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Picking up the Pieces

Posted on 27 Sep 2013 @ 7:59pm by Ensign Jessica Logan (PNPC) & Master Chief Petty Officer Lance Nelson & Lieutenant Lucas Mason

636 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention
Location: USS Achilles


It seemed like an eternity for emergency lighting to come on and most of the monitors were still out.

Lucas still held fast to the arms of the command chair as the ship stabilized. Instinctively he stood and walked toward the conn counsel. He paused half way there when he realized that he was, in fact, in command. "Status report," he ordered.


When the ship got jolted everyone had been sent flying from the sudden movement. Crawling to the Ensign, MCPO Nelson checked on the officer he had been talking with. "You ok?"

"Yeah" came her muffled reply as Cammy heaved a chair off of her upper body and face. As far as projectiles went, the lounge chair wasn't too lethal. At best, Cammy considered it the most ergonomic blow to the head she ever suffered. She sat up, her pleasant smile still intact "I think so." She headed over to the nearest window, curious to see the ship that just made the last big mistake of its career. "Are there supposed to be hostile ships around here?

Shaking his head. "None. we should get to the bridge."

She nodded. "Yeah. I think you're right." She turned and headed towards the door. "Though I should probably see the Quartermaster first. Figure I'll need more than my winning personality and wine breath." ~Then again, I probably shouldn't handle a phaser after having a few drinks...~


Cammy trotted on to the bridge, donning her general purpose BDU and field equipment. "Ensign Valentine reporting, sir!" she said, keeping clear of the bridge crew.

Lucas had returned to the command chair. He didn't want anyone to see how truly nervous he was. He kept his eyes focused on the main viewer as he waited for status reports to come in. Initially he didn't know what to make of the Intelligence Officer's presence on the bridge, but it dawned on him that as they were trying to figure out what was going on with the ship, no one was checking on the away team. "Ensign, I need a report on the away team. See if you can find out what is going on down there."

Ensign Logan had one hell of a headache and she was unaware of the trickle of blood running down her cheek. She forced herself to focus on the console and the LT's order. "Main power, internal sensors and a host of other systems are down. Sir! I'm not detecting any orbiting satellites and no major cities!"

Ozwald Goodshire turned from his place at the science station. "Confirmed. The sensors that are working are detecting the away team, but show that the planet is now at a pre-industrialized state. I am also not reading an Federation time base beacons or subspace traffic of any kind. Attempting to get a celestial fix."

Oz double checked his readings, "That CAN'T be right!"

"Verify. What is going on?"

"Well sir according to this we are in orbit of Dandarand 4 but if these reading are right, and we account for the apparent interstellar drift, we are approximately 1000 years in the past."

Lucas was hit with a sense of disbelief at the situation. He had always heard of the possibilities of time travel, but he never thought he'd be one to experience. "We need to find a way to get the away team to back to the ship as soon as possible. And then figure out how to get back to our own time." Lectures about the Prime Directive and the Temporal Prime Directive began to replay in his mind. He listened but never figured he would be the one responsible for it so soon!

Lt. Lucas Mason

Ens. Cammy Valentine

NPCs - Played by Da`nal:
LT. Oswald Goodshire
Ens. Jessica Logan
MCPO Lance Nelson


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