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Meeting the Department

Posted on 07 Jan 2011 @ 3:24pm by Captain Antonio Vazquez

1,054 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M7: Shore Leave - Mercer Colony
Location: Armoury
Timeline: Amost Current/takes place before 'Disaster Training'

Lyra hit the console on the bridge.
"Stupid computer" she said under her breath.
"Unable to comply" the computer replied.
"I wasn't talking to you!" Lyra said back silencing the voice. With the Achilles weapons array currently giving her trouble she decided to go and find someone who know how to deal with it.
"Computer, who is the weapons specialist on board?" she asked.
"Lieutenant Junior Grade Antonio Vazquez"

Lyra nodded and quickly left the bridge to find this member of her department. According to the computer he was in the armoury of the ship. Stepping off the turbolift car she walked down the corridors and towards the large bay doors of the armoury. Stepping inside she looked around at all the weapons rack, shelves and containers.

"Lieutenant?" she asked looking around for him in the maze of security and tactical equipment.

Her arrival having registered the moment she entered, Antonio looked up from where he was sitting. "Over here!", he responded laying down the small weapons tool he had been working with, a phaser rifle lay disassembled on top of the counter height table he worked at.

Lyra walked over and looked at the man and the rifle. "Upgrading the beam emitters?" she asked as she quickly ran her eyes over the counter top.

Antonio raised both eyebrows at her question as he stood up from his stool, and then shook his head, thinking he should since he had the thing taken apart. Disappointed, feeling as if his mind wasn't totally on his work, he rubbed his forehead, "I've been been weapons testing, this one didn't pass...", he looked at her pips, straightening his posture, "Lieutenant...?"

"Yes, well glad to know I have someone who knows how to handle one of these" Lyra said grabbing one of the rifles off the nearest rack with her right arm, swinging it around in a neat circle aiming it quickly at the test target in the armoury and firing a perfect bullseye.

"Lieutenant Lyra Belacque, Chief Security/Tactical officer" she said holding out a hand for him to shake.

Impressed, one corner of Antonio's mouth lifted into a half smile as he watched her handle the rifle, and it stayed as he took her hand, giving it a quick firm shake and letting go as he spoke, "Antonio Vazquez, Master at Arm/Weapons Specialist, Ma'am. I wasn't aware you were already on board..."

"I don't like to make fancy entrances, plus I need your help with the main tactical array. Its been giving me some troubles lately" she replied.

"What kind of trouble?" his brows furrowed as he picked up a maintenance cloth and began wiping his hands with it.

"Everytime I access the phaser emitters they seem to not be charging, Engineering said they were too busy to deal with it, so I thought we might be able to get some ideas?" Lyra asked.

Momentarily surprised at the last of her statement, he laid the cloth back down. "There are several possibilities on why...", he nodded thoughtfully, and started leading them out of the Armoury. "You were attempting to access the phaser emitters for targeting purposes?", he assumed more than questioned.

"Nope. I wanted to see if they were ready to be charged" Lyra replied with a slight smile. "I like to get to know my weapons when I'm at Tactical"

"Always a good idea..", he smiled back, and after securing the ship's secondary armoury, he lead them out through Main Security, "Phaser controls will need to be temporarily routed to auxiliary to locate the problem, Lieutenant. We can use the auxiliary station in your office..."

"I see" Lyra replied. "I'm new to Prometheus Class ships" she told him.

One corner of his mouth went up at her admission, "She's has a unique design, Chief...", he stopped just outside her office and looked at her with friendly eyes, his eyebrows raised, "May I call you Chief?"

"Chief, Lyra, Lieutenant, all the same to me" she replied with a smile. The door swished open and Lyra walked in, she hadn't unpacked the cramped office was small with only a desk 2 chairs and a console, but that is all she needed. The rucksack with her belongings in stood in the corner of the room waiting to be unpacked.

Antonio made a quick inventory as they walked in, and walked around her desk, smiling back as he did so, "If you need any help unpacking, Chief, I'm almost finished with my work in the armoury..", he leaned slightly over auxilliary station as he tapped on it's console.

"I'll unpack later" Lyra replied.

His mind now completely on the task at hand, he glanced back at her from the readings in front of him. "You said it was one of the main arrays, port or starboard?"

"Starboard" She replied sweetly with a slight smile. "It wouldn't let me access it earlier" she told him.

"Okay...", he said as he continued to tap on the console.."As the problem is specific to this particular array...", he looked over at her for confirmation that the remaining had been tested, "let us begin within it's prefire chamber within the EPS system"

Lyra looked at the shematics. "Prefire chamber seems like its stable" she said.

Antonio nodded in agreement, "Let us test it to be sure.." he replied, and then added a moment later, "It's not the chamber... But here..." he traveled along the diagram with a finger, "...the plasma energy flow from each individual emittor undergoes an EM spectrum shift and is then...released to the emitter crystals to create a rapid nadion effect." he leaned in more, studying it as he continued, "which from there is discharged from the crystals, then to flow into the neighboring emitter... It's not happening here. There's the source to the problem..." He pulled away from the console so Lyra could get a better look.

"Hmm you're right" Lyra said. "Lets get down to Engineering to sort this out" She added leading the way down the corridor outside her office.

"Chief", Antonio half smiled as he walked beside her,"Lyra...", and then he leaned over sideways to her as he pointed out, "Phaser Maintenance is on Deck nine".

And they headed off together.

Lt Lyra Belacque

Lieutenantjg Antonio Vazquez
Master at Arms/Weapons Specialist


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