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The Long Wait - Part 2

Posted on 30 Jul 2011 @ 4:25pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Lucas Mason

989 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: In orbit over Mercer

Stone loosened his jaw a bit, "You are right about that much sir, but Marine officers don't usually make up their own orders, no matter the situation and the timeline described is plenty of time to seek a change of mission order from the Admiral via subspace. Send one of the cloaked ships out of system and have them relay a message so it isn't detected. I've seen alot in my time sir, and you are right...I do know better, but to adapt doesn't always mean to disobey. Either way sir, if you choose to continue on this course of action, I'd ask that my formal protest be entered into the record on the ships log."

"Of course it will....." Don commented with biting sarcasm.

Turning to his XO still angered. "Commander, the 5 cloaked vessels are to board the Marines and their equipment as planned. They will then be deployed below the ship yard just within transporter range, and assigned to target the ships in their area. On my order they will transport a micro-torpedo warhead into the enginering sections of each ship. Lt. Mackenzie you are to divide up the Kzinti ships between the craft and provide optimal targeting coordinates."

Sarah nodded, "Understood sir" she said, folding her arms

Don nodded, slowly this time. If he noddd too fast, it felt like his brain and skull moved with different speeds. ~Damn, I need those painkillers...." he thought.

As they acknowledged the orders he continued. "Additionally Lieutenant you will have antimatter warheads of our own prepared and we will transport then into key areas of the station."

Sarah went silent for a few seconds, "i'll have to talk it over with the Armoury officer, but sure that can be arranged"

Da`nal clenched his fist. "Before the Kzinti know what has happened the station and its ships will be destroyed and will begin breaking up with sections falling from orbit."

"I like that picture..." Don said.

Turning his gaze back to the Major. "At this point we will deploy the Wyvern transports and you and your strike force will begin entering the atmosphere. The Achilles will also place the Guardian platform into the remaining orbital debris as a surprise for the Kzinti ships that will arriving to evacuate or other wise help their comrades."

Finally Da`nal looked to his intel officer. "Commander Ericson, before I order the transport I want you to carefully scan that station for anything that might be valuable...a Computer core would be ideal. Also prepare a class VIII to be sent back to SB 517 informing the Admiral of what we found and the actions taken...and the Major's concerns."

"We strike in one hour. Dismissed."

Not waiting for the others Da`nal led the way back to the bridge. "Change in plans. Helm take us to a position above the ship yard, just within transporter range."

As Da'nal start issuing orders, Stone made a B-line for the turbolift and stepped in. Taking a deep breath and calming himself the doors closed as he made his way to the hangar bay.

Still moving he headed straight to Tika's station and leaded over her. "Once the Marines are loaded deploy the support craft to these location..." He pointed to points the would spread them out along the entire lenth of the yard. "Have them prepare to transpost warheads into the engineering sections of the ships in there section and hold for my order."

"Captain, I’m picking up a possible contact bearing 010 mark 025" Sarah reported, working away at her console "it's on the edge of sensor range so I can't get a clear reading, but I’m picking up a Civilian IFF"

Turning from Tika's station, they could risk the entire operation..."Human and Federation ships know to stay out of the area. ID that vessel as soon as you can. No civilians would be in this area unless they were associated with the KZinti. It's course?"

"It’s not clear from this distance sir. Helm come about to 005 mark 015" Sarah said, attempting to enhance the sensor sweep "the basic silhouette does seem to match Ferengi design though sir"

"Ah, Captain," Lucas said to Da'nal slightly confused. "We are on course to take up a position above the shipyard, per your order." He paused, waiting for claification.

Growling under his breath. "Ferengi..." Gesturing to to the helm office at his questioning glance at the bearing shift. "Remain on course, but bring the around to face those bearings Lieutenant."

"Aye, aye sir. New heading 005 mark 015," he reported.

As the Achilles continued to move into position, while facing the approaching ship, Da`nal began to grow impatient...more from the anticipation of the coming battle than anything else. "Report Lt. Mackenzie."

"i've confermed the type of ship, It's a Ferengi Cargo ship, but......" Sarah reported, continuing to work away "Sir, i'm not sure about this, but i think i'm picking up Vulcan or Romulan life signes aboard the transport"

"Ghuy'Cha'!" He darted his head from Mackenzie to Don and then turned to Silonez. "That's no Vulcan. Commander, put those life signs on your target list."

"Aye captain, commencing tactical scan of the ship." Silonez got work.

Don stared at Da'nal "You think they are trying to fool us?" he asked with a mixture of surprise and annoyance. .

"No. With the Romulans involved that changes the whole scope of the war." Da`nal knew he was making an assumption but his House had generation of conflict with Romulans and while there were some he could tolerate, those he could trust could be counted on one hand. That is if they were even still alive after Romulus' destruction.

Moving to the center of the bridge, and standing before his command chair as he looked at the viewer. ~Khaless, look with favor on our endevor. May the blood of our enemies run freely this day!~ "Prepare to engage!'


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