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Is there a Doctor in the House - Part 1

Posted on 08 Feb 2014 @ 4:06pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Atri Bi'trell

997 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M11: Feet to the fire
Location: Star Fleet Medical / Ready Room

[COs Ready Room}

Da`nal had taken a break from reviewing all the logs and legal matters for the upcoming hearing to do some recruiting. His Chief Medical Officer had been transferred no doubt as a result of the incident on Dandarand 4 and he was going to get to the bottom of who was effecting dismantling his senior staff. Right now he needed a new Chief Medical Officer and wasn't going to wait on OPM to find him one. He walked into Star Fleet Medical and into the organizations personnel office.

The civilian behind the counter was understandably surprised to see an Admiral, a Klingon Admiral at that, "What can I do for you sir?"

Knowing his answer was a bit tongue in cheek he replied. "I need a doctor."

The woman opposite him nearly choked as she saw the Klingon with a grin on his face. "Well you are definitely in the right place. Business or personal?"

Nodding as he grinned an the retort. "I need a new Chief Medical Officer for my ship, a Prometheus Class starship. Do you know of any qualified officers looking for a space assignment that I could speak with?"

"Well Admiral it is a it unorthodox to get such a request in person. Normally personnel requests are submitted through official channels, but you already know this..." Testing a hunch she pressed, " I assume there is a reason for the unofficial nature of the request?"

He leaned in slightly. "If I told you I'd have to kill you with a pain stick." Chuckling slightly he leaned back, "No nothing like that. I was in the area, I have a need, and I prefer the direct approach."

"Understood. Well I will see what I can do."

"Excellent. If you could send the list to me on the USS Achilles that would be greatly appreciated."

Moments later he was walking the corridors of the Achilles heading back to once again prepare for the impending hearing.

[Back on Earth]

Atri Bi'trell stood, observing a nanoscope display in Laboratory 3; a group of seven young medical officers worked in the lab with her.
Atri, a Bolian woman looking to be in her late-twenties, checked the PADD in her hand.

"Ensign Roath," she called out to the room, "increase logging on Pod 5 to one-hundred per-second, and heat it up by fifty micro-sieverts."

She switched displays on the PADD and watched the radiation level for Pod 5 slowly rise above the other nine subjects. The hemocytoblasts in Pod 5 remained unaffected by the increase, even as the radiation level finally reached two sieverts.

"Okay, bring Pod 6 logging up to one-hundred per-second, and crank it up to two sieverts," she said, strolling over to the experiment controls manned by her young team. "Continue administiring Hyronalin to previous subjects as scheduled, but switch Pod 6 to Formula D-84."

A door slid open, and a bearded human male stepped inside, giving a quick glance around before his eyes settled on Lieutenant Bi'trell.

"Atri, how goes the testing?" He asked, walking over to her; he wore the same science uniform as the others, and Lieutenant Commander rank insignia on his collar.

Atri looked up with a beaming smile. "Commander Richter! Testing is going wonderfully,” she said, bringing up an overview report on her PADD and handing it to him. “We'll be continuing testing through the week with Pods 7 through 10 to study long-term exposure. I'm hoping we'll be able to get up to ten sieverts on this run.”

Richter looked over the readout and nodded. “Ten sieverts, huh?”

“If all goes to plan,” she said, still smiling. “How's Melanie, by the way? Did you two get a chance to try Omm Dau?”

Richter laughed a bit sheepishly. “We, uh... yeah, we gave it a shot.”

She cocked her head slightly to the side. “Not quite to your palate?”

“Atri, I'll be honest,” he said, “it was kind of disgusting.”

The Bolian laughed and retrieved the PADD from Richter's outstretched hand. “You are not the first, don't worry,” she said. “I'll find someone who likes it, eventually. So, what brings you down to the trenches?”

“Something just came across my desk that I thought might interest you,” he said, handing her a small PADD from his other hand.

---------PADD Contents---------
Open Call For Starship CMO Applicants
Attn: All Personnel

RADM Da'nal has made an open request for an officer to fill the position of Chief Medical Officer aboard the USS Achilles.
Interested parties will submit their application AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Officers with related assignment applications already open will receive priority over new applicants.
Department Heads may submit applications on behalf of their subordinates.
A rank of at least O-3 is required for this position.

Please have all applications submitted before 1300 today.


“Oh, my goodness,” she gasped. Those who didn't know her would likely have taken her reaction as facetious. She looked up at Richter and then back at the PADD. “Oh, my goodness! Now? I...” She looked back at her team, and then back at the PADD.

“I've already submitted your application,” he said. “This is your chance to get out there, Atri.”

“But, my research...”

He waved his hand dismissively. “It will continue,” he said. “I can even oversee it myself, if you want. Everyone knows it's your baby, and you can always keep an eye on things over subspace if you need to.”

Atri bit her lower lip as she read over the message on the PADD again and again.

Richter gently took hold of the PADD and took it from her hands. “Atri, this is it,” he said. “You can talk all you want about crossroads, but I think even the first-year cadets know that you want a starship assignment. We love you, here, but Starfleet Medical isn't where you should be, right now.”

She took a deep breath, failing to restrain a series of giggles as she exhaled. “Okay,” she said, grinning. “Thank you, sir.”



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