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Back to Work...Finally

Posted on 08 Feb 2014 @ 3:43pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant JG Telemachus Rahde

1,167 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M11: Feet to the fire
Location: USS Achilles

[Ready Room]

Lance cam around from his area once the coast was clear. "We've been assigned a new CSEC, shall I have him report or do you wanna wait till tomorrow.

"No have him come on up...he's waited long enough." After Lt. Chance's death the ship had been without an official Chief of security for some time. He just hoped the meeting with this officer went better than the last. He watch his yeoman nod and turn to carryout his instructions but stopped him.

"Lance call down to the lounge and have them get into my personal stores in the bio lab and prepare some Qagh."

"You got it sir." Adding with a slight grin, "and when it gets here I'll replicate you some qul DIr to go with it."

"Excellent! Thank you.'

Lance returned to his desk and sent the summons to Rahde and the food order to the Lounge.


Telemachus received the summons to meet with the CO, he threw on his upper uniform and made for the turbo lift. A few seconds in the lift and he was outside the admirals ready room, he straightened his uniform and hit the door chime.

[USS Achilles - Ready Room]

Da`nal's mouth watered at the chime anticipating the fresh Qagh and qul DIr. Standing he replicated some bloodwine to go with his meal. and as he returned to his desk and acknowledge the chime. "Enter"

At the command Telemachus entered the ready room and stood at attention infront of the admiral's desk.

Having expected his snack he was slightly disappointed when the young officer entered. Swallowing, he indicated the seat next to the rigid lieutenant. "Have a seat. Lieutenant Telemachus I assume? I see you didn't waste any time in beaming up to the ship. Good. Tell me Lieutenant what is your opinion on intelligence officers.

Telemachus sat in the indicated chair and said, "I trust them about has much as Romulan defector sir and their information even less" indicating to the scar on his face.

Da`nal leaned back in his chair as he took in what was said and with that Ayren was here to confirm his sentiment, but he would have to see to that later. For now it seemed they had similar feelings, so until he proved otherwise, he would take the man at his word. "I see. Well I may have a task for you but that can wait. Right now I have something else I want to see to."

“I’m all ears sir" Telemachus said

Continuing Da`nal laid out is plan. "As you know this ship is a designed for combat and because of this we carry a detachment of Marines. Now speaking as a Warrior I know there is nothing worse than being a warrior and not having a battle to fight. This is a problem I see with the Marines. Training can get stale and routine that leads to potential loss of personnel. I want you to coordinate with the XO and the Marine CO in bringing the Marines into a more active role aboard ship. The Marines have their battle stations posts like everyone else, but I want them involved in the more day to day security operations. Your thoughts?"

Telemachus though for a few moments before saying; "well to start of sir, I definitely like the concept of having officers with combat experience available for tactical and security details. My only concern being that the Commanding officer may have issues with their troops taking orders from another officer while I am by no means a much. They may take offense as I am not a marine"

Telemachus pause a moment before continuing "that being said I can use them sir"

"Good. Once we get these hearings out of the way we will get things set in motion." He agreed there maybe some push back, "There may be some resistance but I am not a Marine and they follow my orders, besides they are Marines and they will do their duty."

As he finished there the door chimed again and Da`nal responded. “Enter.” This time a steward entered with a large tray. “Excellent. Just put it down there,” pointing to the coffee table to his right.

Even as the steward left Da`nal looked to his new Chief of Security. “Come Lieutenant, join me.”

Telemachus stood and waited for the admiral to begin while eying the Qagh "I'm unfamiliar with this sir" he said

Taking a candle, made of Targ tallow, from a cabinet he laughed at the man's hesitation. "This is gagh, an extremely common and well known Klingon dish, but is an acquired taste for other species as the creatures are live." Lighting the candle he placed it on the tray near deep bowl of liquid. Taking up Klingon fork, he stabbed it into the liquid, pulling out a piece of animal skin. "This is qul DIr, it is animal usually that is soaked in strong liquor and lit before consuming." His lit the piece and popped the burning morsel and chewed as he savored both flavor and sensation.

Waving to the arm chair at the end of the coffee table. "Join me..." He paused. "...If you wish you can replicate something else there is no dishonor. Klingon food is not for everyone."

Telemachus smiled relieved and moved to the replicator "boerewors humus and pasta" he said

A moment later he had his meal and was seated " sir I would just like to find out your rules regarding telepathy aboard your ship?"

Finishing off a healthy mouthful of gagh he was honestly surprised at the question. "I assume you are referring to its use in the line of duty, such as interrogations, as you are no doubt well aware of privacy laws and regulations."

Telemachus smilled"I am fully aware of the regulations sir, but yes in the line of duty, I do not wish to compromise you or any on the crew"

"Well you can detect all the impression you want, as that can hardly be avoided, anything deeper than that I want you to get approval for." Taking another bite he poured himself a drink.

"Thank you sir " he took a bite of his boerewors before continuing" is there anything else I need to know sir?" Telemachus said

"That depends. Are you up for a challenge?"

"Always sir" Telemachus said with a grin on his face.

Returning the grin with a devilish one of his own as he slid the bowl of fresh gagh towards the young officer. "Learn to embrace new things".

"Yeah I walked into that one"Telemachus said as his face paled, he picked up his fork and copied what the admiral had done earlier
cringing when he bit into it

Da`nal roared as he laughed at the expression on his face as he looked at the bowl as the squirmed about.

Rear-Admiral Da`nal

Lieutenant Rahde


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