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Shadows of the Past, Realities of the Presant and Hope for the Future (Part One)

Posted on 31 Oct 2012 @ 7:06am by Captain Rebecca Post

1,314 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: Starbase 80, Temporary Quarters
Timeline: Mission Day 3, 1600hrs

Rebecca was sat in her quarters, having finally given up trying to stay in her office on the station and had instead retreated to her assigned quarters. She was still surrounded by PADDs with a multitude of work, taking up a new command was always difficult and time-consuming, but between the need, her stubbornness and the liberal use of strong cups of tea she had managed to get through most if it and would more than likely be getting an early night, even if it was still early by ships time and thus still light down on the colony for some time to come.

Placing down her last padd she smiled to herself and decided what to do, in the hurry to get re-assigned she had not caught up with her brother. They had seen each other at a Shipyard before she was assigned to the Ticonderoga, but there had been no update from her about being assigned out to the Achilles, and either way they had not spoken in a few weeks now. She stood up and walked over to the desk, sat against the window and the starscape outside and activated the computer and ordered a comm channel to Major Harmon Post aboard USS Gladiator, her big brother.

It took a few minutes for the connection to be set up but soon enough her Brother’s smiling expression appeared.

"Good to see you again, Harm," Rebecca smiled.

"Likewise, Becca," Harm smiled "What are you doing on Achilles?"

"I've been re-assigned, my assignment to the Ticonderoga lasted all of about five days, absolute charlie foxtrot," Rebecca scowled. "Still a Captain, but I'll be catching you up soon, Big Brother."

"Oh we'll see about that, I'll make you a bet, I make Lieutenant Colonel before you make Major," Harm said with a grin.

"You’re on," Rebecca nodded, not one to back down from a challenge. “Winner has to buy the other something expensive, and I’m talking about actual latinum not Federation credits, big brother.â€

Harm laughed and nodded his agreement.

"So how you been, Bex?"

"I've been better, the detachment I've joined is just fresh out of combat with the Kzinti," Rebecca replied. "There is some concern that they'll see me as an outsider, and you know how badly I'll react to that."

"And damn right too," Harm nodded sagely. "Regardless of the combat they've just seen, you've experienced far worse things, don't forget that Rebecca."

"I won't Harm, I promise," Rebecca nodded. "What about yourself?"

"I'm good thanks," Harm smiled. "On that note, I have someone I want you to meet."

Rebecca leant back in her chair and watched on with a slight smile and silent amusement and wondered what in gods name was going on as Harm looked off screen at somepone and was apparently holding expression. A few moments later a woman, attractive, stepped into the frame and Rebecca smiled slightly, this explained a lot. It was also a big step for Harm, he had never been particularly trusting when it came to relationships, having been burned far too many times (and it was in this that Rebecca had some protectiveness over him just as he did with her and Kalimor), but if he was willing to introduce her then it showed that perhaps this was the woman for him. She smiled again at how nervous the poor woman looked before speaking.

"Um..Hi Rebecca."

Harm took her hand gently.

"Rebecca, this is Katelyn," Harm introduced with a smile. "Katelyn, my sister Rebecca."

"Nice to meet you," Rebecca said with a warm smile.

Tightening her hand in Harm's, Katelyn tucked herself in closer to the Marine's side. "I've heard a lot about you, it's nice to finally meet...well as much as this can be described as a meet."

"As close as we get in the service," Rebecca replied wryly. "That holographic crap Starfleet was working on never seemed to take off."

Biting her lips to hold back a smile, Katelyn was starting to see the similarities between brother and sister. "You could say that. Better then pen and paper though, could you imagine how long that would take to arrive?"

"Depends whether it was the Fleet or the Corps sending it," Rebecca teased.

Stroking the side of Harm's hand with her thumb, Katelyn finally allowed the smile to spread across her lips. "Nice to see that the Fleet and Corps rivalry isn't just alive in your brother."

"Ah, but of course," Rebecca grinned.

Looking down at Harm, Katelyn tilted her head to the side. "I'll just ah...go get some food ready. Leave both of you to your conversation. I'm sure you've got alot of catching up to do."

Harm rolled his eyes as Katelyn left to cook and turned back to look at Rebecca.

"So who is she?" Rebecca questioned.

"She's the CO of the Gladiator," Harm replied dryly. "But if you mean what is she to me, well I'm staying in her quarters now."

"Dating the CO, nice Harm, nice," Rebecca rolled her eyes. "Do you love her?"

"With all of my heart," Harm replied sincerely.

"Good," Rebecca nodded. "You'll keep me updated on this?"

"Of course," Harm grinned. "So, about your assignment to the Achilles, you up to it?"

“Like you have to ask, Harmon Post,†Rebecca admonished. “I’ve survived far worse than a command assignment, I’ll do fine, I just wish I had been out here for the War.â€


“Because although you and I know that I’m as good a Marine as any of them, and have been through at least as much if not more,†Rebecca began.

“Damn Right more, there is a stark difference between fighting in combat, no matter what the circumstances, and fighting a guerrilla campaign and falling into enemy hands, especially those not following the Seldonis IV convention,†Harm replied sharply. “I am more than happy to come out there and explain that to them.â€

“I appreciate the offer, Harm, but this is something I need to handle myself,†Rebecca replied. “But yea, I would have preferred not to have to fight for their respect as I will no doubt have to, at least from some of the new hotshots.â€

“At the end of the day, Bex, whether they respect your combat capabilities or not (and if they don’t they are misinformed), they do have to respect your rank and position as a matter of course,†Harm replied. “That means that if any of them step out of line and do not treat you with the respect due your rank, no matter what they might think, you have to snap them back into line faster than a ship going to warp.â€

“I know,†Rebecca sighed and leant back in her chair.

"So, you'll keep safe over there, won't you Bex?" Harm said softly.

"Of course, as much as a Marine can of course," Rebecca replied. "You stay safe as well."

"I will," Harm nodded. "We'll see you in person soon."

"I hope so," Rebecca smiled. "Bye, Harm."

"Bye kiddo,"

Rebecca sat back in her chair as the call ended and sighed. Harm was right of course, but she would have preferred the issue to have not been existent in the first place. But then the situations that life had placed in her lap over the years had rarely been preferable and she had learned to overcome them. What she needed now was time to herself. Looking out the viewport and down at the colony she was that there was still a good few hours of sunlight left and looking at the planet she made her decision.


Captain Rebecca Post
Marine Detachment Commanding Officer
USS Achilles

Major Harmon Post
Marine Detachment Commanding Officer
USS Gladiator

Lieutenant Commander Katelyn Quinn M.D.
Commanding Officer
USS Gladiator


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