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Mind Melting Crap

Posted on 31 Oct 2011 @ 7:40am by

345 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: USS Achilles > Main Bridge

Lieutenant Commander Lahtikah Phoenix-Patil would have liked to be pouring over intelligence reports, but since the comm silence had been announced, no new information had been coming in. Not that they would come her way anyway. Ericson had all but forbidden her from every laying hands on the classified information she was technically cleared to view. Speaking to the Captain on that very subject was something that was near the top of her "to-do" list.

For now, however, she simply have to be content with reading the same crap over again and doing the paperwork Don was now forbidden to do while commanding the Bridge. The idiot had gone and gotten himself put on restrictive duty, meaning that administrative duties could not be performed by him. Well, someone had to do it didn't they? And that someone seemed to be her. She got all the work of being Executive Officer with none of the fun of being Second in Command....What a splendid day this was turning out to be.

Right now, she and the Bridge crew were monitoring the away team, Commanded by Lieutenant Madhava, that had been sent to the damaged vessel. It was a pretty mindless job, so she really had an oppertunity to focus on this mind-meltingly boring paperwork, which she did on PADDs she kept stacked beside the Command chair. In one instance, she used her free hand to grab a Lieutenant that was passing by and pulled him close to her.

"Ma'am?" He said questioningly, tensing up uncomfortably.

"Lieutenant, if they ever ask you-"

"Ma'am, your finger nails breaking my skin I think-"

"Shut up....if they ever ask you if you'd like a command tell them no. It's for your own good."

"Uh...yes ma'am" He said, more to get her to release him from her impressive vicegrip then to actually affirm that he would follow her advice. She continued her work, after he'd left, wishing she were the one on the away mission.

Lieutenant Commander Lahtikah Phoenix-Patil
Chief of Strategic Operations/Second Officer
USS Achilles


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