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Posted on 06 Dec 2011 @ 9:02pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

419 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Kzinti controled Federation space

The high admiral charged with commanding the massive armada looked out over the huge holo-table as the ships moved into their final positions. The fourth Talon weapon ship had finally arrived and was in place. When the time came the weapon ships would collapse in on the target ready to devastate the planet’s surface if needed. The simulations had shown that if deployed properly the Talons could destroy a planet entirely...but they needed these planets intact.

He shifted the display to that of the Federation starbase. In his opinion this...detour was a waste of time and resources, but the Patriarch had spoken. The starbase designated SB 517 was a typical Federation facility. Its defenses would be no match for the armada at his command and he planned to waste no time in dispatching the station...he had bigger targets to plan for.

Again the display shifted. This time displaying the Yadalla system... there first target. Taking the system itself would be simple enough. The Federation had only a small archeological station at the most. The armada would shrink in size as moved deeper into Federation territory. As each target was reached a group would be dispatched to hold that area as the rest moved on to the next target and so on. Satisfied with the situation he returned the holo-display to the massive armada at his command....nearly 300 vessels strong.

From the status display every ship had reported ready and the ship to ship traffic had all but ceased. His clawed finger reached down to depress a button and channel to the armada came to life. "Command to all vessels. This is a glorious day for our people. We have already retaken what belongs to we move forward. WE are the sword that will show the galaxy that the Federation is not the power they appear to be. WE are the ones that shall punish the human federation and make them pay for ignoring us for 200 years. WE....from the highest ranked officer to the youngest un-named warrior, will bring honor to us all. Once again the Kzinti will be feared across the stars!"

After a brief pause. "All ships, prepare to execute D-drives and set a course for our initial target."

Subspace began to distort as hundreds of ships prepared and held for the final order and through the still open channel the order came. "Execute!"

Ship after ship vanished in flash until there was nothing but empty space. The march forward had begun.


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