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A job well done

Posted on 30 Oct 2012 @ 1:14am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Lucas Mason

589 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: Achilles Ready Room
Timeline: (Back post) MD 2 - 0800


Lucas glanced up at Da'nal, at bit surprised at the request. He had only just come aboard the Achilles, so he wondered what the Captain wished to discuss with him. "Yes, sir," he replied keeping his surprise and concern in check.

With the ship being tractored in there was no need to leave the bridge to anyone and he moved off to his ready room...or what was left of it.


A few moments later when all his responsibilities related to the docking of the ship we completed he closed his station and walked over the door of the Captain's Ready Room. He pressed the chime and waited.

Da`nal was in the middle of recovering what items he could. The terminal on his desk was not functioning, neither was the replicator. Sifting through the mess he found the casting his son had made of his ridges and was brushing it off when the chime rang. "Enter."

The doors parted and Lucas found himself looking at what was left of the Captain's Ready Room. He entered and said, "You wanted to see me, sir."

Looking up to see Mason standing there, "Yes, come in". He lift the casting a bit, "The ridges of a warrior. I must say Mr. Mason you preformed you dutied with exceptional skill."

"Thank you sir," Lucas replied. "It was certainly a baptism of fire. I never expected to be pushed so hard so soon."

He grinned slightly, placing the casting on his desk he stepped up to the helmsman, clapping his shoulder. "Come now Mr. Mason don't be modest, take pride in your accomplishments. I have put you in for and command has granted you the Flying Cross. In addition you can drop that ridiculous JG from your rank. Congratulations...Lieutenant."

Lucas was overwhelmed and speechless, a promotion and the Flying Cross, each would have been an honour, but both! "Ah, thank...thank you, sir," he manager to stammer out.

Returning to this desk he leaned against the edge. "You've earned it. As your first assignment as a full Lieutenant I want you to go shopping."

In the midst of feeling overwhelmed, Lucas was now confused. "I don't understand sir."

Da`nal laughed at the quizzing stare. "With all the events on Mercer it seems the Marines managed to destroy our shuttle craft. I want you to requisition new craft for us; once the ship is repaired of course. One type 11, three type 9's and two workerbees should do us nicely. Unless you have other recommendations?"

"Ah, no sir. That sounds about right."

Nodding, he pushed off his desk. "Excellent, I don't want the standard issue shuttles, that's why I'm giving you this assignment. As a pilot you know what 'enhancements' would be needed to given a craft an edge over its counterparts. Make some inquires and see what you can find. If you can't find anything...surprise me."

He added quickly, "But be sure to enjoy your leave."

"I will sir." And with that Lucas came to attention, turned and left.

Lance came in from the ready room’s rest room having been working on restoring the sonics. "Well you never know what he'll 'surprise' you with."

"True, but what pilot doesn't like the prospect of being able to customize a craft. They can't touch the ship...never get past the Chief Engineer. However, in our case our engineer will be far to busy to worry about a soupped up shuttle or two."


COM Da`nal

Lt. Mason


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