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Making New Friends

Posted on 22 Jan 2014 @ 6:27pm by Lieutenant JG Kassi Denterius & Major Richard Sharpe
Edited on on 08 Mar 2014 @ 10:58am

1,077 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M11: Feet to the fire
Location: Starfleet Transfer Center, San Francisco

Richard stood in the departure area of the main Starfleet transfer center, at the 'hub', the nickname given to this area. This was where arriving and departing personnel destined for new assignments would wait for their assigned 'ride' to their new billets. For Richard Sharpe, this would be his third posting in the four years he'd already served in Starfleet and the Corps. However, this would be his first as the Executive Officer of a marine detachment. It was a considerable step up, putting him as the second most senior marine aboard his new ship - the USS Achilles.

There were many officers floating around, either at the replicators, the food vendors, in the seating area, at the information desk, or generally loitering. Naturally some were going to and from the hub, but those forced to wait, did so differently. Richard, for his part, stood by the large glass window that overlooked the shuttle-port itself, sipping from a disposable coffee cup. He was lost in a world of his own, waiting for the boarding call.

Kassi was sitting, not to far away, though her attention was upon the book in front of her. And old style pencil in her hand, not writing but sketching. It was something she enjoyed and did at times when she needed to take her mind off things. This was going to be her second ship since leaving the academy and she wasn't overly happy about leaving the first one. She'd made lots of friends on the Sunbird only to have Starfleet up and decide it was time for a change. Granted, she was getting a promotion out of this... but still, did that really take the place of friends? She didn't think so.

A soft sigh slipped from her as she stopped and took a moment to look around, to watch the hustle and bustle of activities. A cant of her head as she watched two young ensigns laughing and hanging out together. Of course that only reminded her even more of what she'd left behind. A little shake of her head as she looked to the lone man standing. A Marine.... the Sunbird hadn't had them on the ship. Would this new ship? Looking around a little more before she glanced back to the drawing and added a bit more detail to it.

The public address system informed all assembled that the transport for crew departing for the USS Achilles and a couple of other ships Richard didn't catch, was to be delayed, due to a technical fault. The new departure time was an hour from now. Sighing, he picked up his duffle, and moved over to the seating area, plopping down in the only free seat he could see - next to a petite blonde woman in operations mustard yellow, drawing. "Blasted trash-haulers." He muttered, hoping to start a conversation. "Always delays at this port, always."

The announcement had her setting that pencil down a moment with a slight shake of her head. ~Great, now what?~ She thought to herself, only to blink and look over to the Marine that sat next to her. Assuming now that she could narrow it down on what ship he might be on, she studied him a little. She'd heard good and bad things about Marines... of course most of the things she'd heard was about their ego. "You would think with all the technology that we have developed over the years, and the amount of people that this place has to have working for them, they could get things figured out on how to stop delays."

"I suspect its a universal constant that the more reliant people are on a service, the more hopeless that service has to become." Richard said. "I'm Richard, by the way. Richard Sharpe." He offered a hand.

"Perhaps they get some sort of kickback from the shops and eating places around here. Make us wait in hopes we will go visit them." Smiling shyly she accepted his hand. "I'm Kassi Denterius... What ship are you waiting on? Me, the Achilles." She rambled a bit without realizing it.

"Same." He said, taking his hand back. "I'm the new marine ex-oh, for whatever that's worth." He smirked. "Administrator in chief no doubt."

"Assistant Chief of Operations. Nothing like being second of a department hmm?" She said with a soft chuckle. Closing her book absentmindedly as she tucked the pencil behind her ear for safe keeping. Confirmed that her new... home... had marines and Security she pondered that. Perhaps she should have done a little more research on this ship she was now a part of. "Why a Marine?" She asked, deciding to use the small talk to get to know at least one person that was going to be on the ship.

"My dad was a marine, apparently." Richard replied. "Also, I was only really good at the martial side of Starfleet service, which lead me to either Security or the Marine Corps. Security seemed a tad more docile than I liked, so I went marine." He looked at her. "Why Ops?"

"I liked knowing how things work, so as a kid I would take things apart. My dad would make me put them back together as a learning experience. Not that I would always get it right. But well, one thing lead to another and I found myself studying Operations. Not my mothers choice... she couldn't figure out why I never liked learning what makes people work and go into nursing. Sorry, I'm rambling, I do that at times when I am meeting someone new." She said with a slight blush.

"It's fine." He said. "Not like there's much else to do around here."

At that point, they were called to board the transport. Richard rose and grabbed his dufflebag. "Shall we travel together, since we're going to the same place after all?"

Tucking her book into her bag, she picked it up and lifted the strap to rest upon her shoulder. She looked to him again and gave a nod. "Sure, at least we will both know one person on this ship by the time we get there." That warm smile rested upon her face, as nervous as she was about this change, there was a small part that was excited for the new adventure.

- End Log -

1st Lieutenant Richard Sharpe
Marine Executive Officer
USS Achilles


Lieutenant JG Kassi Denterius
Asst. Chief Operations Officer
USS Achilles


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