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Getting the lights back on

Posted on 27 Sep 2013 @ 8:02pm by Gunnery Sergeant Jason Frey & Lieutenant Hayley Lawson & Sergeant Dawn Brianna

662 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention
Location: Engineering

Engineering was a hive of activity, people hurrying this way and that with plam-beakons, trying to get some form of stable power source going.

Working away at a console near the inactive Warp Core, Hayley was working on getting the Corr going again. She'd been working double time since her sudden promotion to Chief Engineer when the former cheif got vapourised when a plasma valve failed and vented into the Jefferies tube he was working in. Working off of 6 hours sleep, Hayley was starting to feel stressed out, "I had no idea this job was so intence. Nothing at the Academy prepared me for this" she said to herself as she brought up the Core's start up routine.

Jason and his group neared engineering. During emergency situation it was his teams responsibility to secure engineering and keep it that way. Up the corridor there could be seen flashed from wrist beacons and shouts for one thing or another. Just to be safe Jason came halted his team as Dawn and her group came from the other side, each taking up positions outside the entrance. "Standard armed entry. Don't shoot the first thing that far as we know everyone in there is ours."

Dawn nodded, "Works for me sir."

Giving the signal Jason and his Marines rushed in.

All the Marines saw as they entered was several engineers running here and there trying to get power back. Others were standing at partly active consoles trying to trace the problems.

Walking away from the Warp Core, Hayley heard the doors to Engineering open and looked up to see a squad of armed Marines charging in, "if your looking for something to shoot at, look elsewhere, we're a little busy right now"

Lowering his weapon and signaling the rest to due the same. "No worries here ma'am. We're just here to secure engineering and make sure it stays that way. Is there any thing we can help with?"

"Just stay the hell out of our way. We've got enough trouble down here without tripping over you Marines. If you realy feel the need to protect us, than you can stand outside the doors" Hayley said, pointing back the way they'd come in

"Ma'am, we're offering to help. I have some mechanical knowledge and am able to fit in very tight spaces. A few of the guys here have electrical knowledge. Yes, we're not certified or any of that stuff, but we can help where we can. I understand you are busy. But a few of us can stay and help while the others go about securing the ship." Dawn stated in a calming voice.

Hayley sighed, "fine, get some volunteers together and latch onto an engineering team"

Jason shot the ensign a two fingered salute, "Roger that ma'am. " He let the grease monkeys do there thing as he stationed he people at the entry points and sent a runner back to Velez to let him know that Engineering was secured.

After several hours of Engineers crawling through Jefferies tubes, replacing several parts here and there, the warp core finally started to show some signs of life, "Finally, alright increase the flow rate by 20%. Let's see if we can get it to hold this time"

A few minuets of adjusting flow rates and the Core was back in action, providing power to the ship. As soon as everything was humming along smoothly, Hayley sat down in front of the Warp Core and let out a sigh of relief. Just as she was about to relax, one of her engineers walked up to her with a PADD displaying the list of systems yet to be checked.

Looking it over, Hayley nodded, "no rest for the wicked I guess. Ok, let's get to it" she said, standing up and followed the engineer back into the hustle of Engineering"

Lieutenant Hayley Lawson
Chief Engineer

Sgt. Dawn Brianna
Marine Recon

NPC - SSgt Jason Frey
Marine Recon


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