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Birthday Ball - Part 2

Posted on 29 Nov 2012 @ 10:46pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Sara'Marbela Har'tar & Captain Rebecca Post & Lieutenant JG Teresa Wendsar & Sergeant Dawn Brianna

855 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: SB 80 - Auditorium 5
Timeline: MD - 4 Nov. 10, 2389 - 2000hrs

Jason turned to Teresa, offering her his hand. "Shall we??"

Teresa turned to Jason, "Yes." She took his hand and followed him out onto the dance floor. "That was beautiful. This tradition, is this the only one the Marine Corps celebrates? I mean, I understand there are many other traditions the Corps honors, but are there other traditions like this one?" Teresa wanted to learn more about Jason, and the group of men and women he worked and fought with. She had not had the chance to learn much about him, before he had been deployed, and she intended to make up for it.

Giving her a spin as they hit the floor he pulled her to him as they began to sway with the music. "We have lots of traditions, but this is one of the more elaborate. When the situation allows. Hell, last year we were in the mountains in combat fatigues."

Teresa enjoyed the music. She enjoyed even more being in Jason's arms, again. The ball reminded her of some of the balls she attended as a child. Teresa laid her head on Jason's shoulder as they danced, enjoying the music.

Cammy stood quietly, watching the proceedings. She couldn't help but feel out of place, being new to the ship and not a Marine. Still, her first assignment was with Marines and she felt a slight obligation to pay tribute to them by attending. With no one she knew to share in the celebrations with, she just stood in silence and thought of her former colleagues.

As usual Velez found himself at the bar lean back against it, looking out over the mix of Marines and Starfleet mingling, eating, dancing and drinking. Looking across the way he say a little wallflower off by herself. Grabbing another beer he head over.

"Evening Ensign," handing her the beer, "have one on me...might help take the edge off."

Cammy looked up at the Marine, taking the drink. "Thank you Sergeant...?"

"...Major Velez," he said completing both rank and name for her. "If you don't mind me saying so ma'am a new officer doesn't get to know the crew with cover and concealment."

She considered that a moment, before extending a hand and offering a pleasant smile "Alright Sergeant Major. I'm Ensign Cammy Valentine."

Grinning with a nod he took her hand. "Arcenio Velez, care to join me and see what kinda food the station's replicators have prepared for us?"

"Who could refuse dining with a Marine on their birthday?" she said. "How does it feel to be 614 years old?"

Grinning he escorted the Ensign to the buffet. "Ahhh...Don't feel a day over 500."

Rebecca stood a little away from the main group, far enough away to watch over but not far enough away to appear distant. The fact remained that she was an outsider, she knew that these men and women were Marines just like her and that made them family, but she knew that even the closest families had difficulties and she wasn't going to force herself upon them, not yet anyway. In either case she was enjoying this celebration, she loved the Marine Corps, it had given her so much and although it had brought some bad memories too, it had made her the woman she was today and she owed the Corps alot. It was nice to celebrate the Corps Birthday in style, the last time she had it had been in the back of a Marine Transport, ad hoc and partially chaotic as they scrambled to get everything ready. Rebecca smiled to herself, it was better this way.

Sara continued to observe everyone, her hands clasped behind her. She watched people dance and talked with one another. She quietly stood there and minding her own business as the Marines and other Starfleet personnel interacted. She wasn't a marine, but she felt as if she was. Sara was their 'Doc', the provider of feel goods and healer of boo-boos. She quietly watched everyone interact, with one another.

Da`nal and Aryen sat at their table talking and eating. After a time they rose and mingled with those in attendance and even danced a few times. All in all the evening was going well and as they continued mingling Da`nal polished of some sort of wine he had tried.

Glancing around for a place to set the now empty glass he saw Lance making his way towards him. “Enjoying the Ball?â€

“Yes sir, but there is an issue with one of the ships of the Task Group that needs you attention.â€

It was still something that he was getting used to, overseeing six other starships in addition to his own. He glanced to Aryen who simply smiled and nodded towards the door, she would cover things for him until his return.


Commodore Da`nal

Marine Captain Rebecca Post
Marine CO

Lieutenant Sara'Marbela Har'tar

Lieutenant JG Teresa Wendsar
Medical Officer

Ensign Cammy Valentine
Infiltration Specialist

Sergeant Dawn Brianna
Marine Recon

Senior Chief Petty Officer Lance Nelson
Sergeant Major Arcenio Velez
Staff Sergeant Jason Frey
Played by Da`nal


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