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Different times different places 3: "Ayren, who was that, where were you?"

Posted on 20 Mar 2014 @ 3:12am by Federation Ambassador Ayren Kelan & Lieutenant Elas Vonti

1,110 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M12: For Duty or Honor
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: During the mixer


She closed her eyes and felt his lips on hers, sending a gentle shock through her body. She didn't resist him, but was motionless,
trying to make sense of this.

He slowly backed away, his hand still gently resting on her neck. "Should I go?"


Her mind was flooded with his feeling and hers, familiar, yet strange and enticing. She slid her arms up towards his neck, removing
his coat and pulled him gently towards her into the apartment. She turned holding him in front of her as she hung his coat up with one
hand, her eyes not leaving his. Her back leaned against the door.
"No', she stated the obvious.

As the door closed behind the pair, the outside world disappeared. It was as if they were dragged into another world, another place,
another time.

Elas was forced to surface for air. Immersion at this level was taxing and this was beyond any link he had ever experienced. He could feel her pulse had slowed, the venting of her repressed memories calming her. His head was foggy, it would clear in a seconds or two but for a short time he was worried it wouldn't. He would only need a moment to recover

"Ayren," he gasped, "who was that, where were you?"

It took a while for Ayren to surface back to the present again. Her eyes flickered open. "This is never happened to me.. not like this," she whispered, becoming aware of her surroundings, she was in sickbay. "What happened...? How did I get here....?" she asked Elas. Without him answering she remembered, seeing flashes of how she ended here. "Oh yes.... your question....

"That was Manning, a "stamped" identity. His real identity was RW Briscott, the ops chief on the ship I served on. We were drawn together on Turpara. I remember when I first saw him, he seemed so familiar, I didn't know why at first...." she explained.

Elas was mid thought in phrasing a response, careful to keep a distance from her lest he trigger another episode, when his worries came to light in a sudden link forming. It happened without cognizance or realization but the link severed Elas from his own body, his body collapsed accordingly. His brain feverish in the heightened frenzy of his innate ability creating a whole world based on her memories, an out of control torrent forcing him to become the rocks and birds, the skies and Earth, he was the wind and he was Manning and Erina...

Elas twitched on the floor, the seizure spreading across his brain in a blink. Between them, in a twilight world of thought and illusions he had finished, the world he created for her was real as he knew to make it and he fell in...

The farthest part of his conscious thoughts detected someone else falling with him...

Medics quickly responded, putting Elas on a biobed. They checked his vitals and they were within normal range, but it seemed to dangerouns to severe the link that had formed. Not knowing what would happen, both were stabilized and monitored.

Ayren felt herself drifting, drifting into Erina. She was Ayren and she was Erina, suddenly standing in her club just one step from the stage, microphone still in her hand. The Cassen's Why Not was packed once again. The band was playing, she had just performed something and the patrons were clapping and cheering. She was smiling at the crowd and was confused at the same time.

She had a bright blue gown on, off shoulder, her hair swept up and held together with an understated and expensive diamond clasp, picture of impeccable style and glamour. With a inherent grace she weaved through the tables untill she saw him, standing confused near one of the walls.

"Elas? What are you doing here?" Ayren asked surprised.

To his surprise as much as anyone's he was in fact standing there in his uniform... nobody seemed to notice, but he was definitely in Ayrens world. This wasnt good... Elas had been warned of over stimulation of the memory bond, he knew he was likely seizing at the moment, but at least it was in sickbay.

"Ayren... are we in your memories... as in living them?" He had never been corporeal in a patients memory, this was dangerous for both of them. "Because I am likely dying at this moment, and you may end up losing your memory all together. "I must try and sever the bond..."

Elas vanished.

That brought Ayren out and her eyes fluttered open. She was vaguely aware of someone say "she is waking up" and another adjusting what seemed to a be corticodepressor placed on right temple. .

"Commander...." she heard a soft voice, calling her to full awareness.

Exhausted, Ayren responded weakly. "What is happening?" she asked. Her eyes fluttered again.

"Decrease theta wave activity now!' she heard. Slowly Ayren rose above the fog that surrounded her. She resisted the pull into unconsciousness again and stuggled to sit up. "Elas.....?" she asked.

A hand pushed her back gently. "We won't allow you to go back... okay.. you are awake now...."

"Elas... is he okay?" she asked and turned her head to look for him.

Elas was still seizing, though the worst of it had been blocked by treatments. He was deep in the thrall of the illusion, an imprint of the same process which had affected Ayren turning her in Erina. He had lost all sense of himself, Ayrens world imprinted onto Elas now too, and the effort to maintain it was killing him. He began to hum, and in between the jerks and spasm a tune could be made. It was hauntingly familiar to Ayren, she had sang it nearly every night.

With a start Elas awoke, his seizure ending, and the humming as well. It was a bad one but they had arrested most of the damage, but he was drained beyond any comprehensible measure. He could only vaguely hold out a hand towards Ayren, "are you okay?" He croaked, his voice raspy and tired.

She attempted a smile and nodded weakly. This experience had drained her, so she was very relieved that it was over. Medical staff were adjusting equipment and fussing around. "You?" she asked, in just above a whisper.

After a few hours of recuperation, they were released, Ayren before Elas though. Elas had a slight headache that was concerning the doctors. He assured Ayren he was just fine before she left, but he knew their problems were only beginning.


Lt Cmdr Ayren Kelan

Lt Elas Vonti

Other NPC's by Sharon


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