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No Man Left Behind Part 2

Posted on 16 May 2011 @ 12:34am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Captain Reva Madhava

1,310 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!

As the door slid open, L'Berr looked up and frowned. "About time, Captain. I was just starting in on the details of your crazy plan with Major Stone." Her eyes flicked to the officer with Da`nal. "Come in, sit and, since it is your plan and your ship, feel free to take over the discussion."

A very Klingon-esque smirk appeared. "Well a time of firsts...and actual order to get a word in edge-wise. I'll take it."

Stone stood up and turned around. He was in civilian clothes, and short sleeves, showing scars on his arms and backs of his hand. He was solidly built, looking more dense than bulky and moved smoothly as we stepped forward and extended his hand. "Sir, Major Jason Stone, nice to meet you." He nodded to the Lt. in greeting and then retreated back to his seat. Picking up his glass of water, he wrapped both hands around it and held it in his lap.

Nodding to the Major he introduced the Lieutenant before beginning. "This is Lt. Riegar, my Recon Platoon Leader and Acting Marine detachment CO." Da`nal hadn't mentioned that the LT's MCO was on the planet they were getting ready to infiltrate, but with good reason...he hate repeating himself.

"I won't bother you with the drawn out background information but during our encounter with the Kzinti fleet at Mercer Colony my Marine CO Captain Longwinter and a handful of Marines were cutoff. At present there condition is unknown but they were conducting mountain maneuvers near a newly established Romulan refugee camp. This mountain range has minerals that have the effect of scattering EM energy, including sensors and transporters. If alive they should still be in the area."

"The Achilles has been ordered to cloak and recon the Kzinti positions, deployments and gather as much information as possible. However we were denied the...opportunity to mount a rescue. As a rescue wasn't an option I suggested, and the Admiral has approved, their re-enforcement."

Stone sat silently and still, his face expressionless and grim.

"Right now the Achilles' shuttle bay is being loaded with two Wyvern Transports and three more are being mounted to the ships lower hull at the landing strut hatches. In addition two Talon and three Dynasty class runabouts will also be at your disposal. that should put approximately 220 Marines or other volunteers under your command. When we arrive, Major, you and your ships and transports will deploy to the surface and begin guerilla operations and find Captain Longwinter and his Marines. You are to undermine the Kzinti and keep them from controlling the planet. Use every means at your disposal; recruit the Romulan refugees if you can."

Ah...there it is. Stone sat there and with a barely perceivable smirk, "Oh is that all? Next you'll be asking if I'll list you as a beneficiary." Stone finished his glass of water and put it on the floor next to him. "I'll need a breakdown of what's going with us. Some people's idea of vital supplies may not be mine. Is the ship going to soften up the LZ for us?"

"The Achilles is not authorized to provide defensive support for the insertion and long range scans show that at least half of the Kzinti fleet is still there."

Smirking a little more, "I guess that's the good news."

Da`nal grinned. "Before you deploy we will detach a Guardian platform from the Achilles' fantail. As soon as it emerges from our cloak it will begin fire on the Kzinti vessels in the area.

"Eventually it will be overwhelmed, but before additional ships can get into position the platform should be able to take out at least 2 or 3 of their ships. Use the debris to mask your entry into the atmosphere."

Nodding slowly and scratching the back of his hand, "Well, if this gets any better I'll have to sedate myself due to the excitement." Standing up, Stone flexed his back a little and turned to the Lt. "I don't suppose you or your men have any direct experience in insurgency or counter-insurgency operations?

Jack snapped to attention, "Sir, I am Recon. I know how to get in get the job done and get the hell out. I am a Marine, I know how to use and fire my weapon straight and true. I am an officer, and therefore know how to lead my men into any situation and get them out alive. I have several missions that have gone off without a hitch. If you need any further details, I'm afraid I'm not at liberty to disclose those. But you can request my transcripts from the Federation offices located on Earth and Jupiter Station. However I'm sure you will find that most are black marked."

Waving his hand, "All that isn't needed. What will be needed is a good explosives man....a couple would be better. Combat Artificer backgrounds will be useful. If we don't have them, we'll need to find them."

Turning back to Da'nal, "Just to recap...was are going to do a soft infiltration, then dead drop through a debris field, into enemy held territory, while not crashing into the mountains, or being able to see where we are going because of the EM scattering properties of our drop zone. THEN, we are going to locate a group we haven't had direct contact with in in how long? Turn a bunch of slimy, pointy eared Romulans into resistance fighters and proceed to make merry hell as long as we can till when? We run out of supplies, all get killed? Is this a one way trip? Do we have additional supply drops scheduled that we should be planning to support and receive?

Da`nal eyed the Major for a long second. He liked him not only grasp things quickly but he had a bit of an attitude; the kind of attitude one found only in those that could call themselves a warrior. "For the most past you are correct. The mountains shouldn't give you any navigational problems unless you plan on doing some ridge running. As for MY Marines; if they are alive and once they see debris raining down I'm sure they'll be looking for you...probably expecting to be extracted. When it comes to personnel and supplies, the ground operation is under your command so whatever you need you let my XO know and you'll get it."

He paused only slightly before continuing. "I would not ask anything of anyone that I wasn't willing to do myself. And if I thought this a suicide mission I would be leading this myself, not handing the burden off to another. You will be re-supplied...with personnel and equipment of that you have my word. As to the Romulans, that IS your problem."

Crossing his arms and nodding as things were laid out roughly how he thought they would then suddenly bursting into a little subdued laughter at the Romulan comment. "Nice to have something I can call my own."

Confident that things would be in good hands he glanced towards the Admiral. "Admiral we have a lot to do; with your permission..."

Stone got up from the chair and walked over to the door. Gripping up his duffle bag and putting the strap over his shoulder he stood next to the door.

At the Admiral's nod Da`nal turned to the Major and the Lieutenant. "Come let’s get you squared away on the Achilles and introduce you to the troops that are gathering."

Stone smirked, "Only the finest for the Marines. Every formation a parade, every meal a feast, every paycheck a fortune, and to think....I could have retired and left alllll this behind." Stepping aside, bowing slightly and making a flourish towards the doorway, "After you sir."



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