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Because Starfleet cares 3: Downright hostile!

Posted on 30 Jan 2014 @ 3:41am by Federation Ambassador Ayren Kelan & Lieutenant Elas Vonti
Edited on on 30 Jan 2014 @ 10:57pm

1,719 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: M11: Feet to the fire
Location: Chief counselor's office
Timeline: Early mission: earth orbit

Elas recalled her instant defense of Da'nal, she was biased heavily in his favor but she was probably the only path to a satisfactory review for Da'nal. The wheels were in motion and this was his best path to get out unscathed. Her comment on Klingons being different and thus excused to act out showed her professionalism had been compromised. He had momentum and pressed onwards, hoping to say in one breath everything he needed while he had a chance to get it all out.

"I am frankly alarmed at how you are instantly justified to attack the validity of a program designed to earmark crew members who need help! I understand Admiral Da'nal is your mate, but you are both Starfleet officers so I don't have to remind you that they will split you up to separate vessels if they feel you cant carry out your duties professionally! I notice you have no criticisms for the other crew marked, there is even a Rondan on this list, and they are another belligerent race similar to native Klingon's. A Klingon in Starfleet is held to the same standard as any other serving crew, be they Admiral or Crewman. We all have different physiologies and we all must make compromises, but we are all bound to our orders, Klingons don't get a special pass."

This was preposterous! Split them... she had never heard of that!

Deciding it was time to reveal his thoughts on what was happening, "I feel part of my presence and the nature of my sudden assignment here was entirely for the benefit of catching both of you off guard, I cant say I agree with their methods but it has revealed a clear bias on your part as well. As of right now if he doesn't submit to Starfleet Medicals review he will undergo the PDH II C standard review, or even possibly a PGH III S which would carry a 6 month forced shore leave for medical review. Da'nal thought I was being overly arrogant and aggressive with my assignment, but wait until Medical hears my assignment fails due to one stubborn Klingon who holds himself to a separate standard from the rest of his crew and see who they send. That isn't a threat Commander, I am not here to do anyone harm, I am here because of a program hundreds of the Federations top specialists have worked on to head problems off before they become problems that get people killed or ruin a good officers career."

He realized he was getting to the point of ranting, and he pulled himself back to a calm neutral level. "Commander, I am not an enemy, I have standard techniques, and I am not demanding Da'nal go through any telepathic scans if he feels they are intrusive. I should hope you would help me, even be the facilitator and process the review as Medical wants, but please study the data objectively Commander. Starfleet cares about its crew, if a crewman had an illness of the body it would be treated right away wouldn't it? Well now we are seeing the same level of response for psychological maladies as well. Starfleet is listening to us finally, and Starfleet cares."

She flatly and obviously ignored his last statement. Her expression was now cool she had her regained her composure. She looked at him straight and spoke. "Point number one, you know nothing of me, my mate or this crew. You don't know any of us, so it is not your place to come onto this ship with a list of people your instrument, which is done on a pure physiological basis, decided to be needing help. Yes, some of our crew needs support, I am very aware of that and have a list that contain possibly exactly the same people you have, but they are co-partakers in the process. They are each their own person, and they have to consent to any test. I want to review the documentation where the Captain, Chief Counsellor, which was me, and this crew had consented to their data being used to make judgements regarding their psychological health, were given. Point number two. The same Starfleet that you now say that would split a family, which by the way I have never heard of, have now not only reassigned me, but promoted me. Or is Starfleet Medical now suddenly above Starfleet Command, and can pull Command's judgement of judging me professional enough, into question? I have never heard of families being split!" she said emphatically. But she gave him no chance to respond.

Elas felt indignation flare up, she wasn't listening to him, merely discrediting him and his work at a glance. "Starfleet has a standing policy against Senior staff being romantically involved on the same ship Commander! Especially should those two positions be a senior command and a senior Medical Officer! Why else would you be promoted to a different department but they dont want you to be in a conflict of interest?"

"No... I was chief counsellor on this ship while in a relationship with the Captain, Starfleet themselves moved me from CDO," she said firmly. "Now I was moved back, and I, out of my own accord resigned my commission when I transferred to be with Dan'al, not because Starfleet requested it," she said. "Starfleet does not force the break up of families, but senior officers need to get permission if they want to engage in a relationship and it is discouraged."

"If that is now a new policy of Starfleet I will immediately take it up the highest level, if needed. And believe me, I will, and many of them know me, I am not afraid of them, no matter their position," Ayren said calmly. Her father was the Betazoid Ambassador to Starfleet, he later was the Federation Ambassador to Vulcan, and then to the Klingon Empire. He was a guest lecturer at Starfleet Academy and was still a Federation Ambassador. She grew up with heads of state at their house, including Federation council members. "I am not afraid to fight Starfleet policy, and not afraid to take whoever made that okay, on," she stated.

To himself, Elas quietly thought, 'You might be if you realized it was was the President who is insisting.'

"'Point number three, of course I spoke about Klingons, my mate is Klingon and he is the one that was "flagged". Obviously I would focus on Klingons in particular, and of course I am personally involved.." she said. "Don't you dare think I am professionally impaired, I would be impaired if I am not willing to fight for my crew and family," she said, with controlled passion in her black eyes. "IF I remained totally objective, was free from any bias whatsoever, and accepted all you said, without recognizing my personal involvement, THEN there is a problem... denial, inability to judge own responses and behaviour, dishonesty.... the list goes on...and in a psychologist... or counsellor, those traits are unacceptable, for my race...." she said, reminding him of diagnostic markers in psychopathology. She paused a moment. "It is not about Klingons, or my mate.... And if you know my history, you will see that I addressed and challenged the inappropriateness of evaluation instruments not only for Klingons, but other races long ago, before I even met Da'nal," she said.

Elas had to insert a reminder here, "Commander I was placed here with no foreknowledge-" Areyn had continued to speak over him, not letting him interrupt. The passive aggression was starting to rise in him, and finally an alarm sounded in his head, triggered by something she had said....'without recognizing your own personal involvement...'

"Which brings me to point number four."
"I repeat, this instrument is based on only the biological or physiological characteristics, and as a diagnostic or evaluation tool for something as serious as what you use it for, I am not buying it. If it is used, with consent, and in support or conjunction with personal interviews with a full psychologicall history of every person, then perhaps it could used as a support for a diagnoses. The reasons for any of the variables to change for any person, can be due to too many factors. As said, I question the external and internal validity and I will until I am convinced otherwise, but I will not except this as a measure on it's own as a psychological tool.. However, I will review it and study the data, ." she said.

Elas didnt try to insert anything else, he had a feeling one gets when a looming drop lay before them. Elas felt like a fool, how had he let his senses undermine him so severely. Elas was quickly coming to realize how bellicose he had been to both Areyn and the Admiral. It was a classic problem for his people, and he had let it get to him.

"Now...." she said. "You will not speak of the Captain on this ship on his forename, unless he gave you permission. And I don't think he did, to you he will remain Admiral Dan'al. I did not appreciate how you referred to him... as a "bear".... he is the Task Force Commander and has earned very single accolade and promotion he has received. Since you don't know me or him, or any of the crew, I will make this very clear: If you had spoken to me about any of the other crew member, whether the XO, or petty officer in that way, or came here with the preconceived idea that they are stubborn.... I would have reacted in exactly the same way. You have already judged Dan'al as being stubborn, made the assumption that he regards himself above psychological evaluation... how do you know that? Or holds himself to... "a separate standard"? You think he thinks he has a "free pass" because he is Klingon?" Ayren sat forward. "And yes, I am angry... you have preconceived ideas, "poked" a Klingon, and believe me, you probably would have been in sickbay if you did that to the Rondan, and also if you poked Avilla... but she is human and not flagged. She just has a short temper..." she said to make her point.



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