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A Little Perspective

Posted on 10 Feb 2014 @ 5:41pm by

604 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M11: Feet to the fire
Location: Holodeck
Timeline: Current


Cammy always marveled at how versatile the word was. It could describe surprise, joy, frustration, and so much more. Right now, it described her aim. It flowed freely from her lips as her crossbow bolt sailed through the air, past the target marker, and into a nearby oak.

She let out a sigh as she lowered the crossbow. Missing the mark seemed to be a habit lately: one she’d have to break pretty soon. ~Starfleet doesn’t have patience for losers.~

Lisa bit her lip. “Cammy…how did you ever make it through the academy?”

“Eh?” Cammy stepped onto the cocking stirrup and hauled the string back to the latch.

“Your aim.”

“To be fair,” she put the weapon up to her shoulder and slipped a bolt into place, “I never learned to shoot projectile weapons.” ~How the hell am I going get into Da’nal’s office and recover the PADD?~ It seemed to be an impossible situation. Only people who had business with the admiral would get in, and his office personnel would know who that was. Security probably got a wake-up call following her break-in. She didn’t even have any identifying markings on the PADD to single it out. She not only had to get in, but stay there long enough to perform a semi-thorough search.

She stuck her tongue out as she concentrated on the target marker. She pulled the trigger, releasing the bolt with a click and whoosh. The bolt shot past the marker, impacting an inch away from the first. Her shoulders sagged. “I don’t get what I’m doing wrong. I focus in on the target, I’m holding the crossbow steady…”

Lisa gave her an encouraging hug. “Maybe you’re too focused on the target.”


“Well I’m no expert, but I think you’re concentrating to hard on the target and losing sight of the crossbow.”

Cammy took a moment to fully absorb Lisa’s words. ~Too focused on the target…~

“Maybe if you paid more attention to what the crossbow is doing, you’ll see what you need to do to hit the mark.”

It was such a simple thing, yet somehow she forgot. ~Pay attention to the crossbow. Pay attention to what’s right in front of me.~ She readied the crossbow and loaded another bolt. She steadied her aim, lining up the iron sights. With another click, the bolt cut through the air and clipped a small notch out of the upper left portion of the outer target ring.

Lisa patted her on the shoulder. “See what a little change in perspective gets you?”

Cammy turned towards her with a warm smile. “Thanks.”

“My pleasure. You might ask one of the Marines to help you more though. I think they still use some projectile weapons.”

“I might just do that.” Cammy replied, setting the crossbow on her shoulder and sliding an arm around Lisa’s side. “But for right now, I’m hungry. Wanna grab something to eat?”

“I’d love to.”

“Arlight. Just let me put this up and get ready.”

“Just don’t take too long.” Lisa added with a wink.

She gave Cammy a peck on the cheek as she walked away.

Cammy smiled as she went. ~You have no idea, Lisa.~

Time wasn’t on her side, but she couldn’t let the pressure get to her. ~I’m just trying to sneak into an admiral’s private office and rummage through sensitive information in search of a special PADD that looks like all the others. What could go wrong?~



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