands and the main doors opened as servants entered with tray after tray of foods of all kinds and barrels of blood wine were brought in for the feast. As the feast got underway Toran and the heads of the five Houses sworn to the House of Morqrat retreated to an antechamber. From there he laid out his plans. From there orders went out to ship yards and planets across the neighboring sectors. From there their futures took shape.


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