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Posted on 02 Nov 2010 @ 4:59pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,426 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Location: CDO's Office
Timeline: Back Post - MD 3 - 2000

Ayren was screening the Padds for more information on the Lucaran, when Ops interrupted her.

"Miss Kelan, there is in incoming call for you from the Klingon Empire....."

Slightly surpised, she wondered. ~X'ae?~ She knew her beloved cousin had had shorel eave to join her mate, Charg, for the bat'leth tournament on Ogat. Last time they spoke, she related how he had won and that she was so proud, but her hybrid Klingon niece looked very disturbed and refused to speak further over the subspace channel.

She only mentioned that her father, was indeed alive and that a lot had happened, before the usually proud X'aedell seemed at the brink of tears and cut the channel. She only later sent a written message that she was ok.

"Patch it through here, please," Ayren said.

The channel was not the usual communications channels used, it was a private House channel. ~From Qavat'el TigH~ Ayren thought, now alarmed. "~The seat of the House of Torath, X'ae's House......~

She swallowed hard, and braced herself.

X'aedell mother and Ayren's father were brother and sister. Yexanna, X'aedell mother, had married Karagh, a doctor from the House of Torath and one of the sons of Mu'rgh, the head of the House of Torath and a High Council member. However, during a deep space mission, when X'ae was 12, their vessel got overwhelmed by a Borg probe and her father was assimilated. It seemed that the Borg got distracted and left.

Only one Vulcan man, Zarvek and a few children had survived. X'ae being one of them. They were reached three days later by a federation starship. X'ae was found to sit at her mother's lifeless body, the last act of her father to save his wife. This was so traumatic for the adolescent hybrid betazoid girl, that she had a complete empathic and telepathic breakdown. Betazoid mental barriers were only partially developed at that age and X'aedell were bombarded with not only all the emotions and fears, reactions and screams of the crew being assimilated, but some the Borg voices also penetrated her vulnerable mind. It was only through the Vulvan barriers Zarvek had put in place thought extensive mind melds during the three days, that X'ae had remained sane. She had no memory of the incident, only was was told her.

She came to live with Ayren and her father Edriar Kelan, a famous diplomat and now the Command Division Advisor for the Obsidain Fleet.

X'ae did not speak for more than six months.

Now Xaedell had informed her a few weeks ago that her father Karagh had been freed from the Borg collective years before, but had been stranded on a planet in the Beta quadrant, where he and a few others from the same defect probe had recovered enough to eventually make their way back to their families and homes. He had found X'aedell.

X'aedell's face appeared on the screem, a grin on her face. She knew that Ayren would have been worried, so she immediately smiled widely. "I am ok......"

"I see that...." Ayren said tentatively, still disturbed.

"Ok.... “ she put her hand up to halt a barrage of questions from her cousin. She was barely older than X’aedell, but had always acted as if she was the older sister. “First things first. I am ok and I will tell you everything. Actually I wrote you and will sent it to you….it is too much…†she started wanting to move on quickly. ~Where do I start actually?~ In X’aedell’s mind, ones thing were over, it was hard to retell everything. “Anyway… I am getting married here on Quvat’el TigH and I want you to be here….†She said smiling brightly, her eyes sparkling. “Charg will send D’anal a formal invitation as well, but I wanted to ask you face to face..â€

Ayren was still reeling from seeing X’aedell and to hear that she was fine….nothing ever changed with her, everything moving fast and furious. “Married? Great! …Congratulations!†She and Charg had been in a blood oath for a while already, but had not formalized it, like herself and Da’nal. “Of course I would love to be there…!†she said with reserved excitement.

This was not the place to tell Ayren that her own uncle, Kretorg had sent an assassin after her, that she had a brief mind meld with that very assassin, that Charg had challenged Kretorg in a rite of Vengeance, that they had had a vicious dual in which they were going to kill each other, that she had intervened and that her father had been accused of betraying the Empire and that he had stored the evidence in X’ae’s DNA and that he would be cleared. No…. that was all too much.

“I need you here…. Ayren….†She said simply….

“I want to be there X’aedy… “ she said and suddenly wished she could just hugged her and hold her. Her reservations made way for true happiness for this troubled cousin.

“Good! I know … I know…. That it is up to Da’nal and all that, but try ok?â€

“Of course…. Da’nal is very close to Charg, they come a long way…†Ayren commented. “By the way, did you get hold of my father?†she asked.

“Yep,†X’aedell grinned. “He said he was close enough to make it… he just needed to confirm… I am so excited… ! My friends from the Merlin will also be there,†she smiled

There was something that Ayren had always dreaded: Klingon worthiness testing tradition… “By the way… are you going to be *tested*?†she asked, biting her lower lip.
Xâ€ae waved dismissively. “Yeah…. Ky’lara, the House mistress here did explain some stuff to me… it is really ridiculous…†she said.

Ayren pursed her lips. “X’ae is it serious stuff…isn’t Charg affiliated with the House of Martock?â€

“Yeah….†Xae said in a *so what* expression.

~That little fact had not penetrated X’ae’s mind….yet…~ She sighed. “Just try your best and bring honor to your husband and House…†she tried.
“Yeah yeah…. Got to hunt targ and make candles and stuff, what could be hard? And I have to cook a meal among other things, she mused. “Gotta go.. let me know..ok?†she urged Ayren

“I will, love you X!â€

“Love ya tooâ€

The channel was disconnected, leaving Ayren shaking her head. As wild as ever, X’aedy…

[Captains Quarters]

Da`nal read the invitation from his friend. It had been some time since they had spoken. The announcement of the wedding and invitation to the accomanying ritual, while not unexpected reminded him of his past with Anita...but that memory quickly faded into his memories with Ayren...then into thoughts of the future.

He would someday have to set aside the federation uniform and take up the mantle as the Head of a Klingon House. Did he marry Ayren...or remain single and hope to seal an alliance or enter into some other political marriage? Those thought were quickly set aside. His father was in excellent health, and would never force such a thing on his son.

Looking in an Ahkil who was educating his children on the teaching of Kahless and the history of the Empire. He grinned at them as the both looked up to their father. "I shall return shortly."

Ahkil bowed her head slighty, "Yes, my Lord."

Is wasn't long before he was entering Ayren's office. I looked as if she was preparing to leave for the day. "I assume you have heard?"

Ayren was aware of him approaching and she packed up her last things. "Yes," she answered. "I just finished a conversation with X'ae....Do you think we will make it?" she asked obvioulsy hoping for a yes.

"Its possible...we may miss some of the preliminary festivities, but we should still be able to make the main events."

"X'ae would really be happy and I am sure Charg would appreciate you being there," Ayren said obviously relieved and walked towards him, so they could leave. "And you will meet my father," she asked smiling as she tiptoed to kiss him briefly. "Did I tell you he got promoted?" she asked him as they left her office.

"No you didn't. Finally, if it hadn't been for that petaQ of a Captain over in the 14th Fleet he'd have had his own command by now.


Ayren Kelan

Capt. Da`nal


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