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For Marines by Marines

Posted on 23 Feb 2014 @ 10:37pm by Sergeant Major Arcenio Velez & Major Richard Sharpe & 2nd Lieutenant Zak Keevon

1,019 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M11: Feet to the fire

Velez had returned from his regular morning workout and as usual he was the first to arrive to start the day and set about his daily routine. He had the plan of the day ready in short order and as the morning muster was dismissed her picked up his old school canteen cup and took a long pull from his still steaming coffee.

He had been observing the two new officers since he first saw them but until proven otherwise they were still a couple a boots as far as he was concerned...officers sure, but boots none the less.

Slipping his PADD with the days who, what, and where into his thigh pocket; he strode over to the two and made his introduction. "Morning gentlemen, I'm Sergeant Major Velez, the SNCOIC on this ship. Have you been given the tour yet?"

Richard turned to face the Senior Non-Com who'd approached him. Sergeant Major's were the top rung of the enlisted ladder, and as such, got quite a considerable amount of deferral from just about everyone. A junior officer would do extremely well to consider that the only thing that put him above the Sergeant Major, was a mere technicality about officers being senior to enlisted.

This wasn't the first time Richard had had dealings with a staff NCO. He'd learned a lot from the platoon Gunny in his first command, and therefore didn't take a non-com for granted. Also, Captain Post had made it very clear that she expected him to work with the Sergeant Major. Frankly, lording it over the guy, wasn't his style. His bars were a privilege, not a right.

Having just finished his own workout, he was hot and sweaty himself, and was toweling himself off, still in his workout gear. "Good Morning Sergeant Major." Sharpe said, nodding to the man. "I have not had a 'tour' as such, but I did get lost trying to find the head last night, and discovered the equipment locker. So you probably don't need to show me that." He smiled.

Nodding with a smirk at the young officers predicament. "Well in that case let's start at the top and work our way down shall we?"

"Lead on, Sergeant Major." Richard said.

Directing the officers to the nearest lift. Once the three of them were all in he announced their destination. "Bridge." As the lift sped off he initiated the conversation. "So have either of you done time in the enlisted ranks?"

Zak nodded. "I made Sergeant a few months before I was selected for OCS." He left out the reason he'd been so desperate to get off the ship where he'd been serving; there would be more than enough time for his new shipmates to learn about that later, and reopening old wounds had never been his idea of a way to make a good first impression. "So not at your level, obviously, but I'm not completely new to the Corps."

"I'm academy, I'm afraid." Richard said. "Although I did spend my midshipman tour with the marines - almost lower than a mere private are the midshipman." He smirked, remembering fondly his six month midshipman tour.

Replying in good humor he looked to Richard as the doors opened, "Well we all can't be perfect now can we?"

Before either could reply he was orienting the two officers while the stood in the corridor. "Ok, that door will take you to the Admiral's yeoman and the ready room" Pointing to the door across form the turbolift, "This will take you to the bridge itself." He then pointed down the corridor, "That way you will find a head and further down the hall is the observation lounge."

"I can't imagine we'll be up here all that much, Sarge." Richard replied. "Certainly not to see the Admiral."

Being the 'old salt' that he was he stiffened at the term. "Sergeant Major," Velez corrected, "a 'sarge' is mud hugging fish, not a Marine". That said he continued his reply to the rest of the MXO's comment. "Lt. Sharpe, you'll be in on the briefings with the senior staff, and Lt. Keevon with the Admiral being a Klingon we just might see him in "Marine Country" as he likes to keep his hand to hand skills sharp".

"Funny, I thought all Marines were mud huggers, but nevermind." He smirked. "I was not aware I would be at meetings with the senior staff, but thank you for letting me know."

TAG - Keevon

Velez nodded, "No problem sir, can't have our officers out of the loop now can we." He gestured pack to the lift. "There is one onther place aboard that I wanted to show both of you..."

"By all means, lead on." Richard replied, following the Sergeant Major.

Stepping into the Velez announced their destination, "Deck 14, aft." The questioning looks were to be expected as they were basically returning from where they had started. "Well I didn't think you needed to see sickbay... or the other standard facilities aboard. One starship is pretty much the same as the next; although being a Prometheus class, the Achilles does have 3 "bridges", 3 "sick bays, and 3 "engineering" spaces."

"So where are we going?" Richard asked.

Velez grinned and replied only with a clue...."Back to the beginning."

Richard raised an eyebrow. "Don't you think that's a tiny bit cryptic, Sergeant Major?" He asked.

"Perhaps..." The lift doors parted and Velez led the way to the aft lounge. The lounge that had for all intents and purposes been taken over by the Marines. When the doors part the scent of old wood, candle smoke, and ale greeted them. "Welcome to Tum Tavern gentlemen."

Zak let out a slight laugh. "Are you sure our kind is welcome in a place like this? I'd expect the NCOs wouldn't want any officer types ruining their fun."

Velez smirked a bit. "Well there IS an officers lounge for you 'officer types' but this was set up by Marines for Marines...regardless of rank."

1st Lt. Richard Sharpe

2nd Lt. Zak Keevon
Recon Lt

Sgt Maj Arcenio Velez


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