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When in need

Posted on 01 Jun 2011 @ 7:48pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Lucas Mason

1,434 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Ready room
Timeline: 1830 to 1900 hrs

Da`nal and Don sat looking over not only the plans for the insertion operation but the prospective targets for their recon mission. " long long as there are at least two kzinti warship in the vicinity of the drop zone the guardian platform should be able to take them out with out issue."

"Yes, but what if there are more than two?" Don asked hald anscentmindedly as he poured over the plans.

"That is not what conserns me. If there are too many we wait. Like wise if there are not enough. What is of concern for me is the lack of an experienced helmsman. Once the platform is deployed we will need a top pilot to keep us from taking damage and compromising our cloak."

"I had forwarded a request for a helmsman to brass already. I did asked for one with prometheus class experience. We won't have time to train anyone...but I am sure we will find one quickly...." he said with a wry grin. They were rare especially now.

Nodding approvingly, leave it to his first office to have things well in hand. Now he just hoped the Admiral could come through and find someone on such short notice.

Continuing the discussion he turned the subject to targets to be investigated. "So where do you think we should begin?"

Don opened his mouth to reply but Lance entered from the side. "Excuse me Captain," and with a nod to the XO; "sir, but there Admiral's yeoman called. There is a Ltjg. Mason on his way. I trasferred his file to you terminal."

With all the additonal bodies occupying the Achilles he wasn't surpirised by another. "Another Marine volunteer?"

"No sir, our new Chief Helm officer."

"I told you so,..." Don commented dryly.

"So you did. Thank you Chief, make sure he is brought here immediately." Opening the man's file he looked over it as Lance turned to make his way to the transproter room.

Turning the monitor to his XO, "Looks to me like he might be due for a promotion. Of course we will need to see for ourselves if he deserves it. What do you think?"

Don quickly read through his service record and nodded. "Impressive..." he commented. "There is no better time than right now for anyone to show their worth..." he added.

Lance had met the new helmsmen at the transporter room and shown him to the bridge. Everyone they passed was either seeing to their duties or assisting the Marines in some way or another. The ship was bursting at the seems with both personnel and supplies for the insertion mission. Before long they arrived and after a brief glimpse at the bridge they stepped into the side approach to the Captain's ready room. Pointing at his desk, "You can leave your things there, the Captain and XO are right through there."

Lucas adjusted his tunic before entering the Captain's Ready Room. For some reason he felt nervous as he prepared to meet his new Commanding Officer. It was a strange feeling, he hadn't felt the same before meeting the CO of the Monarch or the Arctic. Of course, then again neither had Captain's with reputations, he had never heard of either of the CO's until he was ordered to report to them. Conversely, Captain Da'nal's reputation preceded him. In addition to being nervous, Lucas was also looking forward to working for Captain Da'nal aboard the Achilles. The Captain of the Arctic had been very laid by, virtually dispensing with all protocol, she didn't even want people calling her ma'm, just Captain. The Arctic had a laid back atmosphere, where people seemed to have more fun that work, and people had a tendency to express their feelings to easily. In the end it created a chaotic atmosphere. It had been one of the primary reasons Lucas had requested a transfer. As soon as heh had arrived aboard the Achilles, he knew he was in the right place. The vessel screamed of order and discipline; he was at home.

Entering the Ready Room, he came to attention and reported, "Lieutenant JG Lucas Mason, reporting for duty, sir."

Da`nal stood and came around his desk to great the officer. "Welcome aboard the Achilles Lieutenant."

"Thank you Captain, it is an honor to be aboard."

"The timing of your arrival couldn't be more perfect. I know you have just arrived but I afraid getting you 'settled in' will have to wait. We need to depart and before we leave you need to be briefed on the details of our mission."

"Of course, sir. I came aboard ready to work. What do I need to know?"

Don stepped forward as well and stretched out his hand. "I am Commander Don Killian, XO, welcome on board," he said and handed him a padd. "Your assigned quarters are on there, access codes and other information. And press your thumb on the red dot..." he said.

Da`nal was itching for battle, but the honor was being reserved for the Marines...this time. Indicating for the new helmsman to take a seat he returned to his side of the desk. "During the initial Kzinti assault this ship was at Mercer colony for shore leave and to help the colony prepare for the Romulan refugees. As the Kzinti swept forward the evacuation order was given and during the battle one refugee camp and a team of Marines from this ship were left behind." As he spoke Da`nal held the d'k tagh that was normally on the shelf behind him.

"Our orders now are two part. First to insert over 200 Marines, and other volunteers, onto Mercer to organize a underground and to try and keep the Kzinti from gaining control over the planet as a whole. The second half of our assignment is to remain cloaked and recon the Kzinti positions as well as investigate the remains of SB 24.

The first part of our mission is going to be the most difficult." He pulled up a current external image of the Achillies. Mounted to the hull at the ship landing strut hatches were three wyvren class troop transports and from the fantail was a defence platform.

"I see," said Lucas, studying the plans and envisioning the conditions of the drop, both for the Achilles and the Marines in the drop ships.

"We will cloak and depart for Mercer. Once there and conditions are correct we will deploy the defense platform to destroy any ships in orbit over the drop zone before the can raise their shields. The transports and other cloak equipt craft will then use the falling debris to mask the entry into the atmosphere."

"An effective plan sir, assuming all the conditions are right."

"And you can keep us from taking damage while cloaked. With luck the platform will be able to cover the landing for Kzinti forces arrive in the are and over whelm it."

"Can I ask about the second part of the plan?"

"Simple, straight forward recon. Our orders strickly forbid us from engaging the enemy." At that his knuckles whitened on the blades handle.

"We are to remain passive, no interfering in at all?"

"Those are our orders. We will be one ship...alone in enemy territory. The information we gather has to make it back to the Federation."

Summoning his yeoman backinto tlhis ready room, "Chief are all the Marines and their equipment aboard and secured?"

Lance knew what was coming next, but he as well as the crew had every confidence inthe captain. "Yes sir, and Commander, the pilots for the Talon and Dynasty vessels wanted to meet to coordinate the flight and insertion."


~Sensible idea~ the captain thought. "See to it."

Da`nal then tapped a panel on his desk and a ship wide whistle sounded to get everyones attention. =^=Attention crew of the Achilles. All departments and Marines, make final arrangements for departure. Departutlre set for 2200 hours, all family members still aboard need to depart at this time. Captain Da`nal, out.=^=

"Captain, with everything to attend to, request permission to get my duties?"

"By all means Lieutenant, things are goining to be a bit hectic but I have no doubt you are up to the task.

"Don, Chief; let's get that meeting set for all pilot set for an hour from now. Make sure that Major Stone is notified so he is kept in the loop and his concerns can be addressed."


Capt Da`nal

Cmdr Don Killian

Ltjg Lucas Mason
Chief Helm Officer

CPO Lance Nelson


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