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A Strange Arrival

Posted on 11 Feb 2014 @ 8:51pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Jsioasi
Edited on on 11 Feb 2014 @ 9:12pm

2,107 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: M11: Feet to the fire
Location: USS Achilles
Timeline: 36 hours prior to Hearing


"Additional crew standing by to beam aboard," the transporter chief announced as the admiral walked up to the console of the traffic-heavy transporter room.

Normally he didn't greet the new crewmembers in the transporter room but this was a special case as the man preparing to beam up was unique. He nodded without actually looking at the operator, "Energize."

Five new crewman beamed aboard. The enlisted officers immediately went to the petty officer waiting for them. A sole commissioned officer remained on the pad. His silver eyes fixed on the admiral with something akin to recognition. Stepping forward, the tall, dark-blue alien in an operations uniform nodded to Da'nal.

"Admiral Da'nal," The man said in a flat, strictly professional tone, "Lieutenant Jsioasi reporting for duty."

The mans appearance was not odd as he was like a dark complected, slightly ridged Andorian without the antennae. There were also visible implants that gave the impression that he had been recovered from the Borg. These things were easily accepted, but it was the eyes that drew his curiosity but kept he curiosity in check. "Welcome aboard Lieutenant. Have you had a chance to get lunch yet?"

There was a pause as the officer seemed to be evaluating the admiral in some way. He had had a brief lunch, but it seemed the admiral might be intending to invite him in order to get to know his new officer. "I have not, sir."

"I see", Da`nal indicated the door. "Well if you can wait a little longer we can get your reporting in wrapped up or if need be you can get settled and then report to the ready room?"

A miscalculation, perhaps, the cyborg decided, but an acceptable error in judgement. "I am prepared to report to duty immediately, unless another option is more convenient to you, Admiral."

The two entered the corridor and Da`nal headed for the lift and paused only slightly as the doors parted. After announcing their destination he looked to the new officer, wondering if there had been an effort to find his home world. "Where was it that you were found?"

"I'm sorry, Admiral," Jsioasi said, "That information is classified... I do not even know, though I have calculated the areas of space with the highest probability of being the location of my discovery based on several factors. I consider my 'birth' to be on Earth, as that is where my first memories take place."

While he respected the man's opinion he personally disagreed with such an attitude. He also found it odd that the location of his discovery was classified, unless there was some perceived threat or that the location had some other sensitive nature. "You will have to forgive me but for a Klingon our past is vital to who and what we are. What about your peoples history...your culture? Are they warriors, explorers, cerebral, or isolationist? What about you planet caused your people evolved the way they did. Your eyes or your implants for example. Are they a normal aspect of you kind or were you modified for a specific purpose?"

"I do not know, Admiral," the alien admitted, "the information available to me and Starfleet in that regards is limited. I can make extrapolations based on my own design, but the stasis facility I was found on did not contain any historical or cultural information. I do not believe Starfleet is hiding that information from me either, though it is possible. I do know the technology on the stasis unit is nearly identical to that found in my cybernetic implants, at least suggesting the same origin, though not necessarily my own people; it is unclear whether or not cybernetics are the norm for my people. However, I do speak what I believe to be my native tongue and I understand the programming languages of my implants; I have analyzed both and it is plausible that a complicated programming language like that found in my accompanying technology could have been derived from a people who speak my language. It is highly advanced, as are my own personal language skills; I have found most humanoids are woefully inadequate in grasping the vocal and grammatical complexity of the language, with exceptions. This analysis leads me to believe that my species is advanced in many ways, including mentally. If my organic components are taken as the norm, my species is likely of average physical strength with highly evolved brain functions." He paused for a noticeable instant at the end of his rather long speech, and then added, "Is that a sufficient exposition, Admiral?"

Nodding his acceptance of the lengthy response he stepped out of the lift and was about to cross the corridor and enter the bridge but his sense of smell detected the aroma of Klingon cooking. "Do you smell that?" Turning towards the observation lounge he led the way as he followed his nose.

"I do not, sir," Jsioasi replied, "My olfactory nerves seem to have been neglected by whoever gave me my implants." He followed, of course, and went with the Admiral into the observation lounge.

Lantiq was already sat at the Admiral's table when Da'nal and the new Operations Officer arrived. Lantiq stood up to greet them, taking in the newcomers strange appearance. Having read through the personnel files on the incoming transfers this one had certainly stood out.

"Admiral" he greeted Da'nal "Chef has apparently secured a small shipment of fresh Klingon octopus. I took the liberty of ordering three bowls for lunch."

Turning to Jsioasi he said "Welcome aboard Lieutenant, I'm Lantiq Ryal."

"Lieutenant Jsioasi," the operations officer replied with a nod of his head in greeting, "A pleasure, Commander. I look forward to serving with you." He glanced at the table, then said, "Klingon octopus? Is that popular among klingons?" The man's head tilted slightly towards the admiral, though it was hard to judge where exactly he was looking when he had no visible pupils.

The corner of his mouth curled up as he replied. 'One of many dishes that are very popular. It can be outstanding if done right...and disastrous if prepared wrong. As the Commander has made food available we will have a working meal; what better way to get to a new officer than by sharing a meal? If you would prefer something else I can have something replicated for you."

"Not at all, Admiral," the lieutenant assured Da'nal, "I enjoy trying new foods. I find Klingon food to be very interesting and always an experience I am glad to have."

"Excellent! Well I will get us some bloodwine and some favorites of mine to accompany the octopus, a meal should have variety after all. I will only be a moment and will allow you and the Commander get to know each other." Da`nal left the observation lounge and follow the corridor to his ready room to begin replicating several dishes...dishes that could be replicated that is.

"I note from your record you spent a year at Deep Space Nine Lieutenant. Did you get an opportunity to visit Bajor?" Lantiq asked

Jsioasi studied Lantiq, reviewing the information he had learned from the man's dossier. "My time was devoted to upgrading and retrofitting the station," he said, "However, I did have the opportunity to visit the planet on several occasions at the behest of my bajoran colleagues. The scenery was most enjoyable, as was your food; I also found a fascination with your religion. It must be interesting to have a religion so integrally tied with Federation affairs."

Lantiq nodded along and smiled at the comments concerning his home planet's scenery. The new officer's remarks concerning the Bajoran faith were rather odd though "Not sure what you mean by tied to Federation affairs. For instance, the Emissary's position as a Federation Star Fleet officer was entirely immaterial to his function as a conduit from the Prophets. Likewise, the Prophets decision to close the wormhole access via the celestial temple during the Dominion War was again of their own determination, not for the sake of the Federation..."

"But you cannot deny that it effected the Federation," the lieutenant offered, "No one else can say their deities' actions helped the Federation win a war. I have sometimes wondered what it is like to be a follower of the Prophets; your religion is unique. I do not have the benefit of any religious experience myself, though."

Lantiq smiled again "I'm sure every species believes in the uniqueness of their own beliefs. I just have faith in the Prophets, it's been their all my life..."

"So, what are your earliest memories of then?" He asked.

Jsioasi suspected perhaps the first officer wasn't comfortable talking about the subject of religion with a subordinate officer. He stored the data away while considering the new question. "My earliest memories are of being awoken from stasis at Starfleet Headquarters on Earth in 2364," he informed the man, "I recall every moment since then precisely as it occurred to me."

The doors parted and Da`nal entered carrying a large tray with several dishes...unfortunately replicated. "I may have gone slightly overboard but now we have plenty of variety to accompany the Karada the Commander had prepared."

Placing the tray between then he named the each dish. "This is Qaj tlhuQ or Kradge Tail, a delicacy who’s method of preparation varies from House to House. This is Pipius claw, a traditional dish made according to my own Houses recipe. Now no feast would be complete without a Targ roast." Lighting the candle near the bowl of liquor, "This is a personal favorite of mine called qul DIr, you take a piece from the bowl lighting it with the candle and eat it while burning. Finally, this is tIqnagh lemDu’ or Tknag hooves, a rare delicacy...many warriors have died in battles over the recipe for this dish." The tray also held two bottles of blood wine, Hurgh, and a loaf of bread. Of course, in typical Klingon fashion, there were no plates and the only utensils were a few skewers for the qur DIr.

Jsioasi examined the food with interest. "How is the Qaj tlhuQ prepared, Admiral?" he asked, perfectly imitating the klingon name for the food. "According to your House's method?"

Not pausing as he removed a piece from the bowl of qul DIr, "Now secret." The liquor soaked skin burst into flame as he held it over the candle only to pop it in his mouth...flames and all.

Lantiq had tried this dish before and found out the hard way that trying to gingerly place a piece of flaming meat in your mouth only resulted in burnt lips. The best technique was to find your inner-klingon, lick your lips in anticipation, thus providing a layer of insulating saliva, then shovel in a burning chunk as fast as you could. Before closing your mouth tightly to smother the flames.

He skewered a chunk of qul DIr, set it alight and deftly popped it in his mouth. Once the burning stopped it was actually pretty good and he chewed the meat happily.

The lieutenant followed suit, taking the meat and quickly putting it into his mouth once it started to light. He chewed thoughtfully, nodding to himself, and swallowed. "A fascinating experience," he declared, "Quite enjoyable."

A moment later, the man continued, "I accessed the briefing, but I would like to hear about the ship's mission in person."

Reaching for a piece of Karada and gesturing with it slightly. "Well for right now several of the crew are due to go before a panel concerning our last mission. Until that is resolved, and as you are not subject to the hearings just get to know the ship, your staff, or other members of the crew."

"I have already uploaded and memorized the ship's schematics and crew manifest, sir," Jsioasi replied, perfectly serious, "I can access the personnel file of any crewman at will."

Shaking his head. "No no you misunderstand. I am not meaning for you to memorized records, you need to interact with the crew. Get to know them on a personal level."

Lantiq nodded "Meet your operations team, get to know them and the ship. Go and work alongside them. Remain in authority but go get your hands dirty, show them you understand their jobs" he suggested

Gesturing at his XO with a bone as he swallowed. "Exactly...but for now we feast!"

Rear-Admiral Da`nal

LtCmdr Lantiq Ryal

Lieutenant Jsioasi


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