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Trying To Relax

Posted on 23 Jan 2011 @ 9:47am by

589 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M7: Shore Leave - Mercer Colony
Location: Mercer - South Beach
Timeline: Current

Tika sat on the beach on the planet's surface. She'd finally decided to take some of the shoreleave time that was being offered in shifts. There was so much paperwork involved in her job, she'd barely had time before today. Now, she was going to chase all her cares away and simply bath in the sunlight. She let all the stresses of the Federation's current situation fade away.

She was laying flat on a colorful beach chair, her legs folded and her arms draped carelessly over the arm rests. She wore a pink bikini, if you could indeed call it that. To say that it qualified in covering anything was a stretch as it was mostly strings connected to ringlets that held small pieces of fabric in place over 'critical' areas. It was extremely revealing, just the way she wanted it. She only wore it because she could, and boy could she.

She'd been sitting for quite some time and had achieved a nice bronze tone. The day was ideal because she was alone on the beach, that is until after noon when families and couples of all kinds seemed to migrate in at the exact same time. The peace and quite she'd come to enjoy was now disturbed and she was not happy about that.

She heard a particularly loud ruckus coming from three men who'd arrived together. They were talking extremely loudly and they were even kicking sand around. Tika lifted the sunglasses that sat perched on her perfect nose and shot them angry glances. They were all very attractive, but this was a fact Tika decided to ignore.

She told herself it was fine, but after a few minutes she found herself marching over to their chairs, her hips swinging. She rubbed a gentle hand over the obvious artful tattoo that climbed from the toes in her right foot to her left shoulder, crossing her stomach like a sash. It had been the shame of her parents when they found out about it, but she expected that was the intention in the first place.

Tika approached the men and stood before them with her hands on her hips, waiting to be noticed. They took a while to be swayed from their loud conversation, but because of the way she looked, she had their full attention when they noticed her.

"Excuse me.." She said, her weak Hindi accent a bit stronger than normal.

"What's up?" Said the heavily tanned man who sat in the middle. His muscles were so well defined that Tika concluded he must work out for hours everyday. She was glad she had sunglasses on because she was sure she made a face, but she was yet determined to meet her goal of getting these men to shut up.

"You guys are loud." She continued.

The man in the center looked to his other two friends and they all smiled at her. "Yeah...what's your point?" Said the one on his left.

"My point is I'd like you to shut the hell up..." Tika said with a level of bitchiness any person would find difficult to emulate. She then turned on her heal and walked quickly away from them.

The man in the middle and his other two friends watched her intently as she left, their eyes fixed hypnotically on her backside. Her hips swayed from left to right until she reached her chair, where she sat back down.

The man in the middle looked over at his friends. "Jesus Christ, what's her problem?"


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